(E6/8) This will be the last heavy 20 set for this cycle. The following exposure will be a back-off set and the final will be a max effort single.
Post loads to comments.
compare to 11.27.10
As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
35 Double Unders
12 Thrusters 95/65
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
An obstacle based warm-up.. with a surprise ending
Congratulations to Julie E on her first Double Under!
Open the door to the science of color theory VectorTuts+
10 Daily Consequences of Having Evolved Smithsonian
katie says
Did this one last night. Warmed up with the active recovery class which is always great.LBBS: (45×5, 45×5, 95×5, 135×5, 155×2) 175x20Squats were fine but I ended up with the worst headache I’ve ever had. Nothing like being miserable at the gym to remind me how much I like all you guys. Thanks everybody, especially Shane and David for checking up on me and Kevin for the ride home.
carlos says
Monday’s clean/HSPU wod rx 14:20 (at home). The last round of HSPUs took forever.
Jess says
1st Event of Hoboken challenge posted!
Event 1: Progressive Bear Complex
Do 1 rep of bear complex in a minute. If you succeed you move up to the next bar (a 10 lb increase). Bars will begin at 35 lbs and continue up 255lbs. A Bear Complex Rep consists of:
-Power Clean-Front Squat-Push Press-Back Squat-Push Press
I’ve only done the Bear once and it was hard! But, I’m really looking forward to this event.
Dan Rx'd says
The other day Samir and I were discussing SUNY Albany’s recent closing of their classics department. For those who are not aware, the State University of New York has had to cut $640 million from its budget. And the President of SUNY Albany, George M Philip, is dissolving the departments of French, Italian, Classics, Russian and Theater Arts.
I promised Samir a link to a recent rebuttal to the “cost saving” measure that George M Philip implemented; it’s so insightful and well written thought to share it with everyone.
Samir Chopra says
Thanks so much for posting that – excellent read! The barbarians are at the gate, and stuff like this helps in keeping up one’s spirits as one runs to man the defenses.
Fox says
oh no not the bear i hate the bear why the bear…
jr says
There is nothing that I hate more than the bear. My forearms just don’t recover enough in between attempts. BRUTAL.
On yesterday’s post, I am new to trying to meditate, but it seems that even a little really seems to help a lot. For me it’s an average of 3 breaths or so before a thought comes in. I don’t let it get to me, I am moving in the right direction. I am going to keep trying, it seriously calms me down.
Thanks for the great topics around here, as always.
Dhalioua says
Thanks for letter on SUNY Dan. As an alum, I can’t say I have been surprised with the developments. SUNY A decided to spend their funds (private, and public) on constructing tons of new buildings for the sciences, and new state of the art dormitories. Construction that started when I was a freshman and only ended 2 years ago. the fiscal irresponsibility that SUNY showed then is part of the problem now. Such a shame.
gabrus says
Shane/Fox/DO/Trainers/Friends Et al,
quick question:
Would doing Yoga be considered a rest day, or would that be a work day? I am thinking about doing it, but I dont wanna eff up resting.
Also, would doing a quad heavy exercise the day after squatting be poor programming?Like thrusters the day after squatting, or should you do it the day of?
thanks brahs
Michele says
as strength cycle gets heavier, rest days sure are easier to take. i am going home to get really intimate with my couch this evening. i might wave the remote around, if i feel a burst of energy.
shane – you scared me to death with your double-under celebration the other night, but it sure was sweet.
David Mak says
Gabrus–I think it all depends on what kind of yoga you do, there’s a variety out there. I would think Power Yoga would be more of a work out. Kundalini could also be somewhat of a workout. A Hatha yoga practice would be more of a slow paced stretchy thing with some breathing exercises and maybe some meditation. So…depends on your goal. I do a stretchy type of yoga every day and a power yoga on weekends. If you don’t want to go to a class, there are some great podcasts that you can follow along with. I would recommend Eoin Finn, Sage Yoga or 20 min Yoga Sessions from Yogadownload.com for stretchy stuff.
Todays work out:Warm up – 45×5, 135×5, 155x3165x20 This was only my second exposure and I went too cautious on my first exposure at 140. This seemed like a big jump but was still too light.Accessory WOD – Three full rounds and 35 DU’s. Wrecked me.
Nick K says
WU: Foam rolling, paced rows (felt like a Greek trireme crew)
BSQ: (45×5, 95×5, 115×3, 135×2, 145×2)145x20Didn’t make it to the previous two exposures. This was a 5# jump from the prior time and felt fine, except that on the last two reps my spinal erectors basically gave out. I think I am doing better on the BSQ form but there are obviously some areas that I need to strengthen.
