Brian gets his first taste of the Front Squat rack
Reminder No Classes this Weekend
All classes this Saturday/Sunday are canceled due to the Kelly Starrett Mobility Seminars. We will return to our regularly scheduled program on Monday.
Why not check out our world-class rock climbing gym next door. Our friends at Brooklyn Boulders can help you scratch your itch for a physical challenge this weekend.
Or perhaps get in for the penultimate weekend of ice skating on The Pond at Bryant Park?
Maybe unwind from Crush Week with a nice soak at the Russian Turkish Baths or Spa Castle?
SBKitchen's very first event hosted by Coach Margie and Beer Czar Ben Granger is already sold out!
What are your weekend plans? Football fans, who're you rooting for?
Gowanus Canal Inquiry Underlines Severity of Pollution NY Times
Here's to Jack LaLanne Mark's Daily Apple
A Food Manifesto For the Future New York Times
Weekend plans are mobility tomorrow, and then to Orlando for work conference, super bowl party, etc.
I guess I’d like to see the Packers win, for the fans. This thing is a coin flip so should be a good game. Two good defenses but Steelers prob have better running game maybe that gives them the edge. Having said that, when the Steelers blitz, I am sure that Rodgers will be all over his hot routes.
Root for the Packers, hope for a close game, and dream for an Eagles superbowl…..someday…
See you all at the mobility cert manana.
Anyone have a sous vide machine? Any feedback?
As for the weekend, I’m psyched for the mobility cert tomorrow. I forgot about the super bowl!
More pressing is the thought of 260×10 back squat tonight. I’m a little apprehensive.
Jr–ASF? I’ll be there too…
yep ASF. Same old same old! maybe see you around down there.
Here’s how bad “Danny” kicked my ass: I added 15 + 10 + 10 and somehow got 45 when I wrote my stats on the board this morning. And I am normally REALLY good at quick math.
Scaled it with 20 ring rows and push press at 35, not 45, pounds. Duh. 3 rounds plus 26 box jumps (I just can’t bring myself to say “26 BJs”).
I am chomping at the bit to do more but recognize that I need to rein it in for these first couple of months!
I dug this up for you. When you can complete it, you’ll know you’re in the cult
I just completed it in 7:25. After a little confusions as to how to do it. It’s a lot of “Old CrossFit” clues, I did it without checking any external sources ๐
…message to self: never, ever take 6 weeks off from crossfit…ever.
“Danny” this morning, awful….
Scaled it to account for my absence but still struggled feeling winded after the first round and taking a break to view my pre-work out coffee…again.It’s going to be a long road back, made easier i have to say with the encouragement of fellow cult members, Shane and Carlos this morning. Much appreciated fellas.
LOL. You may have just found the only crossword I can’t complete faster than a WOD.
David, did you just do a crossword FOR TIME? And then post it to the blog?
Maybe this IS a cult…
In other news, I’m also randomly in Orlando. Just landed. It’s 80 degrees.
monday’s DL/burpee wod 255#s in 4:28.
In an effort to be a grown up I scaled this back as I am still not 100% from flu. Now I wish I did it rx.
at first I tried to breath in and hold for each lift which slowed me down. Later I realized I couldn’t and it was not necessary. Just set and lift regardless of breath at this weight.
Turns out we don’t have as much as a cap on the number of people that can come to THE SMOKE JOINT for the Paleo Dinner tonight!!
I can definitely get more people in than I originally thought, so if you are at all interested in deliciousness, email me at, and/or meet us at Mulane’s at 71 Lafayette Avenue, by 7pm and have a cocktail before dinner!
Hope to see you there…
is anyone driving to the rest day thing from park slope/the box?
i could really use a ride. i super duper need some gym time before this party gets started.
Michele – Smoke Joint is close! Only about a 10-15 minute walk from the gym…and you’re an athlete…just sayin ๐
oh i thought it was in like bumfuck fort greene, which by the way i’ve never been to, hence my confusion about the distance.
I would like to make a request on behalf of the Strength class…
For the remaining (or at least some) rest day dinners, could we have them start at 8pm? Our class goes until 7:30.
7:45 or 8 for those from California.
Flag football belts were ordered earlier today!!! Big thanks to Shawn S. who went out of his way for me to add it to his order! Now, I just need to recruit ladies who want to play too…
Don’t worry Jess, I think have a solution to the gender inequality in the CSFBK Flag Football League:
@Jess- I’m in for Flag Football. Need a review on how to play since it’s been since, like, middle school gym class since I’ve played.
i am totally down for flag football–my family played all the time. tho we had a tough time not tackling some too…
I’ll join Flag Football! I’ve never played before but it sounds fun. ๐
I love flag football almost as much as I love the movie Ladybugs, count me in.
I did some Bulgarian squats at open gym, thanks to Margie for helping me plan a workout that didn’t involve my shoulder.
Big night in the gym today….
Strength Intensive Cycle B: Intensity day (rep out)
Squat: 260x10I did it. This beat by 5RM by 7.5 pounds. I had a strong 7 reps before they really slowed down. Rep 10 was a serious grind. A big sweat and completely out of breath, holy cow.
Press: 112.5 x 10Pretty solid until the end. At rep 9, I rested at the rack which meant I had to get the sucker back up overhead, but did and ground out both 9 and 10. Cool.
Dead Lift Rack Pulls: 315x5Pretty straight up. No story.
I’m just super thrilled to be still be making the the rep outs to 10 at this point– especially the squat. Very cool. Just two months ago I had to reset my 5 rep sets at 252.5 and I’m now doing 260 for 10. Bitchin.
That was awesome, Rob – I caught a peek. Also, Erica Nofi? Strong.
Big Friday night at the gym – awesome energy.
Juliana talked me into Danny, which was entirely not my intention, but turned out to be exactly the antidote I needed to a pretty rough 50-plus hour workweek.
Thanks to Joe for correcting my push press form.
Then rest day dinner at Smoke Joint. That was a LOT of meat on the table, folks! To thank us for our large order, the manager offered us a plate of free………
We explained that we did not consume this item, and he obliged with a very generous platter of MORE MEAT! Ribs, pulled pork, chicken, short ribs – all good.
Had fun doing the Deadlift/Burpee WoD w/ Sarah205 on the DLs–8lbs less than 75% of max, but still plenty heavy.Burpees are burpees.
Wild Friday night–is it always like that?GO PACK!