Today's lifts are done at a 2-2-X-1 tempo. Use a submaximal weight for this first exposure, emphasize consistent, correct posture during your lifts.
Post work load to comments.
As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes:
5 Deadlift, 225/155
25 Double Unders
Scale this workout so that the deadlifts feel heavy, but doable, mostly in unbroken sets of 5 or 3/2 in later rounds. Prioritize your ability to achieve and maintain a neutral back angle. Scale the Double Unders such that it won't take you more than about a minute and a half to complete your reps.
Post Rx and time to comments.
Melissa L somersaults over a barrier
A reminder to everyone attending SBKitchen's, "Of Ducks and Bunnies: A Class in Butchery" tonight, please bring a cutting board or butcher block. This class sold out in a matter of days and we couldn't be more excited to bring it to you. Here is what the participants will learn:
Butchering and preparing an animal from start to finish is the most self-reliant, responsible, creative and cost effective way to feed yourself well. Ben Granger (aka Bierkraft Ben) and Coach Margie (aka his sous chef) will teach you how to truss and take apart a duck and a rabbit using proper knife skills. We will cover a variety of cooking methods including roasting, braising, confit, making stock and rendering fat. From bill to fluff, you will walk away being able to get the most variety and value out of your food.
This is a fully hands on experience; each participant will take home their butchered duck and bunny, as well as a boning knife.
Rowing Seminar and Workout with Coach Nick Tomorrow
Coach Nick will run another rowing workshop this tomorrow (Sunday 2/13) at noon. The group will do a 10 min. warm-up/technique session, and then to a hard WOD. Be sure to come well rested!
Email Nick(at)CrossFitSouthBrooklyn to RSVP
The SBK Paleolilith pulls some successful 500m rows.
Nicole M conquers "Skinny Jeans" with Paleo
Apparently 3 margaritas = 5 lbs…. can’t say as I’m pleased with that equation.
Tempo FSQ 45×5, 95×4, 115×3, 125x3x3. Tough getting those third ones off the bottom.
AMRAP 10 minutes5 DLs @ 185#20 DUs
7 rounds even. Good to have Joe and Matt to drag me along.
Partnered with John for front-squatting.
WU: 45×5, 95×3, 115×3, 135×3
Work: 145x3x3 (70% of 1RM) – probably wasn’t “exploding up” as much as I should have been.
Accessory WOD: subbed 25 air squats because of, wait for it, peroneal tendonitis. Ouch.
So, 7 rounds with 185 lb high trap-bar, 25 air squats.
This was murder on my quads. Front-squatting, trap-bar, air squats, it all added up. But in a nice way.
Considering the lack of exercise this past week (only made it to the box on Wednesday), and high quantity of work (posting from the office), 8AM class went surprisingly well. I officially want to move double-unders out of my weakness column.
FSQ Work: 115-120-125, These felt good, right where I expected to be. Need to work on keeping my elbows up (external rotation).
WOD: I was 4 double unders short of 9 rounds with 175#. Very happy with this.
Excited for the butchery class tonight
tempo FS: (45, 95, 125) 145x3x3nice to work with Will–really helpful to have somebody else count the tempo. and i like the explosion part. hamstrings, yipes.
10 min AMRAP: 5 155# DL + 10 DU= 6 rds + deads + 3 DUsfirst couple rounds the doubles were 1s mixed in with lots of misses, but somehow mid-workout, the doubles clicked and they were coming in 5s or 6s. magic!
Fun noon class. Worked with Nick on FSQ and he gave me some good pointers. My FSQ is feeling a lot better. Did tempo squats at 135.
WOD RX’d 9 rounds.
On 2.18 the Paleo dinner will be a joint venture between yours truly (cooking) and Craig (hosting.)
Eating is training, and this will be an AMRAP.
Time: 8:30 PM (special late start as requested by strength cyclers – so come and get a tasty PWO meal prepared with y’all in mind.)
Place: Craig’s place, about 2 blocks from the box.
What to bring: Beverage of choice.
RSVP to: mignyc (at) gmail dot com for details and directions.
Rob Israel: I am in possession of your smoked Spanish paprika. I’ll bring it on Monday.
Jenna J: when will you be in the gym next? I have the slow cooker book for you.
My first real exposure to front squats today. This is gonna be interesting.
WOD: I’m still far away from being able to do a workout RX’d, but this was as close as I’ve come. Progress.
Thanks Michele! We just found a recipe that requires smoked Paprika.
I thought this was a Potluck, no?
FFront Squats: enjoy! Admittedly, I”ve done very few as low bar back squat is the lift of choice, but: I have read numerous trainers extoll the benefit of the fronts, and I have found them fun and challenging. Once I get to a place where accessory work is necessary, this will be first on my list.
Currently I’m reading Dan John’s “Never Let Go” (the oddest name for a book ever IMO since my first book may be named “always let go,” but nonetheless, he basically obsesses on front squats and has two intriguing workouts:1) Tabata front squats2) Front squat a heavy 8 and then run 400m. x3
I am RSVP’ing now for Bina and I. We have a meatball app that we must bring
Rob – I really want people to come even if they can’t cook that night. Anyone who CAN bring something – icing on the cake.
If 20 people show up empty-handed I will still feed them like a locker room full of linebackers.
That second workout you mention sounds like absolute hell. Can’t wait to try it.
The butchering was awesome; I want to do this every week.