One Rep, on the Minute for 12 minutes
Use your heaviest successful load from exposure 1
Technical (form) faluires are still considered missed reps
Post loads to comments.
compare to 1.3.11
Partner "Angie"
For Time:
100 Pull Ups
100 Push Ups
100 Sit Ups
100 Squats
Partners may partition the work as desired. This is still done Chipper style such that all the Pull-ups must be completed before moving on to the push-ups
Post Partner, Rx and Time to comments.
Nicole sets up her Back Squat for WOD 1.5.11
Tough Titsday with Coach Margie
Ladies, it is time to get your estrogen on. Join Margie for a special four part series on going heavy. We will refine technique on Squat, Deadlift, Bench and Press and, most importantly, break down the mental aspect of moving maximal loads. Together, we will develop a solid sense of how to translate your linear gains at SBK into that triumphant 1 Rep Max. This is an opportunity to dude out in a women's only environment.
This is a practical class, but the focus is on developing physical and mental technique using low volume and heavy weights. This should complement your regular CrossFit life; if you have questions or concerns please don't hesitate to contact Margie(at)
For more information and to register, Click Here
Paleo Potluck on 1.15.11
The CFSBK Paleo Potluck is fast approaching! To read more about the event check out this write-up. To RSVP, please email us at info(at)
Also! We've got 70 people participating in the Paleo Challenge. If any of you guys have some non paleo-friendly food in your house that you'd like to get rid of, there is a food donation bin located at the gym under the sign up sheet. Go ahead and grab all your canned twinkies and freeze dried pizzabagels, throw 'em in the bucket and we'll donate them to charity.
The Conscienstious Ominvore: From the Sea Whole9
A Seasonal Produce Guide (.pdf) Whole9
The BEST Chinese Hurdler
Back Squat Tip with Kelly Starrett CrossFit
7 am client cancelled so I took 7 am class…I hate lifting in the morning.
DeadliftWarm ups135x5, 225×5, 275×3, 315×2, 365x1WORK: 1 Rep EMOTM395 reps 1-10385 rep 11375 rep 12
Mistakenly started at 395 instead of 390 (my heaviest triple from last week). Just 5 lbs but I feel like it made a difference. Probably should have started and finished at 385.
1/2 “Angie” on the otherhand, was great. Partnered with Will S and we finished in 11:30.
Sorry, Partner “Angie”
o_O you guys call that a squat? (Kelly Starrett)
250K Purse for top male and female who win the CF Games,990/
@David – I’m growing tired of this. I will not be baited into competing in the CrossFit Games. I’ve got enough 250K stacks in the bank. I appreciate the sentiment, but, enough already.
Very significant to see these prizes. They could grow if more viewership, endorsements, etc.
For the paleo crew and omnivore’s dilemna readers, there’s increasing chatter around addressing ethanol subsidies. For anyone who read that book, you know that’s how we end up with corn in everything, as measured by those irregular carbon molecules in our system.
As a former political operative with some specific experience dealing with a presidential primary in Iowa I can go into great detail about the nasty Catch-22 we are in in regards to ending corn subsidies without turning the full wrath of the nation’s farmers (if you are a Democrat) or agri-business corps (if you are a Republican) against us. It’s gonna be tough, but damn would it rock.
Yesterday:BSQ 220x5x3Bench 200x5x3DL 265x5x1
Yes, my bench weight is too close to my squat weight. Chalk that up to many years lifting with wack priorities. Squat will go up quicker since I’m hitting it more often. Feeling good again with the lifts after my layoff- refound the bounce in my squat. Smiles.
Wow. Apologies for the massive run on sentence above. Feel free to sprinkle it with commas and periods as you see fit.
For a split second, I thought that it said 250K for the Paleo Challenge and I pretty much thought that we had all lost our minds. I also redefined for myself what it means to win.
This morning kind of kicked my ass– after subbing push ups and pull ups for the muscle ups in yesterday’s WOD, the partner Angie reminded me of all the places that got sore just 24 hours before. But it’s good practice– push-ups are getting less terrible (my right side isn’t trying to dominate the whole thing), and the road to pull ups doesn’t seem so impossible anymore.
Good to work with Ariel and Micheline. Partner Angie in 16:02 with pull-ups from a box, elevated push-ups (scaled to 38) and quick and easy rx situps and squats.
Deadlift @ 165. I like the on the minute work– really gives you time to sit and stew on perfect form. I also really liked the leg stretch against the vertical bars. Good one.
Fun noon class with Coach Fox. My heaviest pulls last week were at 230# and on his advice I dropped back a scootch to 225#, was glad I did.
DL: (95×5, 135×3, 165×2, 195×1, 205×1)225 OTM for 12 minutes.
I really feel like I’m learning deadlift form this exposure, almost for the first time. Like Robin I love OTM workouts–great way to get in lots of volume while continuing to focus on technique.
Partner Angie: 16:23 with Jeff, as Rx’d. Did 53 pullups, 60 pushups, 50 ea situps & squats. This was fun. Jeff and I got a good handoff rhythm going and were able to keep a steady pace throughout by wildly varying the workload for each movement before switching off (3-5 pullups/pushups; 25 situps; 50 squats).My kip has been transformed this week by the Magical Mr. Fox. I am excited for another high-volume pullup WOD soon.
Great to come back to this for my first workout back in 3 weeks and my first CF class in 5 months after 2 strength cycles.
I took it light on the DL WOD as I’m nervous coming back – 165 for the first 9 rounds, 155 for the last 3.
