Max Effort. Use today's double to help you set a goal for the 1RM at the end of the cycle
Post loads to comments.
(e4/8) compare to 2.19.11
For Time:
21-15-9 Reps for Time of:
Consider scaling this up with a weighted vest and/or chest to bar pull-ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
Happy Birthday, Coach Nick!
CrossFit Total Tonigh at 6pm!
Good luck to all the Strength Cyclers gearing up for their CrossFit Total tonight at 6pm. All are welcome to come on down and watch the displays of strength and will power. 3 Cheers to new PR's!
Save the Date!
On Saturday, March 5 at 6pm, SBK will celebrate the end of our 2011 Paleo Challenge AND our 1 year anniversary at Degraw Street with a potluck. The first one was such a delicious success that we wanted to give you all another chance to show off your skills with the slowcooker and celebrate . If you missed the last one, don't let it happen again!
We will also be awarding our top Paleo Challenge success stories with a slew of sweet stuff. Check it out:
Top Male and Female each receive:
1) 2 months of 5x/week membership
2) A LuLu Lemon "shopping experience" valued at $100
3) A steak from Grazin' Angus Acres valued at $40
2nd place Male and Female:
1) $300 cash
2) $50 gift certificate to Bierkraft
3) A steak from Grazin' Angus Acres valued at $40
3rd place Male and Female:
1) $150 cash
2) A steak from Grazin' Angus Acres valued at $40
All post Paleo Challenge write ups and "after" photos are due by March 1st. Please email your follow up to info(at)CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com with the subject "(your name)'s Paleo Results"
What song are you currently listening to a lot? Post a you tube link to comments.
Dearly Beloved,We will soon (March 26) be gathering there (503 1st Street, Brooklyn, NY) to celebrate the joining of this man (Peter Hoppmann) and this woman (Ann Helmer) in Holy (Moly!) Matrimony. Pursuant thereto you should plan on being in attendance at the palatial digs of the kind and generous Chris Jesinkey to join in the aforementioned celebration. We’ll have some food and some music, and if you bring it, some booze. We’d love to see you there.Love,Peter & Ann
Day: March 26, 2011Time: 3:00-9:00Where: 503 1st Street, Brooklyn, NYWhat: Open House ReceptionWho: You and all the other cool kidsWhy: Celebrate Our UnionBYOB
ps. This is a secret from our families, so don’t be pasting this up on facebook and getting us all busted! The “real” wedding is Memorial Day weekend in Kansas City. Our families will be there, so ixnay on the eddingway.
FSQ145x2155x2165xfail (didn’t go low enough on one)165×2
WoD21-15-9 Burpees15-9-6 Blue band pullups7:49
Good luck on the totals tonight. Turn this up as loud as you can, and bite the ass off a bear today!
did the front squats last night:(45×5, 95×3, 135×2, 165×2, 185×2) 205×2, 210×2, 215F (on the first one)my old 1RM PR was 220 last november, so i’m hopeful that i can get at least 225 next week.
Break a leg, totalers!!!
This is the bandleader Tito Rodríguez, the great rival of Tito Puente, in a 1964 “fuck you Puente” masterpiece that is one of my favorite songs to listen to, dance to, and get pumped up to.
Congrats, Peter!Missing these guys a lot.whatever…http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=viaTT859Yk0
This is a remix by Henrik Schwarz of Sudanese musician Emmanuel Jal. The song was part of a campaign for the Sudan referendum vote this past January. I was already familiar with the song but heard it played on a phenomenal sound system this weekend and it blew my mind.
Emannuel Jal – Kuar (Henrik Schwarz remix):http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQVpUxi1Mvk
I would love to hear this in the gym!
Hello Hello,This is one of the songs I’ll be listening to before the lift tonight..
GUANO APES – “Open Your Eyes”(not only is it a cool song! Its also.. well you’ll see)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlQ4e81IPTc
Good luck tonight Strength folk!!! Unfortunately, I have plans tonight, but if I finish early I’ll stop by and hopefully catch the end!
