Bench Press
Add 2.5 – 10 lbs to last weeks sets
Push Ups
5 Sets Across
Add 1-2 Repetitions to last weeks work sets.
Post loads/reps to comments.
compare to 1.6.11
For Time:
Row 250 meters
21 Dumbbell Push Presses
Row 500 meters
15 Dumbbell Push Presses
Row 750m
9 Dumbbell Push Presses
Post Rx and time to comments.
Coach Nick's Tempo Overhead Squats
Due to some filming for Nightline that will go on in the gym, there is No Open Gym this Friday night from 5:30-7:30pm. Anyone who normally comes to open gym and is missing a class may bank that class and push it forward. We apologize for the short notice!
C.R.A.S.H.-B Training info from Coach Nick
Coach Nick will take a group of CrossFitters to the CRASH-B Indoor Rowing Championships – "like lambs to the slaughter," he says – on Feb. 20th in Boston. He has developed a program and will hold a few sessions with anyone who's interested in going. To see view the training program from now until then, click this link
Nick will hold a workshop here at 12pm on Saturday, the 22nd. At the workshop he will cover the following:
- The CRASH-B – the format, what to expect, etc.
- The training program
- Rowing technique
- The 2000m race
- The ins and outs of the Concept 2 rowing ergometer (the "erg")
- Nick will also lead a short workout.
Please email Nick(at) if you're interested in signing up for the CRASH-Bs. Even if you're not going, you're welcome to join the workshop and do the training program.
Paleo Potluck Reminders
If you're bringing a dish that needs to be/stay heated, please bring a crock pot or warming device if you can. We have a microwave available at the gym and will bring some heating stations but the more you can bring the better! For a list of the current RSVP'd meals click here! Also- if anyone is able to show up 20-30 minutes early/stay 15 minutes late to help set up/breakdown it would be greatly appreciated!
ALSO, remember that Greg and Erica N will be hosting an after party at their apartment and all are welcome to attend. Please email erica.nofi(at) if you'd like to attend!
Mice Kept on Unnatural Sleep Cycle Go Haywire Wired
7 a.m. class!
Bench: (45×5, 75×5, 95×3, 115×1) 130x3x5last week I got 125 and then failed at 130 and 125 so I’m happy.
row/PP w/30# DBs = 8:44all the push presses were challenging but unbroken. rows were tough–i guess this would be evidence of not being particularly well conditioned these days. couldn’t find any speed after the first 250 piece.
Hit a pr last night felt good 10pd pr back squat @350. I don’t think I had even one more pound.
on bench 260 felt good for 2nd attempt, went right to 275 and failed, leaves me wondering if I had 265 or 270. I’ll have them both in short order.
today was a good day in the gym, even though it WHOOPED my assBacksquat310x5x3 PR (320 was my 1rm last time I tested it)Bench Press255x5x3 PR
also I forgot one more rep out for the burnBench 135×20
I just got a slow cooker off my registry, anyone have any one pot recipes I can try…obviously paleo toothanks
i have a specific recipe request.
tomorrow i am hosting a party for a departing colleague. i decided to serve make-your-own tacos, despite the fact that i have never made carnitas or anything similar myself.
anyone got one they’ve used and like? i don’t care which protein it is – pork, chicken, beef. just want it to be good taco-fixins.
6 am class was a little crowded today, what with me AND frank in attendance. but it was a great class nonetheless. worked pushups instead of bench press, then got 9:32 on the WOD. felt absolutely great, and probably could have pushed harder and shaved some time off.
and speaking of great, frank was great to work with today and kate b was a great partner on tuesday. I feel like I’m employing no hyperbole whatsoever when I say that the men and women (and coaches, gender notwithstanding) of CFSBK are the out and out teats.
(unless i’m missing it, that recipe doesn’t include crockpot adaptation. if you make it in your slow cooker, Jr,can you share your method? everything the same except plop it in the crock and cook the crap out of it?)
@Gabrus: Pot roast. Big piece of chuck, some chopped carrots, onions, parsnips. Beef stock to half-way up the pile of stuff. Big pinch of dried thyme, or a bunch of fresh. Plenty of S&P (best to coat the meat with it actually, then put the meat in the cooker, then dump the veggies in.) Slow and low for 8-10 hours. If you are feeling fancy, sautee some mushrooms to mix in at the end. SOOOOPER easy and yum.
I don’t change a think if it’s slow cooker, dutch oven, pan covered in foil, etc. It cooks in it’s own fat…trick is to keep it covered so onions don’t burn.
the only change I ever make is double up the onion and maybe the rub…I do use extra cloves that I get in the meat. It’s good no matter how you make it.
7am class. A trainer friend of mine recently told me that it takes doing 5,000 repetitions of something to become good at it. If that is true, than I’ve only got about 4,700-ish push-ups left after this week until I master the buggers. Right now, that number seems very far away.
Elevated Push-upswarmup: 5@ 8, 5@ 7, 5@6, 5@5, 5@4work: 3×5@3
Except really for the bar at 8 and 7, they all felt like work sets.
Row/DBPP WOD in 9:02 @20#. I couldn’t get my mind to focus on any one thing during the row, but I could probably have been quizzed on the contents of the leader boards right after class and read it back verbatim.
Bummed to miss the potluck, but we’re headed to Vermont for some skiing. (for me, “skiing” = strapping the slippy sticks on my feet and then trying all at once to go down and not go down the mountain while holding back fear tears. Whee!)
bench press x 5: 145, 150, 155
row / push press wod in 8:20 with 30# DB.
trying to sleep more even at the expense of at home workouts this week. This was making me strangely groggy and grumpy. Finally made class and since I’ve felt great. Any thoughts on tradeoffs of sleep/exercise?
