Row as many meters as possible in 15 minutes
There is a 23 strokes per minute cap on this workout.
Can you hit 3000m? 3500? 4000?
Check out this video of Nick or Nick's Dad rowing. Watch the smoothness of their pulls, the relaxed recovery and the consistency in their technique. Take notes, people.
Post meters to comments.
3 Rounds NFT
8 OH Walking lunges witha Kettlebell, each leg
16 Hand to Hand Swings
8 Bent over Rows with a kettlbell, each arm
Post weight to comments.
This is the last Back Off Week WOD.
Resident badass, Teresa B hit 42 Unbroken Push-Ups yesterday!
No Mas Tuesday 7-8pm Open Gym
We are no longer holding open gym on Tuesdays at 7pm. Due to logistic issues, we're going to keep that time open for other programs. If you've got any questions or comments please email David directly at David(At)
How does your body feel coming into the new cycle? Which of the three movements we're focusing on this cycle are you most excited for? (Push Press, Snatch, Front Squat)
The SBK Paleolilith's 5 Week Wrap-Up
Prehistoric Pregnancy Booster now Fuels Diabetes Wired
Paleo Physicians Network
Happy to be back in the gym at 7am–hope it’s the beginning of a pattern. I worked 3 different weights for the KB complex, due to shoulder issues: 1 pood for the hand-to-hand swings; 12 kg for my left arm for the overhead lunges and rows; and 8 kg for my left arm for those movements. I liked the rows; I liked trying to keep my torso and back leg in a straight line.15′ row: 3378 I think. Focused on technique here, with a few power-20s thrown in.
I am scared of the snatch b/c of my shoulder, will definitely be going uber-light on those. Push press I think I’ll have to do strict press also b/c of shoulder. I’m excited for front squats.
I’m excited to be back in the gym!!
There is rest day dinner tomorrow!
Coco Roco – let me know by noon tomorrow and I’ll call in the reservation. 392 Fifth Ave. (btw 6th & 7th St.) 8:30, so those of us who want to do open gym (like me) can do so pre-dinner.
Email me: justin at
Rowed 3834m for the 15 min piece. Going one-on-one with the rower for that long really made me realize how much my form sucks.
That paleo physicians network is a great idea, but there are only 2 listings in NY state, none in NYC.
That’s because it’s user-populated – I am hopeful more will be added.
Love coco roco…wish I could go! Snapper is very good, but the chicken, it’s just unbelievable. enjoy!
I am just superstoked to come back to group classes for a bit of conditioning work, till I can figure out what will work in-season.I haven’t done a lot of metcon in the last 3 months, so we will see how this goes.
also here is a video of me pretending not to know what crossfit was for my web series
Gabrus,Great video!
Great video, Gabrus!
Im actually pretty skeptical of the Paleo Physicians Network website. I feel like it’s vastly over simplifying health care and prescription medication.. at least that’s what the image on the front page seems to imply. There is no information or research about using Nutrition to treat the vast scope of diseases and ailments or why someone would even consider paleo nutrition as an alternative treatment to traditional medicine.
Again, the website has almost no content, so it’s difficult to guess where they’re coming from. I think its easy to “demonize” doctors as pill pushing capitalists when that’s often not the case. Yes, the majority of our nation’s health problems stem from poor lifestyle choices and yes I would be stoked about a doctor that is informed on nutrition, exercise and stress management as preventative care for diseases. Bit IMO, for the PPW to be taken seriously I think it would need to have some additional reading to provide a little context.
3539… didn’t feel like death afterwards, guess I coulda thrown in a couple more big pulls.
Rowed 3619m in the 15 min piece. I just tried to keep the stroke rating low (20 spm) and the split consistent (2:05ish)–skipping the power 10s, etc. made it much easier. Hard but in a good way.
Other good news: strung 5 DUs in the warm-up and got a couple deadhang pull-ups throughout the evening. Paleo challenge goal accomplished.
3524, tried to keep steady pace below 2:10… mostly did.
Brilliant video Gabrus, very funny.
loved the video, gabrus! 15min row: 3648.
3831 on the row. The longer pieces really highlight the breakdown in form.