WOD: 3 Rd + 24 DU @ 65#
After class Samir was expressing some interest in doing a 5k time test at some point. I’d be interested too, although realistically I don’t think I can make it happen until after the holidays. Anyone else interested in a similarly nebulous way? Possible venues would be Red Hook track or Prospect Park for more of a road course.
Robin says
Is it strange to say that I’ve actually liked this 20 rep business? Still not the easiest thing for me to keep my focus, but it was a nice way to work on it.
Also, thanks Fox for the ‘bend the bar around your shoulders’ note– completely changed how I was thinking about the LBBSq, and my arm didn’t kink up the way it did last time. Also, nice to meet and work with Corinne (sp?) for the first time.
LBBSQ 100×20
WOD: 3 Rd + 18 DU @ 53#. Sorry if I was making a scary scary face immediately after. I’ve come to realize this is my ‘catching my breath’ face. I’m not mad at you.
Joe says
Back SquatWarmup: 45×5 95×5 135×3 165×2 175x1Work: 185×17
Lost the bar off my back after the 17th rep. This would have been a ten pound jump. Grr.
Accessory WOD3 rounds + double unders + 5 thrusters(65 lbs)
Sorry to be a disappointment Fox.
Sameer Parekh says
i did the 20 rep business yesterday
45×5 95×5 135×3 185×1 225×1
went to highbar at rep 11 or so
is that cheating?
there’s no way i could have kept the bar on my back in low bar position through 20 reps
did the clean/bj workout today. 8:44 thought it would take me 5 minutes. oops.
Samir Chopra says
Great to be partnered up with my Foundations mate, Joe W – I think we were lifting together after eons.
WU: 45×5, 95×5, 135×5, 165×3, 175×2
Work: 185×20 (this started to feel heavy pretty quickly and it became quite slow, but they all went up, so thats that).
Accessory WOD at 80lbs: 3 rounds + 35 double-unders + 4 thrusters.
This was hard from the get-go; thrusters break down really fast.
Sameer Parekh says
oh that was snatches, not cleans. oops. i did cleans.
Dhalioua says
I too am really enjoying the 20 rep squats prolly cause I was really cautious as well. Im enjoying seeing the progress in my depth.
The wod was really tough. I did 4.5 sets at #75 with the thrusters.
Paul Baumeister says
Back Squat – coach has me at 3×5 for this cycle
Warm Up – 45×5, 65×5, 85×5, 95x5Work Set – 95x3x5Area of focus – knees out, collapsing more on the right side (probably due to right foot beting flat)
WOD3 rounds + 4 thrusters20 DU attemps, thrusters @ 55 poundsArea of foucs – DU – PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE!! – Thrusters – ELBOWS UP, ELBOWS UP, ELBOWS UP!!
Carrie Mills says
First class back after 25 days off the wagon. Great to see everyone! Thanks David for helping me get back. Thanks Fox for validating my excuse of illness to laziness to fear by terming it a trifecta.
Back squats (first exposure at CrossFit)WU: 33×5, 53×5, 63×3, 68×1, 70×1, 73x1Work: 70x5x3
Felt good to hold some weight again; need to keep my knees out.
WOD20 DU attempts, thrusters @ 253 rounds + DUs + 6 thrusters
I should add that not only was I off the fitness wagon for 25 days, but I had the kind of Thanksgiving that included 5 pies for 7 people.
Jess says
Phew, what a hard night at the box.
Warmup:-pre class foam rollin’ and squat stretch on achy hip-jumping jacks, hip mobility stuff, calf marches
LBBS:(45×5, 95×5, 125×3, 140×2, 155×1)work: 160×20-Damn was that hard. Had to take each rep really slow. My second to last rep was the slowest and the closest I came to thinking I wasn’t going to make it. Sped up the last rep, racked the bar and immediately dropped to my knees for a solid minute.-Gotta say that I’ve really enjoyed how these 20 reps squats have challenged me in a completely new way…both mentally and physically. Having said that, I am looking forward to our deload exposure.
WOD rx’d at 65lbs:-3 rounds + 35 du’s + 8 thrusters-This kicked my ass. My body was completely exhausted from the squats and I just didn’t have any go in me.-Also broke my jumprope with the first double under and had to replace it with a crappy one. I’m such a pansy but this type of switch messes with my head and makes me pouty.-Thanks to everyone for cheering me on during that last minute!
