Heavier than last week
then, Max reps at 75% of work weight from today
Post loads and reps to comments.
(e2/4) Compare to 2.17.11
Tabata Deadlift 275/185
Post Rx and total Reps to comments.
Congratulations to everyone on their performance at the CrossFit Total last night. How did everyone do? Post results and reflections to comments! Also- thanks to everyone who came in or stayed late to watch the Total. Your support really goes a long way!
No Active Recovery this weekend
Coaches Shane and Fox are going to get USAW certified this weekend and won't be around to teach A/R class on Saturday. All other classes are on as regularly scheduled.
The Brooklyn Bun
On Sunday, April 17th the first ever "Brooklyn Bun" is going down at Prospect Park. This event is a 20K bike followed by a 3.3 Mile Run. CFSBK'ers will receive $10 off registration with a special code provided by us. Is anyone interested in competing? Post interest to comments and email David(at)CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com to get the code.
Take todays 10 Minute Mobility Squat Test and see how you do. Also- learn a little about foot mechanics and flexibility. Mobility WOD
Check out this new way to assist pull-ups CrossFit
Some push-up pointers to increase your push-up quality and quantity
Eating Wheat Gluten Causes Symptoms in Some People Who Don't Have Celiac Disease Whole Health Source
How to Find Real Food at the Supermarket Flow Chart Darya Pino PhD
Dearly Beloved,We will soon (March 26) be gathering there (503 1st Street, Brooklyn, NY) to celebrate the joining of this man (Peter Hoppmann) and this woman (Ann Helmer) in Holy (Moly!) Matrimony. Pursuant thereto you should plan on being in attendance at the palatial digs of the kind and generous Chris Jesinkey to join in the aforementioned celebration. We’ll have some food and some music, and if you bring it, some booze. We’d love to see you there.Love,Peter & Ann
Day: March 26, 2011Time: 3:00-9:00Where: 503 1st Street, Brooklyn, NYWhat: Open House ReceptionWho: You and all the other cool kidsWhy: Celebrate Our UnionBYOB
ps. This is a secret from our families, so don’t be pasting this up on facebook and getting us all busted! The “real” wedding is Memorial Day weekend in Kansas City. Our families will be there, so ixnay on the eddingway.
RSVP to petehoppmann01@hotmail.com so we have some idea of the #s.
Yay totallers!
The Total last night rocked– thanks to Jeremy, Margie and Paulie for the coaching and judging.
As part of my year’s goals set in January I made what I thought was an ambitious but attainable goal of 800 for this total, which would be up from 725 in October. Needless to say I am super stoked to get 825 (!) in addition to 3 PR’s.
Lift made:Squat: 300, 315,325 (50# PR)Press: 135, 142.5, 145 (10# PR)Dead: 335, 355 (40# PR)
My only missed lift came on my very last attempt for a 375 dead lift, which would have been amazing, so personally, this event was a major success.
I find a fire inside of me that is hard to get in touch with during the day-to-day, much less explain, but it makes me feel alive in a way that few things in life have ever done.
I hope I never hear anyone at the gym complain that they aren’t strong enough: there’s a proven solution right here, strength cycle is a science and a surefire way get strong. Props to Jeremy and David for creating and offering this amazing program for us.
I have no bike racing experience, but yes, would be very interested in the B-Bun (odd/fun name). Good excuse for me to buy a helmet – I will be a quite sight on my broke-ass Jamis Citizen. Also, I have been totally killing it on the slopes this season – dunno if any of you ski, but crossfit is THE way. I have so much more technical command and my buddies have all seen/commented that I am a much different athlete out there. I owe a big thank you to all of you – this is where constantly varied/functional mobility/high intensity meets reality.
Thanks so much to everyone who came to watch and cheer (and celebrate after!). My fellow cyclers, you did awesome last night and I’ve enjoyed spending most of my free time with y’all the past two months. Jeremy, you rock the house. And all the coaches and friends who have offered support, you’re amazing! Seriously, full of gratitude for everyone today!
I made 527.5 for my total, a 75 lb gain on the total I did in December (and 155 lbs on the August total…)Squat: 215 (50 lb PR)Press: 72.5DL: 240 (25 lb PR)
And yes, CF/Strength Cycle has totally upped my snowboarding game as well.
ALSO: Today’s the last day to RSVP for this week’s rest day dinner (tomorrow, 8:30, Takashi)
Hey folks, congratulations on the big prs!! that’s awesome! Sorry that I couldn’t be there!
hey folks!
i know the nyc half is now less than a month away, but is there anyone that was dying to run it? if so, please email me ASAP at shpaddock AT gmail DOT com. Team Fox has a last minute entry that we’d love to fill, but must do so by tomorrow!!
max reps: 16 @ 85
tabata dl 225 – 30 total reps
i noticed fwiw that crossfit made me strong enough to ski ok despite my technique deficiencies. One problem was actually that I am so used to being on my heels it was hard to get onto the balls of my feet properly.
Push presses45x565x385x3105x3x3
Rep out @ 75lbs–20
Tabata Deadlifts @ 185–41
Pullups 5×4=20Situps 30/25/20/15/10=100Pushups 10/5/5/5/5=30
Watching the total last night was a fully immersive and nerve-wracking experience. It was super exciting to see some massive amounts of weight being moved around. Congrats, all!
Tonight. Yowzers! My arms, oh my arms!
Push Presswu – 33×5, 53×5, 63×3, 70x3work – 75x3x3Rep Out – 58×20
Tabata Deadlifts @ 135# – 65
Oh, my arms! (and my hands!)
WU: 45x5x2, 75×3, 95×3, 105×3
Work: 110x3x2, 115×3
Rep out: 12 at 85#Accessory WOD: 4 (145 lbs, 43 reps, 7-6-6-6-5-5-4-4).
Felt pretty weak today – all around.
one of my Paleo Challenge goals was to get a certain close family member on fitday, logging her stuff.
i never thought she would do it… but she has. not only that, she did it for a few weeks running without telling me, then POW hit me with her good news.
totally made my day.
Nice, Michele!
Push Press155x3, 160x3x2120x13
Tabata Deadlift49@275
Samir – those are way to many warm up reps at too close to work weight. And if you felt weak, why the increase during the work?
Warmup:-dislocates, flag poles, hip mobility-12 hard pulls on the erg x 2
Push Press:-(drills at 45 then 65×3, 75×3, 85×2)-work: 95x3x3-rep out: 14 @ 75lbs.
Tabata DL’s:-32 @ 185lbs.man was that a tough one. happy that my lower back is not hurting today!