5 Rounds for time of:
5 Deadlift 275/185
10 Burpees
To scale the Deadlift up/down consider using ~75% of your 1RM
Post loads and times to comments.
Compare to 10.20.10 and 9.20.09
Luca L. keeps telling himself it's only a dream….
The train just keeps on chuggin…
Katie M 165
Ashley F 110
Ritchie Y 105
Stella 55
Kevin R 255 (PR Tie)
Jess F 125
Rob N 105
Robin R 95
Will S 145
Devi A 67
Aaron S 105
David F 160
Jon S 95
Allan E 145
Sameer 165
Andrew W 135
Kiki 110
Nick K 165
Eric L 165
Fox 195
Melissa L 105
JMD 155
Asta F 80
Damian 175
Ari 135
Dan H2 135
Carlos G 155
Dan R 225
Great work everyone on another successful OHS cycle!
Take your paleo-sity to the next level by learning how to handle a whole animal in the kitchen. Butchering and preparing an animal from start to finish is the most self-reliant, responsible, creative and cost effective way to feed yourself well. Ben Granger (aka Bierkraft Ben) and Coach Margie (aka his sous chef) will teach you how to truss and take apart a duck and a rabbit using proper knife skills. We will cover a variety of cooking methods including roasting, braising, confit, making stock and rendering fat. From bill to fluff, you will walk away being able to get the most variety and value out of your food.
Plus, playing with knives is fun.
This is a fully hands on experience; each participant will take home their butchered duck and bunny, as well as a boning knife. Please bring a cutting board or butcher block.
Limited to 10 participants. RSVP to Margie(at)crossfitsouthbrooklyn(dot)com by Monday, February 7.
Where: CFSBK
How much: $100 for a single (one duck, one bunny, one knife)
$120 for a couple (one duck, one bunny, 2 knives per couple)
Spent about 12 minutes hunting around on a foam roller today after my am clients, yee-ouch!. My upper body was/is sore as all heck. I may or may not have blacked out when I hit the back of my right shoulder in the lat/teres area.
I manage to have a healthy relationship (1-3 cups/day) with coffee only when I’m not cracked out on carbs, then it’s an all-day- into-the-night, raunchy love affair. Doesn’t matter for me if it’s sugar from fruits, grains, or sweets. My energy is MUCH more level without ’em. I would never give up coffee altogether though, that’s just crazy talk.
Now that 30 days without booze is behind me, my new February goal is to tame the coffee beast. I’m not sure yet exactly what this means yet because the thought of going off of all caffeine cold-turkey for 30 days is terrifying.
Then again the thought of not drinking for 30 days terrified me at the end of December and now that I’m on the other side I can safely say that fear was completely unwarranted.
Right now I drink a half of a french press in the morning and sometimes a large cup after lunch. When I type that out it doesn’t seem like so much or so unhealthy, but I never drank coffee before I moved to Brooklyn so that is still a lot compared to nothing. Maybe cutting down to 1 cup (not 1/2 of a french press :P) in the AM or even 1 cup of half-caf/half-decaf would be a good start.
Bethany – I cut my coffee consumption back from ~3-4 cups a day to 1/2 cup in the morning. It was a bit rough, but nowhere near as bad as I was expecting. I did it gradually and replaced my habit of coffee with hot herbal tea and even just hot water – this kept me getting up to walk around at my normal times AND gave me a distraction.
I’m up in the air about quitting completely because the current paleo challenge already involves giving up so many things. It is important to me to have some little luxuries and vices to make me feel human and happy.
karma gave me a nice, solid forearm to the throat today. to punish me for accidentally stealing fox’s water bottle, thus depriving him of life-giving water, the crossfit gods saw fit to reach down and smite my neck/upper back… the same region that was giving ol’ fox trouble. coincidence? I think not. as a result of the smiting, I was unable to complete the WOD. that’s a first, and I don’t intend to make a habit of it. super frustrating. next time I see that WOD, I will destroy it.
as for coffee, I have a couple cups in the morning and that’s it. the mid-day cup is a rarity and only occurs in extreme emergencies. especially now that I’m a month into strict paleo, coffee feels like a major indulgence and I think it would break my mind to have to give it up.
oh, and happy birthday frank.
