For time:
Row 1000m
50 Thrusters 45lbs
30 Pull-ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
Compare to 8.29.10 and 12.27.09
Skill Work
Spend 10 minutes working on your Freestanding Handstand
CF Kids do Lil' Jackie & Jackie
CF Celebrity DeathMatch "Greg Admundson vs. Level 1 Trainers-Jackie"
Handstand Development w/ Roger Harrell
Handstand Games w/ Roger Harrell
11am Class
Warm-upsome light rowing and a coulple thrusters, a little foam rolling
“Jackie”8:47 as Rx’d
Well below my best time (7:02) I went harder on the Row knowing that it was my weak point on this workout. Held a 1:49-1:52 split for the first 55 or so and then became inconsistent for the latter 500, ranging from 1:50-2:05
The last three times Ive done Jackie Ive done all the Thrusters and Pull-ups unbroken. This time by the 20th thruster I was feeling really gassed and knew I wouldn’t make 50 unbroken. I also was having a really hard time with my rack postition with some pain in my left wrist. Got Frustrated, finished the thrusters and then slogged through the pull-ups in sets of 10-8-5-7-5-5
Poor showing, but still a good workout. Had a really great heat with Ryan, Nick, Doyle Jess and Carlos in tow.
11:20. Hit some sort of brutal wall after 600m and couldn’t really push myself.
Warmup:-3 rounds NFT of 15 erg pulls, 5-10 thrusters, 3-5 pullups
“Jackie”10:17 rx’d
-PR by about 10secs. Fun and nerve-racking to be the only girl in class with some badass gentlemen.-Finished the row in 4:10.1. First 10 thrusters were unbroken then in sets of 5. Started putting the bar down after 25. Pullups were in sets of 2 until the last two which were singles.-I just tracked back to when we did this in August, and it looks like I broke this workout up the exact same way. Goal for next time–4:05 row, 15 straight thrusters then in sets of 5 without putting the bar down, pullups in sets of 3.
Accessory work:-freestanding handstand practice.
WU: DU practice until I realized my shins were splinted to shit from a barefoot run over the holiday. Then NFT rows, thrusters, pull-ups.
WOD: 11:49 Rx’d. Row in about 4:10, thrusters were 25-10-8-5-2, pull-ups in 3’s and 2’s.
This was my first time doing Jackie, Rx’d or otherwise, but it was also my first WOD doing pull-ups Rx’d period. I have the concept of kipping pull-ups down and sometimes can get into a good groove, but especially in a WOD like this where I’m already tired my form falls apart. This is definitely an area for development for me. Thanks JMD for some encouraging words–you are an inspiration to skinny guys everywhere.
Strength Cycle B, Week 5Intensity Day
After having sat around eating crap for four days, I knew this was gonna be interesting.
warmup: lacrosse to lower legs, traps and lats. Used the new blue thingie to stretch my calves – that thing is DOPE, works like a charm.
LBBS – pretty heavy for a rep-out, only 12.5 lbs less than my 1-RM.
w/u: 45×5, 65×5, 85×5, 105×5, 125×5, 135×2, 145x1work: 147.5 x10
Tx to J and the guys for getting me through that set of ten; I needed the coaching and encouragement.
Sorry Charmel for the uncharacteristic display of emotion! It won’t happen again.
I forgot today was rep-out and did a set of 5 at my work weight, then put the bar down. Duh. If I hadn’t, I’m pretty sure I would’ve gotten my 50×10, which would’ve been a nice showing for me with this lift.
w/u: 33×5, 38×5, 45x1work: 50×5 (error), then 50×7 (darn)
Rack Pulls
These are still really, really easy. I keep hoping I’ll see the benefit at the next Total like the B cyclers did in October…I really want to PR at 200, minimally.
w/u: 95×5, 135x5work: 180×5
13:13 rx’d. I did the row in about 4min, then I really faded on the thrusters. Pull-ups felt pretty good. I partnered with Josh, he did a great job at coaching – thanks.
Made up yesterday’s 20 rep squat. Got 205 – felt much better than last time. Looking forward to being back at CFSBK tomorrow
WU: NFT row, thrusters, pullups
WOD: “Jackie” 14:??
First time, used 45# for thrusters and did white band kipping pullups. I only just recently learned kipping pullups, so it was a bit of mess. With some practice I think I can get a pretty good hang of them.
Row went smoothly, was aiming for 1:55 splits. With the adrenalin started off around 1:50, drifted down to 2:00-ish by the end. Thrusters went 10 10 5 5 5 then 2s. Pullups were 3s and 2s and then singles. Could barely hold on to the bar at the end. I was pretty inefficient trying to get the kipping going. Would have like to finish the workout strong, but ended more with a wimper than anything else.
Thanks to my partner Paul for helping me through the workout, and thanks to everyone cheering for me at the end.
Jackie in 9:27
Thrusters in 10s. I could have tried harder here.
PUs in 5s. Used a cross handed grip for some which felt like it helped.
WU: NFT row and as few thrusters and pullups as I could decently get past Fox.
Jackie: 11:58
Rowed in about 4.Thrusters 17, 8, then 5’s to 50.Pullups 6×5, was going to use white band,went blue instead. Good idea, nearly lostthe bar on last set. Forearms totaled.
Nearly face planted on handstands with totaled arms. Thanks for only chuckling Lisa.
Jackie – 13:00Rowed in 4Thrusters with 33lb. bar – sets of 10Pullups – Ring Rows – 10, 5, 3,3, 2,2,2,3Not impressive, but it was work.
Worked on handstands – thanks Chris!
– Jason H
Jackie3:52 on the rowgreen band on the pullups13:34Legs burning like crazy today from the thrusters.
Jackie at 12:55 as RXed.
The pullups were the hardest part for me. After 15 I could only do about 1 or 2 at a time. My kipping form deteriorated quite dramatically at that point, making some wildly inefficient pulls.
Fox gave me a pointer midstream. I was bending at the elbows too early on the pullup and barely getting up.Thanks!