Saturday the 25th: Closed Sunday the 26th: Closed Monday the 27th: Normal schedule
What is your favorite holiday memory? (This is ANY holiday. Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanzaa, Boxing Day, etc.)
Rob Issays
If a bear works out in the woods and no one reads the blog is the volume zero?
Since my reset, I’ve been obsessed with getting my 3 squat workouts in every week. The goal being get back to 253 January 2nd. With a trip next week this was unlikely, but in order to keep my run going I arranged to workout in my brother-in-law’s basement this morning.
Unfortunately, it hadn’t been 40 hours since my last workout, I drank too much last night, this was my 5th workout in a row without a two-day rest, and I was exhausted. To finalize the destruction of the linear progression, he didn’t have 1.25# plates. There was no way I could do a 5 pound jump today– I don’t think I even had 240 in me.
Luckily I’m smarter than the average bear so I took it all as a sign to deload.
That was just the preamble.
Squat: like I said, I was tired. The warmups felt like work.Work sets: 225x5x3
Press: work sets 105x5x3
Dead lifts? Are you kidding me? The plates, while at least iron, weren’t even big enough. Did I mention I was tired?
Luckily I got a call from work and called it a workout. It was still fun to break a sweat Christmas morning in New Jersey.
Merry Christmas Crossfit South Brooklyn!
fox in durty jurzsays
did dt this am with jess, wattashitshow…but,
it’s a good christmas for a dad when the gifts leave an 11 year old daughter very happy
My favorite holiday memory was the month long celebration of Halloween with Sam that included two trips to Sleep Hollow, one trip to Maine and lots of dog costumes.
If a bear works out in the woods and no one reads the blog is the volume zero?
Since my reset, I’ve been obsessed with getting my 3 squat workouts in every week. The goal being get back to 253 January 2nd. With a trip next week this was unlikely, but in order to keep my run going I arranged to workout in my brother-in-law’s basement this morning.
Unfortunately, it hadn’t been 40 hours since my last workout, I drank too much last night, this was my 5th workout in a row without a two-day rest, and I was exhausted. To finalize the destruction of the linear progression, he didn’t have 1.25# plates. There was no way I could do a 5 pound jump today– I don’t think I even had 240 in me.
Luckily I’m smarter than the average bear so I took it all as a sign to deload.
That was just the preamble.
Squat: like I said, I was tired. The warmups felt like work.Work sets: 225x5x3
Press: work sets 105x5x3
Dead lifts? Are you kidding me? The plates, while at least iron, weren’t even big enough. Did I mention I was tired?
Luckily I got a call from work and called it a workout. It was still fun to break a sweat Christmas morning in New Jersey.
Merry Christmas Crossfit South Brooklyn!
did dt this am with jess, wattashitshow…but,
it’s a good christmas for a dad when the gifts leave an 11 year old daughter very happy
merry xmas, all!
Where did you guys do, “DT”? Did you do it Rx’d?
My favorite holiday memory was the month long celebration of Halloween with Sam that included two trips to Sleep Hollow, one trip to Maine and lots of dog costumes.