I am currently drinking 2 cups of 1/2-caf every day and I like that balance. When I was pregnant I cut back almost to nothing by gradually increasing the ratio of decaf beans in my morning brew. I barely noticed a difference. So I definitely recommend that method.
I drink a big daddy coffee every morning, and then a tea in the afternoon…I’ll still try to cut back I guess…it’s not easy.
I am in like Elmer Fudd to cook some wabbit.
I’ve gotten my coffee down to 1 cup in the morning, and thats it.
For contrast, when I worked in the political world I used to have a cup of coffee in my hand from the moment I woke up to the moment I left work for the night (normally around midnight.) So this is better.
Although I sometimes feel a bit draggy on my drive home (mainly because the drive is reeeally boring and slow) I find that I can fall asleep in about 7 seconds at the end of the night. For me thats the goal.
I saw someone mention a day or so back that they had somehow eliminated the middle-of-the-night bathroom wakeup. Is there a way to do this? I feel like if I could get over that last hurdle I’d be a sleep all-star.
@bethany congratulations on 30 days no booze.
I went from one large mug of coffee in the morning and a decent sized coffee in the early afternoon pre-challenge to 1/2 a small cup of 100% decaf in the morning. The decaf still contains a little caffeine, but I don’t think it is having much impact. The test will be when I run out of the decaf in the next few days and go to no coffee in any form what so ever.
All in all I would say quiting coffee has been surprisingly positive. I feel much better in the morning, and it seems to have leveled out my energy and emotional states.
per Robb Wolf, Nightline broadcast delayed.
i like coffee and think i’ve actually increased my consumption over the past month. not good. gonna try to cut back. maybe take the decaf route?
oh, and I might be more sore today than I was the day after the marathon. not sure how my body is going to respond to burpees later…
I liked the W9 article on coffee, mainly because it made me feel good about my “relationship” with it. I was able to go from about 4-9 cups per week to zero without any serious withdrawal/cravings. Its actually been the easiest thing to give up and confirms my initial thinking that I didn’t depend on it at all, rather that I just enjoyed the taste and ritual of sitting down to sip on some while I did work. I generally had coffee mid-day or at night and usually didn’t feel a significant pick-me-up from the caffeine or notice it affecting my sleep patterns, I just think it’s tasty.
Moving into February, I’m going to keep it out, moreso because im not doing dairy and, no joke I take my coffee with about 1/4 of the cup being milk/cream. Really it’s just coffee flavored milk..
Congrats, Bethany!
Also- yes I heard back from the producer and the Piece will not air tonight
Got to play with the cool kids at Eugene CrossFit today
Warm-up: 12 minutes of crossover jump rope, which is my new nemesis.
WOD: Cindy. Got in 10 rounds plus 5 pull-ups.
Cashed out with a 400m run
@Paul – you posted that just to make me jealous didn’t you?
ok I am inspired by Bethany. I’ll throw a goal up there on booze.
Beginning today, during the week, no booze unless I am taking clients out. (realistic)
for the weekend, fri/sat/sun, no more than a 6pack in total.
That might not seem tough for some of you, for me, this will not be easy, and it’s sadly a significant reduction.
this weekend was the end of my 28 days with no booze.good times, not looking forward to doing that ever again
backsquat 320x5x3 PR (320 was my old 1rm)press 170x5x3 PRpullups 3,3,3 (def got my chin over on everyone)
I had loads of kinks to work out with the foam roller today — could have spent the whole afternoon on my quads alone!
WOD: 5:14 @ 155# and sub squat thrusts.
This was the first time I felt like I went heavy enough with a deadlift in a couplet. Completely exhausting, but good. The squat thrusts were the nail in the coffin for my already demolished legs. That was a long 5 minutes.
I haven’t touched a drop of coffee since starting the Paleo Challenge — like David, I like a fair amount of milk in my coffee, so it’s easier to just drink plain black tea instead. But I do miss going to the coffee shop. And the smell of coffee. And coffee ice cream… but that’s another story.
