Complete the Following For TIme:
50 Double Unders
50 KB Swings 32/24/16kg
40 Double Unders
40 Box Jumps 24/20/16
30 Double Unders
30 Push Ups/Modified Push Ups
20 Double Unders
20 Pull Ups/Vertical Ring Rows
10 Double Unders
10 Burpees
Post times and Rx to comments.
Skill Work
Backward Rolls
Headstand Practice
Happy Birthday Maggie G.!
Strength Intensive A Cycle SOLD OUT
The A Cycle of Coach Jeremy's Strength Intensive sold out faster than a Justin Bieber concert. We look forward to seeing a new crew hit some major strength milestones over the next 8 weeks.
Remember, the current cycle will be wrapping up 8 weeks of hard work with their CrossFit Total. Each athlete will get 3 attempts at the Squat, Press and Deadlift to hit a new personal best. We wish the participants luck and hope you join us to show support this Wednesday, February 25 starting at 6pm. Join us for one of the most electrifying nights in the gym.
C.R.A.S.H-Bs Today!
Stay tuned to the blog today for updates on how Charmel, Collete and Dan do at the 2011 C.R.A.S.H.-B Regatta under the iron fist of Coach Nick! Good luck guys!
We're heading into the last week of the Paleo Challenge. How are you feeling? What are your impressions of the experience to this point? What are your post-Challenge plans?
Will Eating Whole Grains Help You Live Longer? Mark's Daily Apple
Want to Live Longer? Switch to Whole Grains Time Magazine
In a show of solidarity for the CRASH-B-ers, I just rowed a 2K on the erg in our hotel gym. You kids are crazy. Good luck!
There was a high school / college age girl there in a singlet. We had a chat. She rows at 1p. She loooks like she means business. She owns her own singlet.
Nice WOD, even with major subs thrown.
Subbed squats for DUs; step-ups to 24″ for box jumps; push-up to step-up on 20″ for burpees. Volume remained the same. Finished in 12:14.
WOD11:212 pood and a 24″ boxWhoa…This really wrecked me.
Cut the DUs in 1/21 pood (50 unbroken–shoulda gone 1.5)24″ Box–some step-ups mixed in there, mostly jumps.Blue band pullups. Pullups still not responding in WoD conditions.
Did 40/30/20/10 situps afterwards.
Feel good.
Hi everyone –
I just wanted to thank the many people who pitched in Friday to make the rest day dinner so much fun.
Craig was a great sport to open his lovely apartment to us. Andrew (chili), Noor (curry) and Rob Is (meatballs) – thanks for the eats! I think there was also a kebab appetizer at some point – whoever brought those, thanks!
Ariel and Jenna J. – thanks for the extra hands in the kitchen. All those people who tried to get me to eat – thank you for the sentiment; next time I will actually listen.
Ariel – seriously if you don’t stop always being so nice to me I’m going to freak out. I totally don’t deserve it.
Big ups to the STRENGTH CYCLERS for representing at this event – can’t wait to root you on on Wednesday!!
Oh yeah, Paleo challenge is on track! Outside of some major violations on Valentine’s Day, Ann and I have been holding steady. I’m @ 184 and holding, down from 196.
Future? I’m going to ride the caveman wave as long as I can… forever.
deficit dead lift 278.5# x 5 x 3 (this is where you stand on a 2″ platform making the start and end lower)
20 shoulder to overhead (i used push jerk) 125#40 burpeesin 5:24
I have been using 115# for overhead wods like this so I stepped it up a bit, but still well below the rx of 185!
WOD: 11:0325# KB, right arm20 inch box plus 25# plateModified push upsRing rows
Paleo challenge has been great, I have learned a lot about myself through this whole experience. It has been a huge lifestyle change for me and I hope to continue once the challenge is over (after I eat an ice cream sandwich from bierkraft).
Michele you are a superstar in the kitchen! Thanks for the amazing food (I want every single recipe, thanks.) and thanks to Craig for hosting!
Comp class:Deficit Pulls:(95×5, 135×5, 165×5, 185×2)work: 195x5x3-wow, these were much harder than I expected. Had to reset my breath and back with each rep. Good stuff though.
Wod:-20 Shoulder to Overhead 185/115-40 BurpeesTime = 5:38ish @ 95lbs.-Probably should have done 105 since my first 10 overhead were unbroken. Burpees were awful, all at a very slow but steady pace.
Enjoyed working with the boys today! Seriously hard for me to consider Carlos as a “Masters” competitor…but that just means that those other guys better watch out!