(E4/4) Max Effort!
Post loads and PRs to comments.
Compare to 10.18.10, 10.11.10, & 7.5.10
Row 2000m
at +10/15s of your best 2K
Run 1 Mile
Easy pace
Heroes in a Half-Shell, Turtle Power!
Team TMNT took first place at the Trick-or-Treat Throwdown on Saturday!
Team Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is:
Noah A as Leonardo
Josh M as Raphael
Katie M as Donatello
Steph P as Michaelangelo
Jess B as Master Splinter
Great work you guys on the WODS and the costumes!!
Get better soon Luca!
Luca L sustained an injury to his leg while playing rugby this weekend. We wish him a speedy recovery.
Lost and Found
Another gentle reminder to retrieve your belongings from the lost and found. All remaining items will be donated to charity at the end of the week.
It's now November and that means time to start talking goals for the new month! Remember when thinking of your goals for the new month it pays to be as specific as possible and set a due date by which you want to accomplish your goal.
Post 1-2 goals for the upcoming month to comments. What are you looking to put on the accomplishment board at the end of the month?
Setting Goals Dutchlowy.com
SMART Goal-setting Goal-Setting-Guide.com
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Theme Song) Youtube.com
Reporting in as ordered(!) from the Monday 6am shift with David…
w/u overhead squats and planks… somewhat embarrassed not to be able to hold that last plank for 1:30.
Work: 2nd time doing snatch since foundations.22lbs x 532lbs x 5?42lbs x 352lbs x 357lbs x 1 x 362lbs x 1 x 3
62 felt fugly, but the bar stayed up. There were 2 or 3 reps in there somewhere (52?) where the move actually made sense! exciting. trying to pay attention to everything at the same time = fail, and yet everything needs work. hoping to conquer the left hand numbness phenomenon sometime soonish.
2k row: 10:21.
Great work, Melon!
The Mobility Cert links under the events tab are now live! Get em while they’re hot!!!
Luca, what team do you play for?
Gabrus – I believe Luca is in the same league as you. He’s New York D1 Men’s Rugby.
Goals for November:
Figure out how to resume general classes while still making progress on my back squat. I squatted and then did Annie on Friday, and was a wreck for the next 3 days. Sigh.
I think I need to dial the weight back to maybe 215x3x5 and make another run at it, maybe with 2.5 pound jumps instead of 5.
november goal:
one(1)improved pushup.
that means: elbows-in, chest-to-deck, none of that nose-leading wonky bullshit.
Luca plays for NYRC?they are D1, The Lions are D2, but we just made the playoffs, so we might be D1 next season.get better soon Luca.as for november goals 3 WODs a week outside of rugby.readying to up it to 5 in december
November goal:1. 6 legit pushups. My October goal of 5 was set too late in the month and I barely made it to 3. Now I have 4 generous weeks to get those pushups in tip-top shape!
2. Hollow-rock. Right now I can’t even get into a proper hollow rock – I can only do the tucked position. Will be seeking coach input for a plan here. 🙂
I failed to report back on the October goals, so I’ll do it all in one shot.The goal this month (as it has been for a few in a row) was to work on pull-ups, both the strength and the kipping skill. Success on both fronts! 2 strict pull-ups and a couple real strung together kipped. Becca and I did Cindy as a test at the end of the month and I got 6 legit rounds + 3 pull-ups. Nothing too special there, except for me!
Goals for November are to keep gluten-free during all my travel this month and to get at least 8 rds of Cindy when Becca and I do it again after Thanksgiving. Pull-ups are the only limiting factor so I just need to keep working on the kipping part.
There is a nice video on CrossFit.com with Carl Paoli working Hollow Rocks.
Hang Snatch32x3,42×2,47×2)52x!,57×1,62x1PR,67xFFF
Thought about this lift throughout the day and after last week decided I really wanted to get 62#. As soon as I got it I think I got totally mental about the 67. Couldn’t get under the bar fast enough. I know it’s there I just need to get over the mental hump. Arrrggghhh.