Gabrus was looking like a manly birthday beast squatting with all those plates on the bar today. Grrrr!
Did I join a monastery or a gym? Wait, I’ve lived in a monastery and they did more “stuff” than this group.
I almost said “they had more fun” but I realize it doesn’t take booze, wheat or coffee to have fun, but…
Whole 9 went too far with the dessert article and now they are inspiring sane people to cross the line.
I have one word for this crew: moderation.
Not “I drank 14 beers new years eve, but then I stopped drinking for 3 months.”
Not “I used do 32 espresso shots, but now I know coffee is wrong.”
Moderation. It’s when you create a balance between doing stuff that’s maybe not great for you, (but g*ddamnit, you only live once and it’s not going to give cancer if you drink a cup of joe a day) and activities that are healthy.
The dessert reference:At first I thought, “oh those Whole9 folks, very smart for pointing out that I’m playing mind games with myself in regard to dessert.”
But later on I realized– this city is hard. I need to give myself a break. I need to enjoy life. I need to reward myself. Is that so wrong? It’s now bad for you to reward yourself with the healthy food that only vaguely resembles a dessert to some crazed crossfitter? (think a Tablespoon of almond butter and a 1/2 banana).
Give me a break Whole 9.
As for all the coffee talk. It’s bad to drink too much. It’s bad for you to be addicted to anything. It’s proven to mess with sleep. It can cause cortisol problems.
Guess what? That’s exactly the same as exercise.
Please don’t take my rant personally if you posted on the “I’m quitting everything” side of this thread. This post is for the silent dissenters and to keep a dialogue going by posing an alternative POV. There can be a scary morality in the nutrition world (think vegans) and I think it’s good that our community is OK with both sides of the coin. However, I am not trying to criticize your quitting coffee. Or booze. Or whatever.
That said, I’m drinking milk after my workout and may just have to follow it with a whiskey when I get home. (No, not 5, just 1). And a cup of coffee tomorrow morning. (OK, 2 cups of coffee tomorrow morning.)
Congrats on the PR Gabrus! Huge numbers!
Warm-UpFoam Rolling
2 Rounds NFT of10 SeeSaw Presses with 25lb DBs15 Russian KB Swings with the 20kg5 Strict CTB Pull-Ups10 Hollow RocksLeg Stretch on Squat Racks(That sounds like a lot more than it felt like)
Deadlift/Burpee WOD @ 275I completed 3 Rounds plus 4 Deadlifts in just over 3:00. Then I hyper extended on the 5th rep and my lower back seized up on me and I had to call it quits. When you extend a muscle too rapidly, as a defensive mechanism the muscle contracts to protect the joint and holds on until you get it to chill the F out. So, I was bummed that I had to quit the WOD, especially that I felt like every round the Deadlifts were feeling lighter and 3 rounds in I barely felt fatigued. I was feeling really really good on this, like excited while I was doing it at how easy everything felt then Bam! Oh well. A little ice and rest and I’ll live to fight another day.
Rob, nice notes on moderation.
5:04 @ 185#. Went very light and slow on the DLs.
6:02 with 195# high trap-bar. Still working my way back.
WOD: 6:30 @145lb and squat thrusters. Wanted to experiment with squat thrusters to see if it put the met back in my metcon and sure enough it did!
6:17 @ 185#. Almost a minute slower than October but on the way home I realized today was my 5th workout day in a row… Oops. No wonder.
Rippetoe was right, being stronger makes you harder to kill: proven!
Think I may have left my phone at the gym. It’s an iphone with a white cover. Please let me know if anyone finds it
Dan, your phone is in the top drawer of the orange cabinet below the sign in desk
(while sipping. Kentucky bourbon)
Strength Intensive Cycle B: Volume day
Squat 230x5x5Ist set was a bit rough but got it moving nicely.
Chns: 6,6,6Seriously? These are getting worse. Maybe i’m gaining weight. My right shoulder (supposedly my good one), totally barked at these. Maybe its the whiskey, bi-weekly milk and the coffee.