Bench Press 255×5, 285×5, 255×5. 285 was a new 5RM. Something in my neck spazzed out a bit and I felt sick afterward, in other words it’s a real 5RM.
Bench Press: 145x5x2, 155×5
row/push press: 9:09 with 30#
Bench 125x5x2 plus 4 and 2/5 more. Not quite up to the 10lb. jump from last week.
Row/Push Press: 8:22 @25lbs.
Bench press 145x5x3 -we’ll call it a ten pound jump from last week. Great to work with Malcolm for once!
Row push press WOD with 40# db’s – 7:51Felt good, PP’s all unbroken, probably wouldn’t have happened at 45#.
Bench press 135x5x3. Taking this carefully. Actually felt pretty heavy to my messed up left side. Had to really focus on pushing with that side.
Row Push press wod with 25# db’s – 9:24. Amazing watching David Mak fly through this one. Got all PP’s unbroken, but my rowing is no great shakes. Was getting a little less than perfectly stable on the left side on the PP, but was able to keep it together.
So I partnered with Fox for the bench work and it was great getting tips on improving bench technique from both him and Shane. After that I was pissed that I miss each round of this exposure.
After last exposure being able to do 195X%X3 I jumped to 200 and failed, then dropped to 190 and failed then 180 and failed. Very unnerving.
The WOD was super hard i did that in 10:24 Thanks to everyone that stayed helped me power through the last 9 PP’s.
Deb and Alec put me way inside the pain cave and all I got was this lousy t-shirt! Actually what I got was a radically rearchitected squat (last night, a few hours after they defuzzed my beleaguered posterior chain) *and* a completely new foxtrot (tonight.) THANK YOU!
@ JR – about to put the pulled pork in the oven. Four honking pounds of beautiful shoulder. Thanks for the pointer.
@Carlos – tough one. What makes it hard to evaluate is that the “kick” from exercise is immediately gratifying, whereas (in my experience) the benefits of more sleep are more subtle.
Warmup:-jump rope-3 rounds NFT of: 5 prone Y’s and 5 scap pullups.
Bench:(45×5, 65×5, 80×3, 95×1)work: 100x5x3-wowsers was my 2nd and 3rd set hard. Struggled with my very last rep on each of those sets but got it up. Really need to work on driving through my heels, and not squirrling around.
WOD:8:45 with 25# db’s.-Not awful. Thought about doing 30#’s but I feel there’s such a HUGE difference between 25 & 30#’s. My form (and time) would have suffered greatly.
Confession: I had cheese tonight. Ordered the Italian from Bierkraft (no bread of course) and forgot it came with delicious, salty parmesan. When I got home and opened the baby up, I just couldn’t resist. I mean, starving children in Africa, right?
No work-out tonight. I had to attend a coworker going away party that I planned and executed. Just wanted to confess my own paleo sins.
My french host parents were in town last night and we went out for dinner. It ended up involving several bottles of wine and food that had some beans as well as desert all around. I hadn’t seen them in over ten years and it was just not the time and place to be abstemious. Felt like hell this morning. Poor sleep + wine + sugar. ouch.
A challenge I’ve been facing is coworkers specifically baking gluten free things so that I can have some. I’ve made it clear that I don’t eat sugar, but then someone comes in with homemade gluten free banana bread that is still hot and puts it on my desk and tells me how they adjusted their mother’s recipe, experimented with gf flours and now here is their triumphant goodie and they want to watch me eat it. I don’t have the heart to say no.
WOD w/ 40#9:26? (Jess says actually finished in 8:26)Luca – Do you know your time?
Huge 5pm class with a lot of folks I didn’t know — fun!
Push-Ups:5×5 strict. felt solid. last set was tough! ready to get back on this bandwagon (a few folks have already heard by “100 pushup plan” story).
WOD:8:22 @ 15#’s.Almost punked out and did 10#’s, but Shane was there to influence. The DBPP’s were definitely quick, so probably could’ve done 20#s. That last 750m was brutal. Oh… pacing.Overall, felt good and I’m starting to feel better control of my wind/breathing and not getting freaked out when I feel like my heart is going to explode. Counting numbers down or repeating a word in my head definitely helps.
Bench Press: 155x5x3, which seemed fine enough.Wod: 7:52 with time 30 or 35. between now and then I’ll work on mobility, particularly upper body, so it won’t be a complete shit show.
Great 5pm Class with Coach Shane
The Double Unders in the warm-up resulted in a splitting headache that got way better within a few minutes but didn’t quite go away all through class. I felt it on the conditioning mostly.
Bench Press(45×5, 95×5, 115×5, 135×3)145x5x3
Exposure 1 was really light for me to I took a ten lb jump. This didn’t feel too bad either so I may go to 155 for exposure 3. Nice working with Kev and Jeff, I feel bad for not talking more but I was trying to squash the headache.. Nice lifting, guys!
Row/PP CoupletDone with 35lb Dumbbells in 8:38
This felt pretty good. My rowing splits were not very low but I felt okay with my effort. All the Push Presses were unbroken.
@Chris You were at 11:26 minus however many minutes later you started on the clock.
Thanks DMak, 9:26 it was!
@ Whit I count and close my eyes so I can’t see the screen and just think about form. It’s great when you open your eyes after 20 pulls and see that you’ve gone 200+ meters.