Have really enjoyed the youtube links so far, especially yours Bethany! Keep them coming! Well, maybe except you Jim. 😉
Sifl and Olly!!!Enjoyed listening to some music I wouldn’t have otherwise heard this morning. Keep it coming!
I just heard this last night
The Cults: “Go Outside”
7AM this morning:
FSQ 145-155-155.This is my old 1RM. Decided not to go up for the last round when I sort of stalled for a bit during rep 2 of the second.
WOD: 6:48 Rx’d.
some newish indie-pop from Young Galaxy
Jess, I’m devastated. That means that I am giving your husband “If you want blood” the next time that I see him!
I always have a hard time deciding, will it be Mogwai or Radiohead who will write the score to my biopic.
Hello from a PM Foundations member!I was told you all might be interested in a 90’s party some friends and I put together.
Party Like it’s 1999, Thursday, 2/24, Bell House, starting at 8 p.m.:http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=162898097092803
Lace up your Docs. Tie a flannel around your waist. It’s a good time. And in keeping with this post, I’ll be requesting:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbBka2PcU5o
‘the magic’ by joan as police woman:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPqVig-ggMw
Fox, Radiohead must. Good luck on the totals, sorry, I will not be able to make it.
Good luck everyone.
hey,another foundations puppy here. I agree with Fox on Radiohead…then I found these guys a few days ago. Not sure if you can warp an Mp3 file, but i’m pretty trying.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pib8eYDSFEI
WOD w/25# Vest5:58
First time doing a WOD with a vest. It sucked, big.
Random question – anyone out there have a van/large SUV/Pickup they would be willing to trade for a Jeep Wrangler on Saturday? Email me at proberts05@gmail.com if so. Thanks!
First off, great job to all the CRASH-B folks!Second, good luck on the total tonight.
Front squat went something like 175×2, 185×2, 185x2WOD was in 5:32 I think.
The Total was awe-inspiring! So many great lifts and great moments. I hope y’all are very proud.
WU: 45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 165×2
Work: 175×2, 185×2, 195×2
Accessory WOD: 7:53 (15-9-6 chin-ups, 21-15-9 pushups to stepups on box)
didn’t make class tonight, which I’m super bummed about cuz I haven’t made it in yet this week.
I am, on the other hand, really excited to hear about the total and to celebrate the Paleo challenge winners… and all who participated!
love this song. love this video. enjoy.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpaPBCBjSVc
Total mania!
First class in nearly two weeks! So glad I could make it. Feeling tired in a good way now.
FSQ: 135, 145, 155. Great partnering with Dan today – thanks for keeping your eyes on my bar angle! This felt okay – hip made it’s usual communications but nothing escalating.
WOD: 6:20 Rx’d. Great fun chasing Theresa and Melissa today.
crappy front squats this evening at work gym
since I didn’t actually lift that much heavy I decided to do 185x5x3 which went ok.. got pretty messy at the end
then the wod was 9:06 or something.
You guys. Did you see the “new” way to do band-assisted pullups on the main site? I thought it was pretty cool; I’m going to try it and hope I don’t accidentally hang myself.
I miss you all. BUT I am making friends at my new gym and hating it less, so that’s good.
Stay in touch, kiddos. And keep Pittsburgh in mind for your next vacation/honeymoon/pilgrimage.
Posting for completeness.
Did the front squats at 185, 205, 215. All went pretty well. Second 215 was a real fight.
Did the wod as RX’d in 5:55.
Went out really hard on the first 21 burpees doing them fast, then was pretty low on energy for the rest of the wod. Very different from being winded, it felt more like my muscles were lacking fuel than like I was out of breath. I think this was the impact of the Keto. Very interesting.
Front squats: 115, 120, 125
WOD: scaled to 15-9-6 burpees/pull-ups because of shoulder pain. Scaling was good, I wasn’t hurting more afterwards and I was able to do most of my pull-ups in sets of 3s and 2s: 6:26
Front Squats 2-2-2(45×5, 75×5, 95×3, 105×1)115, 120, 125*
*One of these was probably a little too shallow to count as a real rep
Burpee/Pullup WOD: 7:42 with white band. The pullups slowed me down a lot more than I expected.