5 Rounds for Time:
Row 300m
6 Clean and Jerk 135/95
12 Clapping Push Ups
Post loads and times to comments.
Love is in the Air
Join us in congratulating Ariel K. and Ben W. on their recent engagement!
Also join us in congratulating SBKer-for-life Steph "Snip" Wilson and her fiancee Neal who got engaged this weekend as well!
We wish both couples the the best!!
Robb Wolf Teaches the Kipping Pull-up Part 1 & Part 2
The Paleo Pitch Whole 9
Hey guys,
Bought a Skins compression top, one size too small. Its going to cost me an arm and a leg to ship it to England so I threw it up on craigs list if anyone is interested. Brand new, medium, never worn. Here’s the link,
Congrats Ariel, Ben and Snip! Much love and happiness guys.
Evil wod today
did this with 105 lbs and 6 clappers
made it in just under the cap
my clean/jerks are very slow… i require a lot of cycle time.
Small classes today…Where were the rest of you at?
——-Paleo check-in time:Sleep has been better, 90% of the time. I’ve been feeling really good and satisfied with less food. I’m still doing no fruit or starches. Most days I’m eating only 2 meals (which is odd for me, a consummate snacker) and my weight loss has been steady and aggressive. Down ~10 lbs and bodyfat is visibly diminishing. I’ve had a few small cheats – 2 whiskeys last Sunday, a roasted potato wedge that came unexpectedly on a plate of steak and veg. Last night we caught up with good friends at a Mexican restaurant. Paleo friendly option was steak and guac, which was great. Unfortunately the 4 (count ’em) margaritas I had were also great 😉
The low-carb thing has been great for fat loss but it’s also left me with no real gas to speak of on Met-cons, accordingly I’ve scaled back or given myself reasonable cut-off times. Soon I’m going to need to cycle paleo starches back in a few days/week.
Did today’s WOD as a 15 min AMRAP135# with the clap (just like me as a high schooler)4 Rounds + 145mC-pups got hard, and the C&Js felt laborious.
How is everyone else doing/feeling during the Paleo challenge?
this was my first exposure to clean and jerks – fun!
muchas muchas gracias to Fox for the push scaling the weight. it felt tremendous to finally get a bit gassed by a metcon.
Congrats Michele on finding that redline, I’ve found myself eagerly looking forward to you lying dazed in a pool of sweat, in the best kind of way.
So after some deep thought, hemming and hawing, and feeling generally crappy for a week I’ve decided to get back to group classes and metcons. All the milk has been killing me and I’ve just been feeling achy and creaky and not very crossfitty.
I’m gonna dive right into the Paleo Challenge, and try to make up the month I missed in zeal and enthusiasm. I’m about 20 lbs heavier than normal so the first few weeks are gonna be reeeal interesting. I’m gonna row in the basement every morning on an empty stomach to try and accelerate my dough-burning a bit. Looking forward to it.
that’s what all the boys say, Noah.
i didn’t mean to not answer Fox’s question in my post -our posts crossed in the interwebs.
so i want to say that after hearing Fox talk about really cutting out starch and fruit, i tried it. i’ve been struggling since day 1 of this challenge and needed something to snap me out of my funk – HOLY CRAP that worked.
by worked, i mean i stopped praying for the embrace of the carbohydrate angel arms (thanks Baz for that indelible metaphor) and just ate a bunch of meat at all my meals and felt great.
everything clicked into place in the space of about 24 hours. i stopped being hungry between meals. meal prep got easier. i stopped trying to game the diet with piles of “officially” Paleo starch (hello, maduros!) that i don’t need. felt better, felt a weird kind of steady metabolic spark. finally started dropping weight. sleep MASSIVELY improved – if i lay down to watch the evening news, i fall asleep.
i’ve never done that. ever.
i guess i don’t have a sense of whether less carbohydrate is hurting my workouts because i am new to metconning. so i’ll not worry about that yet. i’m keeping the rest days restful, working on my fitness goals, cooking at home a veritable SHIT TON (loving that) and trying to learn as much as i can from y’all while continuing to whip Juliana’s ass all the way from a different hemisphere.
executive summary: yay.
For those chocolate fiends among us, it’s time to stock up: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-01-23/ivory-coast-cocoa-exporters-told-to-stop-shipments-for-a-month-by-ouattara.html
Word on the interwebz is that the Nightline Episode will air on Tuesday night. According to someone’s facebook who apparently has more information about it than i do!
I think maybe Ben waited to propose until I could DL over 200.
Thanks for the well wishes CFSBK!
17:43 w/ 12 claps & 125# c&j
Just made Fox’s Bang for your Buck Chicken. Amazing!
Challenge check in: I’ve been super happy with my compliance so far, and reasonably happy with the results. I’ve been very low-carb, and the first couple weeks definitely left me dragging in the gym a little. This week it picked back up, and I’ve been feeling fantastic. High hopes for the next few weeks!
results? what are results?
oh, something that probably happens when you can also GO TO THE GYM. Graaarrrgh.
yes. back to being patient, then.
300 m row6x95# clean and jerk12 pushups, no clap
I ran into the 20min cap after 4 rounds and 98m on the erg.
The pushups degraded very quickly. I think that’s where I lost most of my time.
And I only scraped my nose twice on the c+j.
19:00 with 95# and elevated push-ups.