Perform 3 sets of the following complex for a maximal weight.
6 Deadlifts
3 Mid Hang Power Cleans
1 Push Jerk
You have 5 attempts to find a best complex. The bar may be dropped from overhead after the jerk but must be regripped and pulled shortly after it settles.
Post 5 attempts to comments.
Compare to 6.27.10 and 4.29.10
"Johnny Pulled a Pistol on Santa"
Going to the Chapel and They're Gonna Get Married!
Congratulations to Brooklyn Tri-Club members and CFSBK badasses Amy L. and Greg H. on their engagement!
Goals, Goals, Goals!
2011 is a couple of days away and we want you to have your fittest year yet! Whether you've been Crossfitting for years or even just a few weeks it's of the utmost importance to set specific and measurable short-term and long-term fitness goals.
So sit down and give some real thought to what you want to achieve inside or outside the gym next year. Do you want to compete in a Crossfit competition? Adopt a strict paleo for diet for two months? Run your first marathon? Put on a singlet and push some heavy weight in a powerlifting meet or an olympic lifting meet? Get your first strict pull-up?
Whatever your goal is, take some time to write it down, post it on the blog and think of two or three actions you can take immediately to make that goal an achievement in the new year. We'll do our best to help you succeed!
We'll be asking on Friday's blog post for your goals and the two or three immediate actions you'll take to get you on your way.
The 60 Days of Paleo
No matter what your fitness goal is proper nutrition is key to getting you there. So why not start the New Year off right eating like your paleolithic ancestors?
We've got not 1 but 2 great chances to feel and perform better:
2 Month Paleo Challenge
That's right 2 Months (January 1-February 28) of eating and sleeping like a Caveperson! Remember to submit your "before" photo no later than January 5th as it will be used to compare with your "after" photo at the end of February.
The top male and female will receieve 2 MONTHS of comped training at CrossFit South Brooklyn. Please sumbit photos (Profile, and head-on views in bathing suit or reasonably tight fitting garments) to info(at) before 1/5/11.
We've got all the details of the challenge, the prizes and a slew of resources to help you along the way. Check it out HERE!!
SBK Community Paleo Potluck
Come eat some great food, chat with old friends and meet some new ones! This is a great opportunity to share recipes, talk nutrition and recovery strategies for the new year and have some fun while doing it!
Please email info(at) to RSVP, also, please let us know what you'd like to bring so we can coordinate dishes.
Before & After The Crossfit Gamer
quick one todaydeadlift315x5Bench Press245x5x3
I may have just missed this if it was already posted, but are there any schedule changes tomorrow and Saturday?
prepping for NYE, trying to make some paleo contributions to a menu that will doubtless be otherwise a nuclear bomb to my system.
so far, i’m bringing my guac and planning to make some bacon-wrapped dates, stuffed with marcona almonds and spanish blue cheese.
anyone else got any suggestions? i had to laugh at one Paleo blogger’s suggestion to put out kipper snacks. i’d be in the doghouse if i did that, for sure!!
@Dan – Current status is closed Saturday, New Year’s Day. There is rumble of an afternoon class, however.
@Michele – How classy is the party? I’d bring a meat chili or some chicken wings if it’s low-brow, or some skewered protein (kebab or satay style with appropriate dip) to a fancier event. Last night Jess and I had these apps of salmon tartar on little endive leafs that were pretty awesome, a little wasabi/avocado spread on the bottom, nice poppers. Oh, who am I kidding, I wouldn’t go to the fancier event.
@Gabrus – classic. meathead. no shrugs?
i thought about chicken wings, to tell you the truth. i’ve never made them, so it’s a good opportunity to learn.
Dan, I believe we will also be closed in the evening tomorrow, ie no open gym.
But still morning classes tomorrow?
Friday:6am, 7am and 12pm are all ON5:30-7:30pm Open gym is CANCELLED
Saturday:Fox has graciously volunteered to run a 12pm Group class
Sunday:Normal Schedule
Hey! The Stef and Mindy show would like to come down tomorrow for the 12PM. Anyone know what the parking situation is like? I know it’s always bad on Friday but has it been cleared?
2011 Goals:
Gain 20 lbs in January (this will be easier than it sounds for me.)
With hopes of a #300 squat and #400 DL.
Lose about half of that in February as I join the 60 Day Paleoites halfway through (This may be harder, possibly much harder.)
With hopes of finally straightening out my HSPUs and getting a good number unbroken (5? 10?)
*I’m reserving the right to stretch out either parts of the program as need be- trying to let the numbers dictate the diet, not the other way around.
@Michele Pate or moose. This makes you look classy and you get to eat more organ meat and everyone should have a goal of eating more organ meat (from very cleanly raised animals). If you want to go for spendy you could do the whole caviar thing.
BB Complex135Then.Failed 3 times at 165, which is where I failed last time we did this.Stoopid, stoopid, bb complex…
This was much more difficult than I had imagined when I read the blog this morning, because I hadn’t thought about the forearm fatigue aspect.
WU: 65, 85Work: 95, 100F, 100F
Failures all came from forearm/grip fatigue on the cleans. Very frustrating to have the “main” motions of the lift not be the limiting factors! All in all, a challenging way to get back into things after 2 weeks off for the holidays. But it’s always good to be back at CFSBK.
Back! Back from Atlanta at last! After only 2 extra days of in-laws and 18 hours of driving, including trips to two airports where we were able neither to take off nor land. Sweet! Back just in time to learn that I am too stupid for power cleans. (but maybe there’s hope that this will be temporary?)Attempts at the barbel complex:w/u: 43, 63, 73 (big fail), 68, 73 (failure part deux).Much coaching from David went unintentionally unheeded; cleans remained slow and weak, with the bar too far from my body and going too high (instead of me getting under it), and knees a-knockin’ and way out in front. Woo!Thanks to Josh, Paul, and Vincent for lots of encouragement (and being generally impressive), and for yelling at me to drop the bar instead of letting it clonk me on the head when I lost the 2nd jerk in the last set.And thanks to David for never ever actually asking me wtf I think I’m doing in his gym. Hooray!
I got a super special Coach David personalize WOD as the cleans were aggravating a wrist injury. So…3 rounds of 9 deadlift/15 box jumps X 3 for time.First round @ 135# – 2:41.22Second round @ 145# – 2:44.35Third round @ 145# – 2:31.37When I started I thought I might me doing five rounds so I would have gamed this differently had I known I was only doing three rounds.Box jumps were burning my quads by the last rounds.Happy New Year!
Warmup: 3 rounds NFT of-8 OH walking lunges, each leg (25#, 35#, 45#)-25sec side plank hold, each side-30sec droms (dislocates, arm swings, squat hold)
Barbell complex wod:-warmup a few reps at 53, 75-work: 85, 95, 105, 110This felt awesome! Last time we did this I failed to complete the last clean at 95 so I’m thrilled to have added and cleared an additional 15lbs. Although my grip was really starting to fail, I think I could have done one more round at 115. Next time, I’ll start heavier with a goal of clearing 120 at least. 😉
Thanks to my fellow 5pm-ers for the support during my last round! That is what really makes SBK so special.
Congrats to Amy and Greg!
Warmup: 65 (full), 1 round at 95Work: 125 135 140(fail)
Failed on the second round of cleans. 135 matches the weight I hit last time. Oh, well.
Barely survived 115#. Great working with Juliana!