For Time:
100 Pull-Ups
100 Push-Ups
100 Sit-Ups
100 Squats
Post time and Rx to comments.
compare to 9.19.09 or "Half Angie" 3.3.10
Bon voyage to Coach Margie who left for Safari in Africa! Margie will be back in about a month, stay tuned for updates from her adventure, including working as a commentator in a power lifting meet.
Coaches Shane and Jeremy are away this weekend at Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength Seminar. Rippetoe is one of the most well respected coaches in the barbell game. We're excited to see all the new coaching and programming information they bring back to the gym!
Good luck to Jess F, Meghan R and Jenn M on the NYC Marathon today! These ladies have been training hard for the past few months in preparation for today's 26.2 miles of running. The marathon is a true test of endurance capacity and mental fortitude, we wish them a great race today.
If you'd like to view today's race, lululemon athletica Brooklyn, The Brooklyn Tri Club and CFSBK will be cheering and spectating on Degraw and 4th from 9:30am-12pm today.
Athletes attending class today might have to take an alternate route if they can't cross 4th avenue.
I hope the Marathon goes well for you ladies!! Pre-congratulations!
Hello from Potchefstroom south Africa! I am here with Andy getting ready to spend the week watching some strong people move lots of weight. Will update soon.I ate biltong today- S African beef jerky sticks. Snappy mild and fatty. Quite delicious.
goooooo marathoners!
hey you want to watch the Tahoe WoD that made Dave Lipson say, “I just shit myself.” ??
yes, you do.
miranda vs camille, 135-lb power cleans + HSPU couplet
Angie Sunday.
Subbed 30 strict pull-ups just like September 19th September.
Time: 19:11 (five minute PR over last year’s 24:18).
Situps and squats unbroken; pull-ups started with 13, then became doubles and singles. Pushups began with a 25, and then became 5s, 4s, 3s, 2s.
Nice to be able to improve on this over a year.
Later, went and cheered on the marathoners – saw Jess, which was very cool.
@Margie: I love biltong! I ate heaps of it when I was in RSA, and even brought some back on the flight for snacking on with the airline wine! Try all the different game variants while you are there (impala etc).
Ugh. This took me about a day and half. At least it was Rx’d?
1/2 Angie – 16:18. Cannot. Stop. Shaking.
i scaled to 35/35/35/50, with a green band on the pullups (still couldn’t do 20 unbroken, even totally rested – wtf?) and modified pushups.
9:42. didn’t really feel fatigued after, so i guess i went too easy with the pace (not the reps.)
thanks david for help with scaling and for the this-is-not-optional preparatory foam rolling pre-WoD.
i meant to pick up ingredients for Fox’s recipe, which looks yumm, at the co-op today – but totally spaced once i was there. damn.
Half Angie 13:55 min with green band pullups and pushups off a 24″ box. Was going to do 75 reps, but pullups, pushups and even situps were going to take a loooong time.
Big props to our marathon ladies, I only saw Jess’ result, 4:19, very impressive!
Modified Prospect Park Angie:run 3 minutes, 20 pushupsrun 3 minutes, 20 squatsx5Finish the loop and do 100 situpsW/ Chris J NFT
Great job Marathoners! YAY!
Angie Rx’d19:58Sit Ups didn’t feel near as bad as I thought they would after Annie, they just slowed down about 1/2 way through.
Jess ran a heck of a race today. Her time was 4:19:60(?) as Bjorn stated, well below her goal of sub 4:30. I’m so proud of her. Thanks guys, for all of the CFSBK support out there. Forza CrossFit!!!
Angie Rx’d22:52
Woke up this morning, moaned, rolled over, Malcolm brought me coffee in bed (thank you). Eventually sat up by the expedient of grabbing hold of my thighs (abs wouldn’t oblige). Three days later and my abs were still powerfully smashed by Annie. Looked at the WOD and sulked for a few minutes that it wasn’t Cindy (didn’t want to do sit-ups.) Attempted a sit-up, couldn’t do it. Came to the gym, complained, got told to suck it up and did Angie. Interestingly it was the pull-ups where the abs were extremely painful – that c-position at the bottom of the kip was excruciating… such that by the time I got the the sit-ups they didn’t seem so bad.
Terrific job marathoners (Even though I think anyone who volunteers to run 26 miles is crazy… but it is an impressive expression of will and fitness.) It was quite the spectacle today and I’m glad I was there to cheer myself hoarse and see you go by.
Angie in 21:38. I was really not feeling it today. Had a slight headache and nausea from lack of sleep and not keeping up with hydration generally. No flappers and no pukie, so all in all a success.
Way to go Jess! Nice work. And bravo to Meghan and Jen, I’m sure you guys did great.
Modified Angie, 20:19. Did 50 pullups and Rx’d the rest. pullups were sets of 3; pushups were 10, 10, and then 5s. rest unbroken.
Pulling up all the rubber mats at CrossFi, dry vacuuming and then mopping underneath them was my wod for today.
Finally got back into a gym today after a week-long cold. Resumed my linear progression where I left off last Sunday.
It was encouraging to make all the lifts but I’ve lost a chin-up (down to 6 unbroken) somewhere along the line so my goal of 10 by 12/1/10 is receding.
Oh well, looking forward to stomping my fail point (242.5) on the back squat Tuesday. Nearing my initial goal of 1.5x bodyweight BS and 1x be bench for 5 rep work sets.
Congrats to Jess, Meghan and Jenn!!! That is bad-ass!
Congratulations to the Marathon Runners Jess, Meghan & Jenn!
Great to see goals achieved and all your hard work paying off! Only wish I had gotten to see you all on the course!
The Rip seminar was really great. I highly recommend to all of our coaching staff and any member interested in getting a better understanding of the lifts and how to get stronger. Reading the book and following the progression alone is no substitute.
See y’all tomorrow
Just got home. Only was able to finish cleaning underneath half the mats. Sam helped a lot too. I’ll have to tackle the other half later this week.
Just a lil update for everyone following the trials and tribulations of cleaning the gym.
23:46 as Rx’d. Still can’t bend my arms. Any recommendations for good toothbrushing service?
Was fun seeing the marathon for the first time.