Dan H3 concurs the Muscle Up last friday!
Due to a filming segment for ABC's Nightline with Robb Wolf and Art DeVany, we will not be holding Open Gym tonight from 5:30-7:30pm. Wish us luck, everyone!
The Paleo Potluck is tomorrow! We've got almost 50! people attending. Huzzah!
Tough Titsday is fast approaching!
We've only got one slot left for Coach Margie's Tough Titsday starting on 1/18. Check out this article Margie wrote on "Getting Ready to Squat" for some related reading. Do you know how to properly approach heavy loads from a mental and physical standpoint? If not, she sure does. To learn more and to register, click here!
What TV shows did you watch as a young kid?__________________
Paleolilith: The Paleo Diet's Secret Mistress
Nuts and Omega 6's Marks Daily Apple
Mitch Gaylord: Olympic Excellence
Good morning you animals!
Shows as a kid..obviously bugs bunny, superheros. I was big on gilligan’s island, different strokes, and..I know I am going to regret this, but it’s just the truth, a heavy does of Little House on The Prairie. I don’t have an excuse for that, it happened.
What’s the WOD for tonight?
Hey Sameer,I did it. 😮
really? it looks a lot more like Dan H3 *conquered* the muscle-up, but maybe he just concurred that muscle-ups are damned hard? don’t let semantics take his victory away!
morning cartoons consisted of: GI Joe followed by My Little Pony while I ate breakfast and waited for the bus. Weekend cartoons were definitely He-man and Looney Toons.
Evening TV was our “family time” and included The Cosby Show and Married with Children. I know there were others but can’t remember right now.
Question for the crew: how important is the post workout meal?
I fast for 24hrs 2x/week and have adjusted the schedule to fit better with my family life (so I’ll eat dinner Sunday night, then go without eating until dinner Monday night for example). This also used to work well with my workout schedule since I would get an evening workout at the tail end of a fast and then stuff my face. Now that I’m crossfitting in the mornings, I’m not chowing down right after some workouts. Will this affect my gains/progress?
@Dan B I am sure that there are some experts that will chime in, coaches, etc., but from the things that I have read, that PWO meal is pretty important
Depends on what your goals are.
For strength-focused gains, with or without a desire to put on weight, eating PWO is quite important.
Less important if those are not your goals.
I commend you if you can work out semi-fasted and continue to fast afterward – I can only imagine such personal fortitude!
@Dan B. If you are fasting for 24 hours twice a week I am guessing your metabolism is quite fat adapted and pretty good at making glucose from protein sources for muscle repletion.
The major reason for a post workout meal is to be able to work out again soon. This is especially true for longish metabolically taxing workouts. If you are waiting 24 to 36 hours before working out again there is not much that the post workout meal will do for you.
Some people believe that a post workout protein meal is necessary for muscle growth. I haven’t seen any scientific studies or biochemical mechanisms supporting this, but I also haven’t seen a solid refutation. That said general protein and calorie surplus is pretty essential for muscle growth and fasting could make getting sufficient calories and protein more difficult.
The biggest issue is how you feel. If you are hitting short metcons with a day plus to refuel there isn’t really much need for a post workout meal.
Plus if you are trying to lean out the most workout meal can be destructive to that goal. As I am guessing you know fasting and then working out is a trick of depleting the stock pile of glucose and glycogen and then demanding energy such that the body is force to use fat as fuel. Refueling too soon after working out could blunt this effect.
I generally go with Rob Wolf’s rule of thumb. Unless your sleep, food quality, stress management and training are all spot on, fasting may be a road to far. Basically his view as best I can understand it is that if you have a decent amount of bad stress then fasting is just piling onto your body when it is already beat up. But if you have everything dialed in then it can be a beneficial stressor.
Fav TV shows as a kid: was the tv before school: Smurfs, GI Joe, and then after school before HW was Tale Spin, Darkwing Duck & Duck Tales.
Knight Rider, A-Team, Muppets, Tom & Jerry, Loony Toons and other WB cartoons, Hanna-Barbara cartoons, Smurfs, and Saturday Night Live when allowd (when it was good).
Too many TV shows to mention. But let’s see… The Brady Bunch for sure, American Bandstand, Soul Train, Banana Splits, HR Puffnstuff, Ultraman, Johhny Socko’s Flying Robot. God, the list goes on. I watched EVERYTHING. We are currently watching the Mary Tyler Moore on Apple TV.
I was pretty much raised on/by TV…still am.
I forgot one more TV Show that I couldn’t live without
21 Jumpstreet.
Pulled pork was GREAT but I was up til 3:30 cooking it 🙁
Elementary school: Scooby Doo, Superfriends, Fat Albert, Brady Bunch. Love Boat.Jr high and later: 21 Jump Street, definitely. Degrassi Junior High!!
Thanks for the feedback on fasting guys. I’m feeling fine and not trying to bulk up so maybe it’s a moot point. Just wondering if I was making some sort of rookie mistake.
Dan, you should check ou the leansgsins.com protocols for fasted workouts. Robb Wolf recommends his approach and he’s got various plans for various work out times. He’s a big fan of BCAAs which may help offset any extra stress you are putting on yourself by not refueling,
My understanding is that you are risking cortisol issues more than anything else and that post workout meal is a lot about recovery. You may want to consider coconut water as a compromise too….
12 DL on the minute 335# (this was my heaviest triple) failed on rep 10 and was done.
I watched lots of boxing and baseball, often on Mexican channels, with my dad. Also All In The Family, MASH, Cheers, Barney Miller that I remember but all just to be around my Dad. I’ve never liked watching TV much in itself.
Law and Order.
yoon.. I am so jealous. i just had a meeting which makes me hopeful/scared that I might actually get what I want. in which case I won’t. But I have a deadline. Either I get what I want or I follow in your footsteps… March 23. I am sticking to it.
good luck!
i wonder if the nightline thing is possibly airing tonight? that seems incredibly fast production turn-around, but i’d like to know if i should look out for it…
Strength Cycle Workout 6
Squat: 205x5x3Bench: 185x5x3Clean: 160x3x3
Everything is feeling lighter each workout even though I’m going up in weight.
Strength cycle B, intensity day:squat: 230x10Bench: 150x10Deficit Dead lifts: 235×5
Met-con: 4 rounds of Dumbbell thrusters for 30 secs + 30 sec plankI used 25 pound dumbbells and got 16 thrusters in the 1st round and 7 in each of the other three. First cardio since November maybe? Crazy. But fun. Amazing how those dumbbells get heavy so fast.
According to my 1 RM calculators I’m hitting PRs again so I’m super psyched and very happy to be getting to 10 reps. I am getting stronger by the week which feels great and is encouraging, People, Jeremy rules.
@Michelle, David said they are filming the pot luck so its not running tonight….
Looking forward to chowing down with you all tomorrow!