Max Reps in 90 seconds-KB Swings 24kg/16kg
Max Weight in 30 seconds-Snatch x 2
Repeat for a total of 5 cycles.
*Athletes will receive 1 point for each lb on the bar and 1 point for each KB swing
Post score per rounds to comments.
Accessory Work
Practice Rolls to Candlesticks for 10 Minutes
Crossfit draws heavily from three movement pools and seeks for competency in each:
1. Gymnastics (Calisthenics, Ring Work, etc)
2. Weightlifting (Olympic Weightlifting, Powerlifting, KB work)
3. Monostructural (Running/Sprinting, Rowing, Jump Rope)
Do you feel balanced across all three? If not, where do you feel most adept? Where do you feel like you need the most work?
Roll to Candlestick and Roll to Candlestick with Hands Down
John Welbourn wants you to do Yoga
At home: candle stick practice which seemed to go well thenrow 500m/50situps x 4 rnds 16:35
Wimped out on doing today’s wod cause I’d have to do it outside. It prob would not have been so bad. Next wed. maybe. I’m gonna go work outside now anyway so what’s the difference. Oh the pay, that’s right!
Here’s my paleo before picture. Feel free to share:
Jim, you nearly made me spew out my coffee!
In order from strongest to weakest:1. Weightlifting2. Monostructural3. Gymnastics
Weighlifting has gotten a lot better because of the strength work I’ve been doing and it has also helped improve my stamina which in turn improved my big issues with running, rowing, jump roping, etc. – Some of you may remember, when I started at SBK I used to get winded when running half a block – not anymore!
I find my gymnastics to be my weakest – I work on it on my own time and I’m not sure if it’s my bad coordination or if its all in my head, but i just can’t seem to get my body to do those things…very frustrating!!
Jim, That made my day!
I feel pretty ba;anced on weight training and gymnastics, but can definitely up my game on the monostructural stuff. It doesn’t get me excited to run a mile or row a 2k like it does to do cleans or presses.
Margie’s face in that photo is awesome!
Good Question, Shane
1. Gymnastics, I feel pretty comfortable with the scope of bodyweight movements used in CrossFit. Being light and pretty flexible doesnt hurt. As these things go, being okay in something usually is an easy motivator to bias practice in this domain.
2. Weightlifting, This goes two ways. I think my absolute numbers could really use some work, especially my squat, but I feel okay using most Rx’d weights in WODs which is different measure of capacity with weightlifting
3. Mono structural, These are where I’m the least competent. Relative to weightlifting and gymnastics, I’ve got a poor technical grasp of running and swimming. Especially Swimming. I feel good with Double Unders and Rowing, although my capacity on the erg isnt anything to write home about.
Jim- Don’t change a THING.
I think there are areas in all of these that I feel weak and some that I feel stronger in.
1. Gymnastics (Calisthenics, Ring Work, etc)I think this is my weakest. I think my flexibility issues are a major cause of this weakness.
2. Weightlifting (Olympic Weightlifting, Powerlifting, KB work)I feel strong in some areas but the technique really limits me. This is my major area of focus.
3. Monostructural (Running/Sprinting, Rowing, Jump Rope)
My strongest area although the erg sometimes makes me feel like its the weakest.
1. Monostructural- After some mechanical tweaks I discovered somewhat late in life that I could run decently well. Double unders are pretty strong, and rowing has come a long way under CFSBK tutelage (although I still suffer from short man syndrome.)
2. Gymnastics- Most of the bodyweight stuff I enjoy and can cycle, although HSPUs continue to be a real b-word for me, despite a decently strong press.
3. Weightlifting- This was a distant distant 3rd until I did the Strength Cycle, now its at least in the ballpark. Still have some issues with a messed up back and bearing weight, but its coming along.
Very interesting question, and good for self-reflection and goal setting heading into the new year.
I guess I’m not well balanced. When you break it down into those 3 categories, I seem to be best at the Monostructural movements. But, these are things that I don’t necessarily practice outside of our programming (marathon training being the exception).
Weightlifting comes second. I feel good about the powerlifts and kb work but I need LOADS of work on my Oly lifts. Had a November goal to practice the Snatch 2x week but stopped doing that after 2 weeks. Need to reintroduce this…
Gymnastics is by far my biggest area of weakness. Because I lack proficiency in so many of these movements, I have a hard time choosing what to focus on. Instead of working consistently on one skill, I end up half-assing several different movements and end up making little to no progress. Need to commit to ONE skill a month.
