Take 15 minutes to find a heavy single. Then do a set of 20 reps at 70% of that weight.
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AMRAP in 8 Minutes:
250m Row
7 DB Power Cleans at 40%BW
7 Push-ups
Remember, we're all invited to Dan's Birthday Bash tonight!
Branded Saloon
603 Vanderbilt Ave @ Bergen St
9:30p til 6 in the mornin!
David "D-Turn" Turnbull has been working to help put together "Rebel Buddha: On the Road to Freedom Tour" featuring author Dzogchen Ponlop which will be an event at Cooper Union this Sunday, November 14. Get more info and tickets here!
Kelly Starret Tire Flip & Back Flip WOD at SFCF Nakaa Athletics
Happy birthday Dan! Not sure if I can make it, but I’ll try. Have a blast in any case.
Happy Birthday, Dan! Enjoy it.
happy birthday dan.
Happy birthday Dan, see you there!
Happy Birthday Dan!
Thanks to Michele for posting this stumptous.com interview with Robb Wolf yesterday. It’s excellent, so I’ll share again. Robb does a great rant about the psychological mechanisms of calorie counting and moderation which I found very enlightening:
Super-cool blog all around, check it out.
Back Squat Saturday.
I think I’m going to love this 20-rep cycle.
WU: 45×5, 95×5, 135×5, 165×3, 185×2, 195×1, 210×1
Work: 150×20
Accessory WOD with 30# DBs (40% of BW): 4 rounds + 120 meters.
Nice class, beautiful day. What more can one ask for?
Happy B-day Dan! Hope to make it tonight to join in the celebration.
Warmup:-endless jumping jacks-samson stretch, mountain climbers, squat holds
LBBS:(45×5, 95×5, 135×5, 155×3, 170×2, 180×1, 190×1)work: 135×20-whew, that was hard. I’ve never done that many reps in a row and it’s definitely a different physical and mental challenge. Really enjoyed this…although I’m a little scared at how heavy this is going to get.
WOD:-3 rounds + 217m in 8 minutes. (rx’d at 30lb db’s–yes, I weigh way too much right now!)This was also hard. I felt like my cleans looked (and felt) like crap. It got harder and harder to hold the db’s. Every set of pushups were broken, so I need to improve this!
Back Squat205 x 20Worked up to 295 for my heavy single, which felt good. Nice to be able to walk uo to a bar near 300# and know I can squat it. Started to lose bar position a bit on the 20 so I’ll be more mindful of it in future exposures.
WOD8 Minute AMRAP Row/DBCln/PushUpRx’d at 35#5 rounds + about 25 meters
Apologies to earlier classes that did this as a 12 minute AMRAP. My fault on judging the time involved today.
Happy Birthday Dan – hope to make it tonight as well.
Worked up to 265 for the heavy single which felt pretty light, but kept it there to give some room to grow in this cycle. 185 x 20 was a bit tough at the end but could have gotten 5 more reps if I needed to.
WOD (8 minute version)Scaled up slightly to 40# (no more 35s left)5 rounds + 20-something meters
Happy Birthday, Dan, see you tonight!
Good to work out with Chris today:
BSQ 175x20heavy single was 255, didn’t feel too bad. Looking forward to this squat cycle, hoping to get back to 300.
WOD (12 minute version)5 rounds + row rx’d (45 lbs)
Happy Birthday Dan Rx’d!
BSQ: worked up to a single at 145 and it felt H-E-A-V-Y and wonky. Been way too long since I back squatted I suppose.
105×20 – around rep 10 started feeling an alarming fatigue in my lower back. Laurel suggested my stance was too narrow.
WOD of AMRAP in 8 minutes: 3 rounds + 85m as RX’d with 20lb dbs.
@Rob – right? Mistress Krista *all day.* I never use the “M” word but I make an exception for her.
Active Recovery @ noon:
Shane – thanks for introducing me to the phenomenon of mobility nausea today. I couldn’t even eat after class, and that is saying something.
On the upside, you helped me understand why my squat limitations are what they are, and how to address them. Over 90 minutes after class, I tested my squat and the results were crystal clear.
Thanks again.
HB, Dan!
First wod post.
Back Squat – 105# x 20. That was fun and a good way to get back into squatting. Need to keep my gaze down for better posture. Thanks for the tips Jess/Shane.
