Carlitos G.-Kid Gone Bad
CFSBK Holiday Schedule
Friday the 24th: 6am, 7am & 12pm classes all on. Closed in the evening
Saturday the 25th: Closed
Sunday the 26th: Closed
Monday the 27th: Normal schedule
What's Goin' On?
As you may have noticed, SBK hasn't begun a new strength cycle yet. We decided to delay it though the holidays so you can all get a fresh start in the new year. The next cycle will begin the in first few days of January and will consist of:
Squat Variant – Overhead Squat
Pull – Deadlift
Upper Body – Bench Press
Right now we're not in a classic back off week, so if you're still coming in 3-5 days a week consider taking a few days in a row as low intensity/active recovery days. Until the cycle starts we'll continue our play with max effort lifts, novel WODs, gymnastics, and skill work.
The Deadlift and Viagra
Best. Christmas. Song. Ever.
730am at CrossFit Southie in Boston. Very fun, lots of Boston accents, and shamrocks EVERYWHERE. (seriously, the wall ball targets are shammies painted at 10′)
Warm upstraight jumps, lateral jumps (r,l) high knees, lateral w/burpees over parallelettes.
1000M row – 3:58.5. I think I may have set a record there. They do not seem to have the same number of Olympic rowers at their gym as we do. They also told us to “jump on a rower”, which made me think of Charlotte and giggle.
Ring work. A guy there got his first muscle up today. Very exciting. I managed two chin-ups with a green band, a first for me. So yay!
Then 150 wall balls @ 10# in 14:08. My quads had JUST BARELY recovered from the big thruster monster the other day, so tomorrow should be interesting.
Happy Holidays, y’all.
Merry Christmas all!Today’s WOD will be dinner prep for 22 with some squats and stretching thrown in.
My Christmases always looked more like this:
*hah* that video was AWEsome.
workout today at a Gold’s in Hershey, PA:
w/u: lacrosse ball beatdown
bench press
w/u: 45×5, 55×5, 65x5work: 75x3x5
my sweet young pimply spotter was all, on rep #5, “I know you can get more reps!” Me: “Wait. There’s more.”
it’s weird to squat at a Gold’s.
w/u: 45×5, 65×6, 85×5, 105×5, 125×5.
i had to get up to the big-girl plates (45lbs) even though the spectacle of *watching myself squat* in a cage in the floor-to-ceilings was so shocking and disheartening that i really wanted to flee the room in horror.
i *did* succeed in theatrically spitting my gum onto the floor in mid-squat while every single person in the room watched me work out.
work: 135x3x5.
rack pulls
w/u: 95×5, 135×5, 155×5, 185x5work: 205×5 (hey, i never moved 205# before!)
1. A real live strongman was working out there when i arrived, much to my relief, and all the other weaker men were circling him, trying to start conversations about bullshit like what was in his Big Gulp (“Crystal Light”), with their attitudes varying from envious to blatantly disdainful.
Strongman finishes deadlifting a million pounds in bare feet, turns to *me*, sees my Crossfit t-shirt, and says, “Oh, hey! Crossfit!” and starts up a conversation about the new box over in Lemoyne. We bond.
I am Jack’s inflamed sense of self-importance.
2. Enter superfit young stud. He watches me squat. I am in sweats covered in cat hair, with bedhead and yesterday’s mascara. There are only three of us in the room, with acres of unused equipment in between.
Him: “Nice squat.” (I kid you not.)
Me: “Thanks.”
Him: “Can I work in?”
Me: “No.”
Our hero pads back to the bench.
Strongman fist-pumps me in the mirror.
Just another day at the globo…