As Many Rounds as Possible in 20 Minutes of:
5 Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Squats
Post Rx and rounds to comments.
compare to 3.7.10
Teresa B warms up for a Heavy Single
CFSBK Group Class Programming Notes
Starting today, we'll be programming a "Crush Week" of WODs before starting the back off week on Saturday the 5th. Our normal cycle of programming will continue on 2/12. Here it is all spelled out for ya:
1/30-2/4 "Crush Week"
2/5-2/12 Back Off Week
2/12 New cycle of programming starts.
The movement pool for the next cycle will be:
The Snatch, Front Squats & Push Press
SBK Competition Team Athletes
We'd like you to get a dose of doing multiple WODs in a day while managing pre and post WOD nutrition. Most, if not all, CrossFit competitions involve multiple events in a day and what/when to eat can be critical to performance. We'd like you to get that dose this weekend. While not mandatory, you are all strongly encouraged to come to either the 10 or 11am group class today and do the WOD, replenish your stores, and come back for the noon SBK Team Competition Class. If you come to the 11am class let the coach know you're also doing the noon class and you will be allowed to get started right away so you'll have time for a snack in between.
What to eat? Nothing new to your system. Something small and easily digestible. You need some protein and some carbohydrate, but nothing too heavy, and little to no fat. Fat slows digestion, which is not good here. You don't want a 1/4 pounder to be sitting in your stomach come WOD time.
Boiled egg and a few dried apricots
2-3 oz Chicken and a 1/4 sweet potato
1/3 -1 cup Chili made with lean ground beef chili and butternut squash
*1/2 serving Whey protein and carb (malto) shake (*During events, only do the whey shake route if you've done it before and know you handle it well)
Sign up for the Hail to the Queen Throwdown on 2/26/11! A Women's only CrossFit Competition!
A New Recipe from the SBK Paleolilith
good luck to everyone. I must say that I have enjoyed having a spot on the leaderboard for this WOD, and was really surprised to see my name still there when I was in a few weeks ago, but I know a bunch of you will crush my score today :).
Sat out the box jump warm up in deference to my ongoing (yawn) back problems. But was impressed by the air that all the jumpers got in the 9 am class. Cindy rx’d: 14 rounds + 5 pull ups +6 push ups. Pull ups and push ups pretty much unbroken until the last four rounds. Limiting factor: squats. That’s right! yikes, my legs feel gelatinous.
i miss all you guys.
I’ll be back soon. 🙁
Today was a really fun one.
I love high box jumps. Got 46+3/4 inches. Fun working with Samir, Laurel and Nick. I think I had maybe another inch in the tank. I think this was a PR by about 1/4 inch.
Cindy. Surprised myself with this one. Felt like I would be significantly short of my old PR, but actually just barely past it.
16+5 Pullups. Old PR was 16+2 pullups. Ha.
Nice to see so many old school faces at 9 AM, may have to make a habit of coming early just to see everyone.
We miss you too, Shawn!!
11 rounds + pull ups + push ups. Well short of a PR.
Didn’t get an exact measurement on the box jumps, I think the last I cleared was the 24″ box + 4 45lb bumpers and a 25lb bumper.
First day back at CFSBK after a 38-day vacation in India, which was awesome, though it entailed a severe relaxation on my part of dietary and workout discipline (i.e., I didn’t eat paleo and I didn’t workout except for a half-Cindy and a half-Angie early on). I gained 8 pounds, and felt pretty out of shape by the end of it all.
I got back into NYC yesterday evening after a 13.5 hour flight from Doha (which followed a 2 hour flight from New Delhi). Needless to say, my bio-rhythms were up in arms (I was up at 2AM this morning and couldn’t go back to sleep). Doing Cindy was a perfect way to shock them back into shape.
I finished 10 rounds + 3 pull-ups (doing strict pull-ups). I did 11 rounds last March. It should get better as I get back into shape over the next few weeks. I’m looking forward to it. I’m too late for the Paleo Challenge but I plan on doing something similar to help this process along.
wah, cindy
box jump46″ w/o step50.5″ w/ step
Box jump 41″
Cindy 15rnds + 5 + 1. Push ups were the limiter, really slowing down around rnd 7. Pull ups and squats unbroken.
Comp class was inspiring to watch. When I grow up I wanna be like those dudes!
It’s funny you mention the quarter pounder. My high school track coach broke 4 minutes for the mile for the first time shortly after eating a quarter-pounder.
Where should I go to find a queen…
That joke never gets old.