Accessory work: horizontal ring rows. 10x3Not as low as I want but less vert than pone. good pull on a horizontal plane.
Mig’s Pain-O-Meter
Featuring Things That Have Actually Happened to Me. Ten=Hell.
10. Oral surgeon inserts novocaine needle directly into nerve.9. Significant other discovered in flagrante delicto with a mutual friend. The one who set us up.8. *********TODAY’S WOD**************7. Acute food poisoning6. Frostbite and the lifelong nerve pain that follows.5. First teenaged hangover: sloe gin+kool-aid.4. Toothache I ignored for three years due to lifelong dental phobia (see #10 and #1).3. Acute plantar fasciitis **TIE ** allergic reaction to “organic” hair bleach.2. First time being waxed.1. Being hit in the face by a car in the second grade (no memory thereof but Mom sure didn’t enjoy it.)
My chins also did a nasty dip in S-cycle. I realized it was likely because I eventually started lifting a LOT heavier, so no WONDER they got harder.
They did bounce back though 🙂
NorCal Margarita
Hey Rob,Liked your post.today’s Wod: 5:45 @225# with trap bar.
Rob- Really, really nice write up. Very much nailed some of my feelings about the Whole9 guys. I like them because they have some good perspectives on some of the diet issues (eat real food, quality first), but sometimes they don’t realize how small their world is. Most people have so many variables in their life that adhering to the asceticism the 9ers preach is unrealistic and misguided. Although they did cop to eating tacos (!!!!!) when they were in Mexico, so I guess we are all human after all.
The WOD crushed me. My body is still not used to recovering from exertion and hitting it again the next day. I felt ok during warmups, scaled the DLs down (245) because my back was real tight from Cindy. Clock started, I think I hit two deadlifts and then felt my whole system go “WTF MATE?!?!”
The next 7 minutes were pretty agonizing.
Please body, round your ass back into shape.
Good News:First actual handstand today
Bad news: 2 rounds @ 155lbs, and 3 @ 135lbs after David stripped 20lbs off the bar cause my back was rounded out; 5:51… bummer
Is there a name for when you get weight taken away because of form?? Can we make one? It should be humiliating…like…whipped or shucked what…?
EAT MEAT WITH ME THIS FRIDAY, AT THE SMOKE JOINT PALEO DINNER! Meeting at Mulanes at Portland and Laffeyette at 7pm!
Lets eat!
I am going to come down on the other side of this whole moderation debate. What I am going to say is not, to never have booze, never have coffee or never have sweets/carbie snacks/starches.
What I am going to say is sometimes to not have these things. 2 months in a year is moderation. 12 Months a year of booze, carbs, caffeine, gluten, etc. is not moderation. That is habituation.
There are lots of interesting studies that show that ketosis can retard or even destroy cancer. It is an entire metabolic pathway that modern diets never allow our bodies to experience.
Our paleo challenge is a baby step towards the idea of having our body use all of our metabolic path ways. Aka Moderation.
On the one side you have 12 months per year of a glucose fueled brain, and no periods of pause in which to allow your body to destroy cancers and repair its insuline sensitivity.
The other side is say 10 months of the year as normal with 2 months clean/paleo/ in my opinion optimally ketogenic. To allow healing and repair and to have a bit of a mix up, rather than being immoderate by using one source of brain fuel for your entire life.
Beware thinking that the current paradigm is moderate. It is extreme.
7 mins DIY Warmup:-foam roll lovin’ on quads, lats, pecs-samson stretch, air squats with a couple squat jumps-in attempt to try and wake up my sore legs.-couple pushups, dislocates, flagpole, scap pullups
12 mins Handstand Practice:-I’m getting much better. Definitely had several seconds of a good hold.
DL/Burpee WOD:5:35 rx’d at 185lbs.-This is 8 secs faster than when we did it in October. Given how incredibly sore I was, I’m happy about that. 185 felt really heavy today and my quads were so sore that it hurt just to get in my setup position. All rounds except the last were unbroken.-I think I can get this sub 5.