NOVEMBER GOAL: 10 minutes double under practice each time I am in the gym. Today was the first day. Hit 8 consecutive a few times. I’m patient. i’m patient. I’m f#*%ing patient!
Forgot. Rowed 2K: 9:18.
November Goals…1) 10 uninterrupted straight chin-ups2) Stay Gluten and grain free throughout my 10 Thanksgiving vacation.3) Keep working out through vacation while traveling.
I’m entering the last 1/3 of my Paleo challenge– my body is finally adjusted. Sugar is a bitch people– I’m an addict!
New Snatch PR!! 123! Thanks to Shane for giving me a cue on where to look and Fox for the loose arms cue just before hand. It practically flew up. lovely.
easy 2k: 9:21.
Get better soon Luca.
Hurray team TMNT! Proud.
Snatch 155#
Row 2K 7:34.5. Damper on 6 1/2.
Snatch Blue Monday
WU: Barbell complex drills, 65x2x3 high hang snatch, then 75×2, 85×2, 95×1
Work: 105, 105, 105F, 105, 110FFF
So that’s an odd little lifting session; I tried seven lifts, four failed, three came off, with at least two on the ugly, “you were muscling it!” side. But 105 is a PR, over my 95 in the last snatch cycle (back in Feb-March), so I’ll take it for now, and slink off, knowing that I still haven’t gotten the hang of this lift yet.
Accessory Row WOD: 7:58.3
We were supposed to be going slower but I got obsessed about coming in under 8:00 and pulled just a bit harder at the end after coasting for a while. This represents a bit of a watermark, because last year, when I started Crossfit, everytime I would do a 1K under 4 minutes, I would feel like I had gone flat out and totally gassed myself. So its particularly gratifying to think that I can do a 2K in under 8 minutes, without gassing myself too badly, after doing a pulling-lift workout. And since my old 2K PR is 7:52, I’m pretty confident I’ll get a PR the next time we do a 2K for time.
Once again, I thank the stars there is so much emphasis on logging numbers!
My goals for November:
Post workouts on the blogFoam roll after workoutsPractice pull ups 3 x a week
Now I will work on goal #1:Hang Snatch:42×2, 52×2, 62×1, 72f, 72×1, 75F, 75×1, 75F
Mile Run:8:04
That joke about brrrrrrpees makes me laugh.
Warm-UpEasy 500m Row, about 2:15 paceFreestyle Mat-based mobility
55lb Complex x2Mid Hang Snatch DeadliftMid Hang Muscle SnatchTall Snatch
Hang Snatch (in Kilos)(30×3, 35×1, 40x1x2)45×1, 50x1x2, 54x1x2, 56×1, 60×1
work weight in lbs, for reference:99×1, 110x1x2, 118.8x1x2, 123.2×1, 132×1
These felt great. I was twisting a bit and noticed that I was 1 kilo unevenly loaded for most of this. I think it cleared up after I changed the weight. These were all deep squat snatches.
My Goal for November is to make at least 1 meal at home every day. Eating out for me= too much money spent on food, inconsistent eating schedule and lack of quality control.
I plan on posting my MOD Meal of the Day to comments to keep me honest. Tonight I’m going to make organic Steak with a side of mixed veggies. Probably some water and fish oil too.
Hang snatch: 45×3, 65×2, 85, 95, 115 (F), 105, 115 (F), 110, 110The first 110 was Ugly. 115 just wasn’t happening. PR, though by 15.2K row 7:23.3
@Luca: feel better!
@David: awesome goal.
Rest day over here, not feeling great. I just went for a consolatory spoonful of sunbutter and was alarmed to be eating expired tahini. Bleh.
Thanks guys!
