(E 6/8) Sets across. Use your rep out from your last exposure to base your sets of 10 on.
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Compare to 1.15.11 and 1.12.11
Four Rounds for Max Reps:
1 Minute Pull-ups
Rest 30 Seconds
1 Minute Kettlebell Swings
Rest 30 Seconds
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These weights were made for walkin'
It's like the CrossFit of Knowledge
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A: CFSBK's Josh D.'s youtube show "The Professor Show" Learn everything you can from The Professor in 90 seconds.
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Phood Philosophy: Nutritional Relativism Whole9 via Robb Wolf
Strong: the Movie (60-minute Joe De Franco Documentary) Team-Andro
Belated Friday workout:
Back SquatWarmup: 45×5 95×5 135×5 185x5Work: 205x3x5
PressWarmup: 45×5 75×5 95x5Work: 107.5x3x5
CleanWarmup: 55×3 75×3 95x3Work: 120x3x3
@Joe – Are you doing sets of 3 reps? I think maybe you mean:205x5x3, etc…
Weight x Reps x Sets
When no weight is in the equation, as in todays OH Squats, then it’s written out as:
Sets x Reps
Sometimes you’ll see it as:
Sets x Reps @Weight
Have I confused anyone?
Actually very helpful. But what does 1-1-1-1 or things like that mean? Is that four single reps?
Also, three cheers for Coach Nick. I did the rowing technique class with him (cannot attend Crash B’s…), and it was phenomenal. Thanks too to Will and Stephanie, who also answered a bunch of questions for me. I really appreciate everyone being so helpful. A lot of fun. I am very interested in seeing how much improvement I can clock merely through coming up with correct form. Exciting. Thanks again.
OHS’s with Ryan and Willie — we got to play on the big kids equipment and kilo plates.
OHSWarmup:45×10, 95×8, 115x5Work:155×10, 166×10, 177x10BW@171
Rowing with Nick was awesome! Fatigued as hell and really need to wear different clothing…
ohs fun with nick
wod – 1pd 63pu/94kb
oops i think that was 73 pu
OHS: 95x10x3
wod: 69 PU/51KBS
I went to the rowing tutorial which was really fun/helpful. Thanks Nick!
/Goes through Q-R-S mnemonic David suggested the last time I was confused about this subject.
Dammit. Yes. 3 sets of 5. 3 sets of 3 for the power cleans. FML.
thanks Nick!
Good OHS day with Aaron and Robin.(33×5,45×5,55×3,65×1) 65×10,68x10x2
WOD: 4 Rounds of AMRAP pull ups :60, rest :15, KB swings :60, rest :15 12Kg. KB. 44 PUs, 124 KB swings
OHS:(33×5, 43×5, 53×3)68x10x3
WOD: Switched to the white band for rounds 3 and 4 because I wasn’t getting my chin over the bar in round 2. My pull-ups have really been suffering lately, not sure if it’s lack of strength or technique or both? 14 pullups + 25 white band pullups/107 KB swings @ 1 pood.
Love this picture.
Realized that I missed the backsquat cycle and that therefor have not done them in several months. Decided to hit a little starting strength style workout.
LBBSQ: (45×5, 75×5, 95×3, 115×1) 125x5x3Press: (45×5, 55×3, 65×1) 75x5x3DL:(95×5,135×3,185×1) 205x5Strict Pull-up: 9,7,5
Everything felt good. Had to fight to keep square in the squat, so stayed lighter than I would like to have gone to work on my hip position.
Then home for second lunch. yum.
Warmup:-droms-Partner med ball tosses: chest pass, wall ball style, overhead
OHS:(45×5, 65×5, 70×5)work: 75x10x3-thought about going to 80 for my work sets but warmups were feeling heavy. After my 1st work set, I realized I needed a slightly closer grip, which made all the difference.
WOD:Pullups: 15-15-13-15 = 58KB swings: 29-28-24-24 = 105-definitely a forearm fryer. there were many times during my last 2 rounds of kb swings were i really wanted to drop the kb.-used the black grips for the 1st round of pullups, but i didn’t feel comfortable using them. i like to actually feel the bar.