As Robin mentioned, 16:02 for the pardner angie – 47 pullups kipping, 38 pushups, 50 situps and squats.
quick question – anyone know a good independent volvo mechanic in Brooklyn? akalishman at – thanks!
Good work with Alec and David this afternoon.
WU: 3RNFT 12 ring rows, 12 GHD sit ups, 7 push ups
Dead Lift: (95×3, 115×3, 135×2, 150×1) 160×1 on the minute for 12 minutesFelt great. i like this way of working. Amazing how much chatter enters the head post-lift.
WOD: 3RFT 15 box jumps 16″, 6 sandbag sprints, 15 OHS 35#. 7:12. Big fun. I love the combo of movements.
This was my workout today:!
WHAT NOW!?!?!?!
WU: (95×5, 145×5, 175×3, 195×2)Work: OTM 205x1x6, 215x1x6 w/Matt UPartner WOD: 14:11 Rx’d w/Chris (L?)
@noah – who was your partner for that WOD?
deadlifts at 165×12.
Deadlift165x6, 175×6
Partner Angie with Malcolm and Laurel:14:41 (I think). Fun to work with you guys, thanks for the help on the pull ups and push ups!
Paleo Quandary: I am not really sure how much fat I should be eating. Or where to find it other than olive oil, nuts, and avocados. Any information or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Strength cycle B, volume day:
Squat: 200x5x5
Bench: 135x5x3
Chin-ups: 8, 8, 9
Best 3 sets of chins ever. Nice to bump up already– I can smell 10×3…
@ Jessica b : coconut oil is a good source of good fat I’m pretty sure.
Workout today felt good. Did 295 dl x 6 and then 305×6…
Partnered with the original dh for angle an I think we did it in 16:15
275 deadlift on the minute x 12 minutesBack is feeling much better, very happy to be doing deadlift with the regular bar from the floor.
Partner Angie felt great. 10:14 with Paul.10’s on the pull ups unbroken, started with 10’s on the push ups which devolved onto 5’s by the time we hit 50 and the 5’s and 2’s. I think Paul may have done two more then me. Then we hit the sit-ups and squats in 25’s, all unbroken. Good times!
Deadlift: 225×7, 245×5
Partner Angie was really fun: 13:48 with Steve
Good times working with bhibu today. we rocked it =)
deads at 265… maybe a bit heavier would have been good but the 3-3-3 went up to 265 ’cause i haven’t done really heavy deads in a while and figured conservative is best.
partner angie: 10:19
DL on the minute x 12 @ 265#Got through the first exposure last week at 275 but it was tough so it was a good move to scale back a little.
Partner Angie with Becca, scaled back to white band pull-ups and 75 push-ups. Gotta work on the kip skill. Nice to end with just splitting the squats 50/50.
Jess: Yes coconut oil, coconut milk, coconut butter, etc are all excellent additions. Also any animal fats. I know it’s not hardcore paleo, but I am a fan of butter as well. Nuts are a fine source of fat, though I would favor others first (except macadamia).
In terms of how much fat, maybe think of it like this: top priority is protein, followed by fat followed by carb. Post workout, keep protein high but flip your fat and carb priority.
So, a decent, albeit plain, lunch might be 4-6oz of chicken (say a leg or breast) with half an avocado and a mixed salad with some olive oil based dressing.
Partner day at SBK! Love it!
Warmup:-3 rounds NFT of alternating 25 kb swings (1 pood) and plank. (with Bethany)
Deads: (with BAZ)(135×3, 165×3, 195×2, 215×1, 235×1)work: 235x1x12-good stuff.
Partner Angie: (with Teresa)-15:09-we were able to split things up rather evenly and modify our reps as we fatigued. fun times.
5pm Group Class
Deadlifts(135×5, 185×3, 225×3, 275×1, 295×1)305 OTMx12
This felt heavy but good. The first few reps made me a little lightheaded afterward but that cleared up and then general fatigue set in. Good stuff!
Partner Angie with JulianaWe did it in 14:43?I noticed that my chest started to cramp up towards the end, a sure sign of not drinking enough water beforehand.
Deadilfts135, 225, 315,365,385 (all x2)OTM – 395×6, 405×6
in retrospect I should’ve started @ 405. The last few would have surely been a struggle though.
Partner Angie w Nick P.12:16kipping has improved. I need greater grip strength and stamina.
Pre-class: quadra-ped, foam roller side-lying extentions, lax ball on traps, clamshell
Group warm-up: 3 rounds of 25kb swings @ 1pood alternating with planks with Jess
Deadlift: 165×1 – was happy with this weight even though it was 10 pounds lighter than my max from last week because i was able to stay consistent and it didn’t agrivate my left scap/neck pain.
Partner Angie with Melissa: 21:08 with 75 pull-ups & 100 everything else. Melissa, who’s kipping pull-ups are really beautiful and efficient, kindly did more than her share of pull-ups when I hit the wall with mine around the 50 mark. My push-ups were done with a bar on slot 1 and Melissa’s were strict. A fun way to do a normally un-fun WOD!
Strength cycle day 4
Squat – 3×5 @195 – feeling pretty good, getting some good cues to fix some of my issues and I feel like I’m making good progress with the movement
Bench – 3×5 @180
Deadlift – 1×5 @290 – worked on my set-up a bit, I tend to get too vertical.
13:13 with Migs. Sub bar pushups…. anyone else have paleo breath?