Box Jump: 49″ w/o step and 52″ w/ step
Cindy: 17 rds + 5 Pull-Ups & 7 Push-Ups
Got first 10 rds in 8:30 then energy level dropped. Gotta work on that.
“Cindy”21 rounds + 5 Pull Ups
Very pleasantly surprised with myself on this. This was my 4th CIndy and a PR by 3+ rounds. Push ups felt strong. I paced myself by breaking off chunks of 5 rounds instead of marking each round. At 5, 10, and 15 I was able to check in and keep a good pace without redlining (until the last 2 minutes when I was stoked to see 20 about to happen). Previously my tendency was to go bananas for the first 5 minutes and then die off significantly.
Then, WOD with the SBK Competition Kids
15-10-5 Power Clean @ 1655-10-15 Handstand Push Ups
This didn’t go quite as well. 2 HSPU shy of the 12 minute cut off. Hadn’t kipped HSPU in a while and felt akward with the movement, so I did almost all of them strict. Once I had a fail I knew I was in trouble.
SO nice to be back in the gym and hit not just one, but two WODS!
took “Cindy” somewhat easy. first real workout since being sick for over a week, so paced it and got 10 rounds + 5 pull ups + 5 push ups
mini break with some snacks
comp. class
kipping HSPU practice – hard! first time trying and had some issues getting into a rhythm.
WOD15-10-5 power clean @ 1155-10-15 HSPU (w/ 2 abmats)
DNF. 12 minute cap and got to the last set of HSPUs but was 8 shy of finishing. the kipping seemed to come together a bit more during the WOD, however still tough and frustrating. the power cleans weren’t so bad.
definitely happy to be back in the gym, see everyone and get in good workouts. hoping to avoid the sickness the rest of the winter!
Caption contest on the olde facebook machine
Box jumps–got to 30″. Not close to a PR, but good enough considering how crappy my legs felt on the way over.
Cindy = 8 rds + 3 pull-ups + 10 push-ups + 15 squats(yes, I know I went out of order. I noticed big work-inappropriate hand tears coming into the 9th round and decided three reps in that I really needed to stop. I had time for those 2, just didn’t want to bleed). Last time I did this at the end of November I got 7 rds + 3 pull-ups so this a big jump. Even got the first round of pull-ups unbroken!
Cindy:13 rounds + 5 pullups + 3 pushups.-happy about this. 2 full rounds more than last time. My goal is still 15 rounds and I’ll get it next time. Pushups continue to be the limiting factor. All pullups and squats unbroken.
Comp Class WOD: (12min cap)15-10-5 Power Clean–scaled to 1055-10-15 HSPU with 1 abmat-Had 6 HSPU’s left when time was called. Boy was this hard!!!
Doing the 2 wods with minimal rest in between was really hard. I can feel all the soreness settling in already.
Cindy: 15 rounds + 1 pull-up. This was a PR! Last time was 14 rounds + pull-ups and change. This surprised me, I am not really expecting to PR until I am a bit more regular again – definitely push-ups are the limiting factor.
Didn’t do the competition class – I find that my recovery is still not up to where it was last year at this time. I’ve just missed too much time in the gym. Sounds like a great workout though!
Cindy 16+Pullups+Pushups
Still getting my legs back under me after 3 months of no metcon. My strategy on this was to try and keep moving steadily through it, I think right now if I redline I will just not be able to pull it back together.
Pullups felt really good and fast, pushups fell apart towards the end. I used the squats to recover, if I hit this again in a few months I can shave some time off by getting the lead out a bit.
Did not envy the competition cats any…that WOD looked brutal. HSPU’s are such an ego shatter-er.
First Cindy. Bitch left me with awful man-hand calluses.
9 rounds + pull-ups + 5 push ups. (pull-ups in blue+white bands and elevated push-ups)
Had strategically missed Cindy in the past, so this was my first rodeo. Had no expectations and was thinking 7-8 rounds, so 9 felt good, though I’d gladly trade all the pull ups plus half the push ups and just do that many more squats, if anyone wants to make that a WOD.
Also never really measured a max box jump before today– Sarah H. was a good partner, as neither of us had any need to show up the fellas jumping basically over our heads. We went slow and steady and maxed at 27.5″ (thanks, Noah and his magic tape measure) when time was called. I think we both had another couple inches in us, but no need to be high-jump heroes. YET.
Forgot my high box jump! 46 3/4″ which is a PR by an inch and 3/4. Weeee.