3 Rounds For Time:
Run 400m
21 KB Swings 1.5pd/1pd
12 Pull-ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
Compare to 7.18.10 and 3.25.10
Alec H warming up for his 20 reps.
Ragnar Relay Info Session
Join Sarah H. today for a general information session about the Ragnar Relay. Are you in? Are you unsure? Doesn't matter all are encouraged to participate. Come on in to the gym and find out more today at 12p!
Another Great from the Crate: OPT's sub-7:00 Helen Crossfit.com
Rob Israel says
Don’t know if this has been mentioned, but Fresh Direct is now carrying Hardwick Grass-Fed beef. It started as just ground-beef, but now they have steaks and roasts. Very $$, but convenient.
I am looking for grass-fed cheese now that I’m re-introducing some dairy back in– got a source for me? Also, any good pork vendor/store suggestions out there?
@Fox: made coconut curry greens last night– awesome! I used fish this time around and it’s totally tasty too. This is definitely a go-to recipe for now on– yummy and pretty fast to put together– thanks!
David Osorio says
Warm-up:Minimal, some DROMs, a light jog and the foam rolling from the 11pm class I coached.
“Helen”10:34 as Rx’d
All Kettlebell swings and Pull-ups unbrokenRun 1: mediumish, didn’t like running in my imitation chucksRun 2: Felt quicker, good mental outlookRun 3: SLOWW but, wow this is almost done.. i think I might finish under 9
Forearms were shot for about 10 minutes afterwards. This wasn’t hard on my wind and my legs were total unaffected. The last few times I’ve done helen I did the pull-ups and swings unbroken so I knew I had to couldn’t lose that. Especially since Im such a weak runner.
Thanks for the support, all!
Peter says
Helen 13:33 Green band on the pullups. Rx on the KBs.
Situps 35/25/15/5DUs 19-Again!Backsquats 20 @ 95lbs.
Samir Chopra says
The “WOD-that-launched-a-thousand ships”
11:09 with 1 pood, strict chin-ups.
I can’t really compare this to the last time we did Helen (at 14:45 on 3.25.10), since that one was so different (I did 95-lb deadlifts and pull-ups rather than chinups). But from what I can remember, this one felt a little better. So I’ll take that for now.
Nick K says
Made up yesterday’s BSQ work and WOD today:
WU:double-under practiceFoam rolling w/11:00 class45x595x5145x3165x2185x1Haven’t done BSQ exposures in a long time so I decided 185 was a reasonable “heavy single”.
Work: 130x20I probably could have gone a little heavier on this, but given that we are sticking with sets of 20 through the cycle, I wasn’t in any rush to add weight. Interestingly different challenge.
WOD: (AMRAP 250m row, 7 DB cleans @ 40% BW, 7 pushups)4 rounds + 229m row @ 30# DBsThis felt pretty good. Hardest part was trying to keep myself from “resting” on the rows. DB cleans are always a challenge on my wrists.
Dan L says
Helen – 7:55 Rx’d (22 second PR from 9 months ago)
Really happy with this time. It helped a lot to have Ryan chasing me.
Chris A. says
Helen- 10:23. (1pood kb & 6 strict chins).Feeling extra super bloated today which made my runs sluggish torture. Odd because I drank all of two beers last night. I’m thinking it was the large bag of popcorn and trough of sprite I had while watching the Social Network. That’s paleo, right? Thank you ladies of the concession stand at BAM for doubling the buttery goodness.And thanks to Ashley for your kind and motivating words of encouragement today!@Rob. Park Slope food coop has grass fed everything.
Joe says
13:44 Rx’d.
This felt absolutely terrible, but apparently was an 80 second PR.
Runs were very uncomfortable, like David I don’t like running in my (real) Chucks.
Probably could have pushed harder on the swings, but I felt a mess coming off of each run. Did 14-7 the first round, then sets of 7 in the second two.
Pull-ups were about where I expected them to be. They continue to be an issue.
Jess says
Warmup:-more jumping jacks mixed with droms. why am I not a fan of these?-Helen prep
Helen:11:52 (PR) rx’d-I was surprised by the 20sec PR because of my lingering cold, and because this was my first time running in vibrams. Overall, the run felt good and I could still probably push myself a little harder in this. All KB swings unbroken, although I REALLY wanted to put it down. Pullups were in sets of 2-3 the first round, then 1-2’s for the latter rounds. My forearms were fried and I really feared falling off of the bar.
Goat work:Strict Press: 65x5x3
Carlos says
Mile in 6:25 as my leg of parent/kid cross country relay with PPCC.
Helenish in 8:48. out down up and back my block, 45# kb my heaviest
Rob Israel says
After a reset 3 weeks ago on the Back Squat, the linear progression has continued and I’m in new terrain again getting 245x5x3 in the books today. (Yeah!!!!)
I’m super stoked and look forward to my ‘official’ 1.5x body weight (x 5 reps) Back Squat Thursday.
Also worked on Snatches which are driving me as crazy as is the Power Clean. If it’s not one fault (bar drifting away) it’s another fault (jumping early). I love the oly type stuff but wow, is it difficult. Finally, did 10×3 chinups with the lightest band. The first 7 are easy, but then not so much… 10 unassisted is seeming very distant, but I’ll get there.
@Chris– thanks for the co-op tip, but I’m not a member.
Anyone else have any grass-fed cheese tips?
Dan L says
@Rob – I know that Millport(?) Dairy sells raw grass-fed cheese at the Greenmarket near Borough Hall. There are probably similar vendors at the one near Grand Army Plaza if that is more convenient for you.
Fox says
@Rob – talk to Ben at Biercraft. Raw Milk CSA on the hush…
Also, even easier, most European cheese is from grass-fed cattle. Or, make your own from milk from grass-fed cattle. Bam!
JMD says
folx were killing it today! very fine times.
9:25ish put the kettlebell down in the third round. boooooo! but all and all almost a minute faster than last time. i’ll take it.
Jason F. says
Helen 10:31 Rx’d
Goat = muscle ups
Michele says
strength cycle B, week three
“intensity day”
the only thing intense about today was how incredibly much i sucked.
shuttle runs were fun, thankfully.
Jason F. says
Helen 10:31
Goat = Muscle ups