CrossFit has made me much more balanced, but the order of strongest to weakest is still the same as when I started
1) Monostructural – I’m pretty happy with where I am as a runner/cyclist/rower etc. That was my primary area of focus before CrossFit and I am actually better at all of those things, especially at mid-range distances. Over Thanksgiving I set a PR for a 5-mile run without having run more than 1 mile at any time in the previous 6 months.
2) Gymnastics – My body-weight movements are pretty decent. Could be a lot better on the rings and my HSPU could use some improvement as well.
3) Weightlifting – Still my weakest area, but I’ve improved a lot since I started CrossFit. I’ve put on about 20lbs, which has helped. Looking forward to working on my strength with Jeremy’s group starting in the New Year.
I’m a newbie at everything, but obviously have been focused on Weightlifting. That said, I’m totally green in my technical lifts. I haven’t even tried a jerk. My clean is weak, but at least it’s improving.
2) Monostructural I guess. I was a competitive swimmer and ran cross country in 9th grade. I would like to learn pose running– I was running a lot more over the spring and summer but have stopped. My rowing needs some serious help.
3) Gymnastics totally intrigues and scares me. I haven’t done any at all, but I did learn rolls and falls in martial arts so I should be able to pick that up at least.
I am going to continue my strength focus Jan/Feb and look forward to working in some body weight stuff this spring. Hopefully I’ll be thin and strong enough to have a go at the gymnastics, but I do worry about my loose shoulders. Just looking at a back lever makes me cringe.
today i did ohs at the work gym. hard to do ohs w/o bumper plates. I set up the ‘safety bars’ on the squat rack just below my shoulder rack position
45×5/65×5/95x3x2 – tried for 3 sets of three but only made 2 on the third set. it was pretty loud when the bar landed on the ‘safety bars’!
then row madness250m + 1:00r x 4
Fun to take a wednesday night class. Thanks to coaches Fox and Margie.
Candlestick rocks were fun. Kind of in my wheelhouse.
WOD done with 12kg KBNot seamless to say the least. Somewhere in the midst my finger started bleeding. Then I loaded the bar unevenly in round 4. Glad I was allowed a make up round. Total=407. Weird.
strength cycle, c’est fini
final numbers:
bench 90clean 87 (5lb PR)
the clean PR is funny; my form was so consistently poor this cycle that jeremy made me snatch instead, just to break what had snowballed into a huge mental block. so to PR was pretty sweet.
also, special shout out to Strength Cycle Management for the super deluxe custom t-shirt. i was so surprised i forgot to thank you.
to peep it, see the last photo on this page:
happy happies to all y’all, see you next week!
WOD with a 16kg kb:43, 53#35, 58#30, 63#30, 63#30, 63#
I feel great at monostructural, ok at weightlifting, and not so hot at gymnastics. But I think gymnastics is the most fun to learn and practice, so hopefully this will get better as time goes on.
Apologies to the noon class on total lack of scoring clarity – apparently we were ALL wrong! But you still worked hard, so that counts the most.
In terms of strength to weakness, I’d say:1)Weightlifting2)Gymnastics3)Mono
Limiting factor on gymnastics is exposure, but I feel that I have decent body awareness. Monostructural is reasonable, not exceptional.
i definitely know that i have some strengths and weaknesses in all three categories , but if i had to rank i would say weightlifting and monostructural movements are closely tied with gymnastics movements WAAAAYYYYYYY down in last place. not only do i find those movements hard and frustrating, i also then don’t focus on them. my goats. and my lack of flexibility and grace doesn’t help. i definitely want to focus on some of those movements in the new year, along with improving lifting and mono elements as well. i definitely need to implement goal setting better in the new year. top two goals right off the bat:
1. stick with paleo challenge2. finally find and sign up for an o-lifting meet and set a structured training schedule.
KB/snatch wod35/73, 35/83, 32/83, 32/83, 32/83571 total
i liked this – i was happy i was able to stay fairly consistent and made the jump in the snatches early. i thought about adding a few pounds by my 1RM is 90 and was unsure if i’d be able to make the lift.
attempted a 1RM at 93 after the wod, and after a few missed reps called it a night. i was pretty spent and will have to try again another day.
PS. i’m not sure who took the liberty of posting that i’m doing CRASH-Bs, but i’m still unsure… if that was a way to coax me into going, well, it may just work…
Posting numbers just to post.
WOD with 16kg:35/5835/6335/6830/6833/73f
I came in with absolutely no energy and my performance in this wod pretty much reflects that. Lack of sleep, too much booze, etc, etc. Enough already. Is it Jan. 1 yet?
WOD with 20 KG KB:
First time I was doing snatch so wasnt sure how much wt I should go in with. Glad I kept it light so I could focus on form. Gymnastics is way down on the list for me as flexibility sucks.