WOD: 4 rounds + ~60 M row with 20#. My dumbbell clean is a work in progress but this was fun
Happy birthday, Dan!
Back squatWarmup: 45×5 95×5 135×3 185×3 215×1 235x1Work: 165×20
A different sort of feeling, but not as hard as I expected. I’m sure it will get worse.
Accessory WOD (8:00 version)3 rounds + row & 6 cleans
Happy happy birthday Dan!!!!
Worked up to heavy 1 rep of 115, then did 85 x 20. No problem. I like back squats. They feel good to me.
WOD: 3 rounds + 236 m. Tried so hard to get those last 14 meters.
Nice working with Robin today!
Happy Birthday Reshef!
20 reps done at 135, got a tinsy bit heavy from reps 15-20. After I felt a wee bit dizzy.Completed 3rds+ 250 row, how horrible to row two days in a row!! Eww
Happy Birthday Dan!!!
Wow, today was busy! Had a a lot of fun working with folks today and everyone’s squats looked excellent.
@Michele: Wonderful! Very glad to help
Back squat…
single @ 13520 reps at 90lbs. could have done more weight or more reps. looking forward to this!WOD: 3 rounds plus some rows, dbs only 20% bw, and it killed me. Rest of Saturday spent impersonating a puddle. sploosh.
165#x20 I feel like there was more in the tank which makes me hopeful for next time. Also this really seemed to hit the hamstrings in a way I haven’t felt in a long time.
4roumds 40m @35#. this is just under 50% bw 🙁
Paleo eating has me down about 7#s. That said, all my numbers are up so I won’t complain.
Later I did 1/2 GIJane in 8:12.
Just watched the Kelly video. Now I wanna learn back tuck flips!
Tonight’s home cooked MOD was4 Baked drum sticksAsparagusSalad with heirloom tomatoes and cucumbers
Little bit of wine and some seltzer
everything organic. Special thanks to my partner in crime and the kitchen, Sam.
I went to Prospect park today and ran in to 1-2.. 3 CrossFitters!
Happy Birthday, Dan! See you guys soon
My knee was too sore for me to do back squats, so Shane had me work on dead lifts instead. Now my back is sore.
DL: 95×5 115×5 145×5 165×3 185×3 195×2 205×2
WOD: modified the wod since I didn’t think the rowing would be good for my knee. Did 4 rounds for time of:
1 minute of DUs7 DB Power Cleans at 30#7 Push-ups
took 8:25, also set a DU pr with 26 at one point
ACC: pullups 4 4 3 3 3
Didn’t know what my 1 RM should be post hip issues, so started at 165. That was easy, did 175, still pretty easy, so hit 185. This started to feel heavy, particularly the rack position.
1×20 @ 135. Stupid me for chasing Jess and Charlotte. I ought to have listened to what the coaches (including me) were telling other people! I got my 20 but it was brutally hard. My legs were shaky, but still ok – the real trouble was holding the rack for that long. At 10 reps I wanted to put it down. At 15 I had to promise myself that after one more I WOULD put it down, did that little trick to myself until I hit 20. Then dropped it and spent some time gasping.
8 minute AMRAP Rx’d 25lb dumbbells. 3 Rounds + 225m. Legs were wanting to cramp, so the rowing was quite slow. Other movements unbroken.
Snatch:90x1x4 (1,1,F,1)
Clean:80×2; 100 (+2 FSq)107 (+2 FSq); 115×1; back down to 107xFail; 107 (+2 FSq)
Posting a day late–fun 8am class working with Ash. Got up to 200 for my heavy single–exciting as my 1RM for the Total was 225 and 200 felt just fine. Did 140×20. this was LONG but doable. Kept having to adjust the rack position, too; next time I want a coach to look at it.
12′ AMRAP, subbed 1.5 pood swings for the cleans as my knee is still sucky: 6 rounds plus 250m plus 7 swings.
Backsquat: Max at 155# and then 20×115# [probably could’ve gone heavier on both]Thanks to Alec for the helpful backquat tips.
WOD [25# DB]: 3 rounds finished + 250m + 3 cleans
Thanks for the workout! It was great to meet fellow Crossfitters of Brooklyn. Keep up the good work. If you’re ever in Michigan, check out Joust Fitness in Ann Arbor. joustfitness.com