On Saturday, March 5 at 6pm, SBK will celebrate the end of our 2011 Paleo Challenge AND our 1 year anniversary at Degraw Street with a potluck. The first one was such a delicious success that we wanted to give you all another chance to show off your skills with the slowcooker and celebrate . If you missed the last one, don’t let it happen again!
We will also be awarding our top Paleo Challenge success stories with a slew of sweet stuff. Check it out:
Top Male and Female each receive:
1) 2 months of 5x/week membership
2) A lululemon athletica “Fit and Function Session” valued at $100
3) A steak from Grazin’ Angus Acres valued at $40
2nd place Male and Female:
1) $300 cash
2) $50 gift certificate to Bierkraft
3) A steak from Grazin’ Angus Acres valued at $40
3rd place Male and Female:
1) $150 cash
2) A steak from Grazin’ Angus Acres valued at $40
All post Paleo Challenge write ups and “after” photos are due by March 1st. Please email your follow up to info(at)CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com with the subject “(your name)’s Paleo Results”
In true potluck fashion, the only request is that you contribute a dish that will feed at least four people. For those new to Paleo, the guidelines are:
The Good Stuff
– meat and fish
– vegetables
– fruits
– nuts and seeds
– healthy fats (from avocado, olives, coconut, and grass-fed or pastured meats)
Generally speaking, Paleo eaters avoid:
– refined and unrefined sugars
– cereal grains in any form (wheat and wheat flour, bread, cereals, pasta, rice, quinoa)
– legumes (including soy and peanuts)
– dairy (milk and milk-derived products)
– processed foods, including vegetable oils
You Need Ideas? We Got Ideas!
There are tons of resources for recipes.
Everyday Paleo
Health Bent
Melissa Joulwan’s “Dino Chow”recipes
Foodee MOD
Mark’s Daily Apple
Wait, I Can’t Cook!
Come anyway. Note in your RSVP that you’d like to contribute another way – we’ll need some basic paper goods, Paleo beverages, etc. – and we’ll work something out.
RSVP: Please email info(at)CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com to confirm that you’ll come and how many people are in your party. Please let us know what you’d like to bring so we can coordinate dishes.
Is this where we’re posting recipes? I don’t know. But I want people to start posting recipes, so… I’ll go first. Here. Hoping that here is, in fact, the place. Yes.
Salmon Coconut Chowder(yes, from the Primal Cookbook – zero points for creativity but it’s fast and easy and uses stuff that’s usually in our cupboards)
The Goods (makes half as much as there was at the potluck, or about 3 big, meal-sized bowls):3 slices baconan onion, chopped (smallish)2 stalks celery, chopped (smallish)a celery root knob (or a head of cauliflower, or a largeish turnip, depending on what you like), chopped into biggish pieces (1/2″ to 1″)around 7.5oz canned wild salmon (bones removed, but keep the liquid)1 14oz can full fat delicious coconut milk1.5 cups chicken broth1 bay leaf1/8 tsp cayenne pepper (or more if you want)black pepper (as much as you like)
Get It Done:1) chop up the bacon2) cook the bacon in a large pot until the fat is released3) add the onion, celery, bay leaf, black pepper, and cayenne, and cook until the bacon is “barely crispy”4) add the vegetable (celery root, cauliflower, turnip, whatever it is) and chicken broth, and simmer until the vegetable is “almost tender.”5) add the salmon and its liquid and simmer for a few more minutes until it’s good and hot6) stir in the coconut milk. bring to a slow boil, then simmer over low heat for a few minutes.7) remove the bay leaf.8) eat!
(The original recipe also includes dill, but I think dill is gross, so I’m excluding it. Ha. Take that, dill.)
Now: everybody else post recipes! Your food was delicious and I want to be able to make it.
totally the wrong place. la la la.
I am coming with collards & bacon.
Here is the pulled pork recipe
I go double on the ingredients other than pork. (its not necessary to do so with salt.). I tweak it a little as anyone else will. I love it with two large onions versus one. Make sure it stays covered, so the onions don’t burn. I go with extra cloves jammed into the pork. Really, really easy. Enjoy!