Bethany says
Warmup: hip mobility with group class
BSQ: (45×5, 65×5, 85×3, 95×3, 105×1)105×20 – Didn’t ever feel secure in my rack position on these but otherwise it felt good, no low back pain.
WOD: 5 rounds in 10 minutes of 35 DUs and 12 thrusters with 20lb DBs. I couldn’t believe has fast my normally strong DUs fell apart – I didn’t even get the first round unbroken, then every subsequent round I tried to break up into 10-10-10-5 but wasn’t even hitting that on some.
Cool-down: David showed me some nice LAX ball and stretches for my tight pecs/shoulders, which in conjunction with the theracane brought me some nice relief. That theracane is the bomb. Then did some LAX ball on the back of my shoulder (infraspinatus maybe?) that sent me through the roof and into a dark, painful place, holy wow!
Bethany says
PS looking at everyone else’s scores for the WOD I think I may have miscounted and done 4 rounds even rather than 5.
Jessica Bailey says
BSQ: 105×20
WOD: 3 rounds plus 35 DUs and 1 thruster.
David Mak says
Forgot…the accessory WOD was Rx.
Chris A. says
Back squat: (45×5, 95×5, 115×3, 135×3)145x20Was actually easier than last exposure of 140. I credit Charlotte (fellow DC native) for coaching my form. @ Charlotte, forgot to touch on the DC Go Go scene during our chats. I saw EU (or was it Trouble Funk?) at a Sidwell Friends dance in 1984 or 1985!
WOD. at David’s suggestions subbed 15 push ups for the 12 thrusters since I did overhead work yesterday. 15 push ups should be a snap but man, they were my goat today. WTF??4 rounds + 35 DUs + 8 push ups.
Oh, my knees hurt. mmmm
James N. says
Still going easy on the knee, did alternating 5 reps of box squats at 80# with calf and hip stretching, LX ball. 3 rounds.Knee seems to be feeling much better, won’t really be able to tell until after a day or two of rest. Need to remember to stretch and use the LX ball on my off days.
WOD: did push press @ 60# instead of thrusters. 4 + 14DU
accessory: pullups 4×5 – first time I’ve been able to do 4 across in a while
Dan L says
Final exposure of 20-rep Back Squats
Warm-up: (45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 185×2, 205×1, 225×1)
Work: 210×20 – This was pretty tough. Don’t think I could go up another 5lbs in a few days, but I’m really happy that I was able to go from 185 to 210 during this cycle. It didn’t really feel much harder each exposure til today, so I’m hoping those gains will be reflected in my 1RM next week.
WOD: 4 rounds + 8 thrusters Rx’d
The squats really took a lot out of me, so I think I could have done quite a bit better if I were fresh. Thrusters at 95 felt heavy because I wasn’t getting a lot of drive out of the bottom.
Fox says
Back Squat20x235x1That. Was. Hard…
WOD Rx’d3 Rounds + 35 DUs + 9 ThrustersCould have gone harder, but knew going in this was gonna suck, so, I allowed it to.
I haven’t seen folks floored by a WOD like this in a while. Lots of “catching my breath” faces afterwards. Thrusters after sqyats, who’da thunk it?
Gabrus – I agree with DMak (although I thought Kundalini yoga was all meditation?). More important for making progress on your squat is not doing a “quady”, or “hippy”, for that matter, session the day BEFORE. Legs fresh for squats!
Joe – I hope that’s stated with tongue firmly in cheek. I think you’re a bit more badass than you may think, sometimes. Sorry if my question came off as judgement. It was certainly not meant to be.
David Mak says
Kundalini usually has a lot of rapid and repetitive movements linked with strict breathing patterns (breath of fire, etc). It can definitely be a work out.
Becca says
(55×5, 75×3, 95×3)105×20
This was only my second exposure for this cycle. The other one was 2 weeks ago. I went out too fast on the first 10 reps. I may have been a little shallow or just at parallel on a few reps.
I did not end up doing the posted WOD but managed to do some aks work:3 x max reps pushups – stopping when my form broke down (10/8/8)1 x 1:45 plank. The goal was 3 minutes.1 x 5L + 5R one-legged squats onto an applebox set up on the tallest side1 x 10L + 10R one-legged squats onto an applebox set up on the tallest side3 x 10 GHD situps
*Due to timing, worked out at Quist.
JMD says
155×20 tough
5 rounds and 2 double unders with 75lbs
jmd says