Odd Object Carries & Holds
40' Carries
1- Waiter's Walk
2- Rack Walk
3- Suitcase walk
4- Farmer walk
5- Bear hug walk
Holds – 1 min cap
– Waiter's hold
– Double rack hold
– Zercher hold
– Farmer hold
– Bear hug hold
Post experience to comments.
Back off week
Turns out, Posture is IMPORTANT
Big thanks to Kelly Starrett and everyone who came out for the CrossFit Movement and Mobility Certification yesterday. What part of the seminar had the most impact on you?
Early Bird CrossFitters…
Remember that starting this week we are starting our new 6am/7am Wednesday Group Classes. Three cheers for 7 days of AM CrossFitting potential!
Testemonials and Results Oceanside CrossFit
The Asshole Barrier CrossFit Journal
10 Tips for Success for the CrossFit Newbie CrossFit Delaware Valley
Ideas for Scaling for CrossFit: Karen CrossFit
Morning folks. Lots of takeaways but learning how to hunt for things was great. Deadlift work was helpful. My hamstrings are sore much lower after loading them before pulling. I’ve got a new PR coming my way. I can smell it!
I’ll echo JR, definitely a lot of good info about setting up lifts to maximize your “prime mover” potential.
Also, now I am constantly reminded of how twisted I am when I’m standing/sitting/doing anything. Gotta work on that.
Dear Strong folk at SBK,
Did you say you wanted constantly varied, functional fitness performed at relatively high intensity??? Well, I’ve got just the thing! As many of you know, Coach Fox and I are moving. Therefore, we are looking for kind souls to help us move this Saturday 2/12 at 10am. We currently live 2 blocks away from the gym on Lincoln Place and we’re moving to 25th Street. A truck has been rented and everything will be packed and organized for a speedy move. If you can help, please email me at jessicafox78(at)gmail(dot)com. We will compensate you with flattering comments about how strong you look while carrying boxes…and with food and paleo-friendly booze! So, put that functional fitness to the test! Come on down for the 9am group class, then stay to help us move! 🙂
Mobility cert was a great experience.
I was having trouble absorbing it all, I thought to myself that evening. And it’s tough not to get down about how much unknown and unknowable there is to learn.
But then the next day I went to lift, and put a couple of things into practice that he described – and yeah.
That stuff works.
Imagine that.
M&M with Kelly was great. The idea of the potential for a “speed wobble” in human preformance stuck with me. Meaning, small movement errors/dysfunctions, when applied across intensity, can have disastrous implications.
If your left knee goes in a bit when you box jump it seems like no big deal until, you do 100 box jumps, a few times a week, for weeks, and months, out of the year.
The little stuff matters.
Jess – I will be there to help load/unload.
Very good session with Alec and David today. Had some acupuncture on my shoulder and man, it messed with me a little bit. Heart started racing after lifts and movements. Kinda weird.
3RNFT 15 air squats with theraband, 10 push ups, 5 pull ups, :20 hollow rocks
FSQ 5×5: (45×5, 65×5, 75×3) 85x5x5Good, but this is a lift that I struggle with. Weight wasn’t so much the issue as organization through the T-spine.
Waiter walk 35#Rack walk 1 poodFarmer’s walk 25# plates (pincer style)Zercher hold 50# keg :15, :40 -supposed to be one minute, but i just pooped.
What struck me most at the cert was just how big of an impact things like set-up can have. And how much small interventions can matter. Inspiring enough to make me actually commit to at least 10 minutes of mobility work every day at least for the rest of the month.
Fun night at the gym. Waiter’s walk with 50# and 60# (only right). Farmer’s walk with 2 pd (?the brown ones). Zercher hold for 55 sec at 95# and the whole minute for the bear hug. And played on the new dip bars–5 in a row!
Lessons learned? My grip is getting better, push-ups help your dips, and I have really short arms.
katie – word about the set-up. that made a huge impact on me.
tonight was one of those zen cfsbk nights, and it takes a lot for me to say some bullshit like that.
nothing further except to thank laurel, and she knows why.
Strength intensive cycle B: volume day
Back Squat: 240x5x5That’s getting to be a lot of volume. I’m not sure I want to do 10 more pounds next Monday!
Bench: 150x3x5Worked on breaking the bar which help my grip. Overall best bench session all cycle tightness-wise.
Chins: 7, 7, 7. Felt much better than last week. Tight butt!
I then tried out Kelly’s setup for the dead lift some more. It’s cool, but it’s too many pieces for me to relearn before the total. I’m too slow to relearn a lift in 2 weeks. The Jeremy/Ripatoe method is just as solid (and puts you in the same place) but I do like that a lot of the work with the K-Star approach is done standing and not all the way down at the bar.
My biggest take away from the mobility workshop was that lacrosse ball is your friend (I’ve been avoiding it to be honest) and that increasing range has a direct link to performance. It’s well timed for my overhead press. Just last week I was not locking out well on my first set, I got with a band and the next set went up way smoother. The cert totally reinforced that and is motivating me to really try to open up my hips and shoulders more before lifting.
Fun night at the gym last night.
Waiters walks done at 50.Rackwalk 1.5 pood.Farmers Walk 2 pood.Zercher Hold. Major fail at 95 (about 20 seconds).Bear hug. 1 Minute at 95.
Not sure what made the Zercher so hard for me. Likely something I need to work on going forward.
Afterwards I played on the new dip bars! I figured since I pestered David for them so much I needed to use them :).
6 Dips, then 3, then 3 at 10lbs, 3 at 25lbs, singles at 35lbs, 50lbs, 60 lbs, 70lbs, 80lbsF. Then did 3 at 25lbs again. Followed by 8,8,6. Felt really good getting some volume in my dips.
Yes, fun night at the gym.
Waiters walks–45lb.Pincher walks–35lb plates (ouch!)Rackwalk–1.5 pood.Farmers Walk–2 pood.Zercher Hold–fail at 95, maybe about 15 secs total?Bear hug–50lbs.
I also then played with the new dip station and got my first dips ever!3, 3, 2 or something like that. awesome.