As Many Rounds as Possible in 15 Minutes of:
5 Ring Dips
10 Pull Ups
25 Sit-ups
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Skill Work
Candlestick to Roll
Elevated Bridges
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Kelly Starrett does an MWOD at CrossFit South Brooklyn
Rowing Seminar Today
Today at noon Coach Nick will be hosting a Rowing Technique Review and conditioning workout. Get Stoked!
CrossFit Gymnastics
This was a pretty tough WOD, largely because the ring dips gave way pretty quickly and because the situps proved to be very exhausting. I did 5 strict chins, and switched to bar dips at the start of the 4th round – the dip fails were taking up too much time and just wearing me ou.
5 rounds total + 3 bar dips + 3 strict chins (this last bit because Nick and I were contending for the bar).
Had to change this one up.
15:00 AMRAP15 kettlebell swings (35#)15 24″ box jumps25 sit ups
4 rounds + swings + jumps + 15 sit ups.
Candlesticks were fun, not as hard as I thought they’d be. Which probably means I was doing them wrong.
Scaled the dips down to bar dips.
5 rounds total plus 5 dips, 10 pullups, 14 situps
Second day in a row I came just short of finishing a round. The extra kipping and double under work from January is paying off in these WODs though. Now only if I could not be posting from the office on a Sunday.
Let me just say that Atrophy sucks.Had to scale dips into push ups.Sit ups were ok, but gassed me in the later rounds.Tore hands on pull ups.
5 rounds + PU + 5 Pull up.
I need to get into class more!
a LOT of things are getting better -the bodyweight WODs like the one today make that so easy to see. six rounds even, with scaled pushups and ring rows for the pullups.
Nick’s rowing workout was *cool.* I am a complete and total beginner on the ERG, so having such personal coaching and feedback is tremendous. Felt like I went from totally clueless to having a half a clue today, and I’ll take that, you know?
Also NIck yells really loud when you are rowing and that is fun by itself.
We did three pieces at 9 minutes each. Best part was the final 60 seconds of round 3 – to go as hard as you can, you have to dig pretty deep after all that work. I liked it.
Am up to my eyeballs in duck fat. Holy crap. The Julia Child cookbook is out. I’m not fucking around. (at least I hope I’m not… )
The duck and bunny butchering was pretty rad and only a hair grodie. I’m still plucking hairs and feathers from these wings.
Had a fun 9am with Laurel — today was the first day that the tumbling matts came out and I wasn’t barraged with a case of the dizzies.
WOD: 7 rounds + 11 situps with scale-o-rama – elevated push-ups on 4 (these are getting lower and better) and ring rows in lieu of pullups– my hand callouses are feeling hurty, so I didn’t want to mess with banded pullups.
Now back to the monstrous amounts of duck cooking happening in my kitchen.
Scaled pushups for bardips, blue band pullups, situps for situps.
5 rounds +5 pushups + 2 pullups
did white-banded bardips after for fun 10, 3. Lost 1/2 my margarita weight and am back down to 183.5.
scaled this back–started with dips and then switched to paralette push-ups starting with the 3rd round. did 5 pull-ups instead of 10 (always in just two sets!))5 rounds + push-ups + pull-upsthe sit-ups were surprisingly hard.
Fun body weight WOD.
Scaled to sets of 3 bar dips, because that’s all I can do. Even then, last 3 were just lowered from the top, no up component.
Scaled pull ups to 6 in deference to bad left arm. Felt about right.
5 rounds + 3 dips + 6 Pull ups.
Elevated bridges feel real good.
6rnds + 5ring dips, 10 pull ups, 5 sit ups.
This was all about the dips for me. 6th & 7th rounds were 1’s and 2’s and I failed several times before that last rep. Pull ups and sit-ups were still going strong.
DUs which I used to hit in the teens and 20’s have really gotten bad lately. Tied 2 knots in my rope and did much better today. It would be great if I just cut my new rope too long.
Really excited to have completed all regular CFSBK programming for the week! Once again, thanks for the new wednesday a.m. classes!