@gabrus, yes, NYRC
At the beginning of the year I said I wanted a freestanding handstand and a muscle-up. I’ve got 60 days to get there. I’m going to focus on the muscle-up and commit to doing pullups every time I’m in the gym this month. I’m also going to continue doing mobility work every day. I’ve now figured out (with Alec’s help) where I *need* to do mobility work, and am therefore seeing big results in just a few days.
today was fun. i feel much faster under the bar this snatch cycle. the tall snatches helped alot as did the coaching (thanks). that floaty feeling, when its their, is very satisfying.
110, 115, 120, 125f, 125f. next time.
run for fun…and time 5:50
Complex(MHDLx2, MHHPx2, MHMSnx2, HHSnx1, SnBalx1)at 25kg x2
High Hang Snatch25x2, 30×2, 35×2
Hang Snatch40x2, 50×1`60, 62, 64(pr), 65(pr)(132, 136, 141, 143)
Probably could have gotten more up, the last one felt good. Overall though felt a bit slow tonight. A little more weight adds up fast and slows me down. Caught these pretty high too. Easier said than done, but it really becomes all about speed in getting under the bar. Will continue to work snatch and accessory lifts into the lifting schedule in the coming month.
Great to see some PRs going around tonight!And to see Captain snatching away.
Inspired by Jess Bailey, who makes a good point that actually posting your workouts can be a goal in and of itself:
Strength Week 2:
BSQ: 170x3x5Bench: 160x3x5Deadlift: 210x1x5
Still relatively light, but its been revelatory dropping weight and ironing out my (suspect) form. When’s the last time I lifted seriously under my capacity and actually did things correctly? Must have been 10 or more years ago. Even when I think I’m being relatively ego free I’m sure I’m still wanting to move some weight. In short, I’m happy.
One week of strength and coaching from Jeremy has paid off already. At the Throwdown at Virtuosity my squat cleans felt the best they ever had, due to being able to really find and use the tension in my hamstrings to explode out of the squat.
Warmup: snatch complex with group, then broke out on my own to make up some later-this-week work.
FSQ 1-1-1-1-1(45×5, 65×5, 95×3, 115×2)125x1130x1 (pr)135×1 (pr)140F
Annie:8:41 (pr) – first 50 DUs were unbroken (pr)! 🙂
Sn(1): (53, 83, 83, 93) 103, 108, 113F, 113F, 110 PR!, 113F, 110F, 110F, 110F…
this was kinda maddening because last week i did lots of reps at 103 easily, but it just wasn’t there last night. the form that had been dialed in was gone, but i’m sure it’ll come back. and a 2# PR is a PR nevertheless.
Hang snatch: 50×2, 60×2, 60×2, 85, 85, 95 (ugly) 95 (fail) 85
Since this was my first time really working on hang snatch, I found my form was what needed the most work. Not pulling close to my body. Will work on this.
1mi Run: 6:15Goal November: 10 kipping pull ups in a row.Get deeper on every squat movement.
Done on Tuesday…
Snatch x 1:(33xlots, 43×5, 53×3)work: 63, 73, 83, 83fx2, 73, 83-this felt like a shit show. The lighter weights felt pretty good, but then I seemed to fall apart at 83. After failing a couple of times, Shane had me drop back down to 73 to “gain confidence”. I got my last 83 overhead but it was more of a pressout. I then tried to snatch balance it, bailed and called it a night. I’m getting the bar high enough, but I just can’t get under the damn bar fast enough. For some reason, I’m scared to receive the bar in a squat snatch. This is something I need to work on more consistently.
Accessory work:-opted for ~2 mile easy run to keep with my training.-1.98 miles in 18:12 (9:11 pace)-In case anyone is interested, this is from sbk’s front door, down 3rd avenue to 15th street and back. Much better than laps around the block!-precise numbers courtesy of the mapmyrun.com app. Although it can sometime bug out during use, I have found it really helpful in my training and would recommend it to others.
PR day!
High Hang Snatch: 85, 105, 115 (pr), 115, 115(will work on form a little more before adding weight)
2kRow: 7:43