(E 7/8) Deload to 75% of best triple. Sets across.
Max effort singles are reserved for athletes who will miss exposure 8/8.
Post loads to comments.
Compare to 10.23.10
Complete the following for time:
100 Double Unders*
Rest 1 Minute
Run 400m
Rest 1 Minute
50 Double Unders*
Run 270m
*Do 1 burpee each time you break your double unders
Post times and number of burpees to comments.
Bailey, Benzur & Brenner are…The B-Team! In theaters Summer 2011
Active Recovery 2: Recover Harder starts today!
Join Coach Shane every Saturday at 12pm for an hour-long journey through the world of mobility. This class is open to SBK members as well as non-members. You may use it as one of your classes in your package or drop-in for $15. Bring a friend. Bring an enemy.
Speaking of New Classes….Mondy 8pm Group Class Anyone?
Who would be up for an 8pm Group Class on Monday nights? It's on the table as possibility and will help alleviate some of the strain on our packed Monday nights. Post interest to comments.
Come get your, sh….um, stuff.
Our lost and found cup runneth over. Please check the brown bin next to the fridge for your missing clothing, water bottles, bike helmets and babies. All items will be donated to charity at the end of this upcoming week. Merci, le Mgmt!
Happy belated birthday wishes to Adam P, Kevin M, and Bob!
An MWod for double unders?! That's unpossible! Mobilitywod.blogspot.com
Good luck to the CFSBK Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles team competing at Virtuosity’s throwdown today! Can’t wait to hear how you do and to see pictures of your awesome costumes!
So, I, like, totally deloaded my front squats.
WU: 45×5, 95×5
Work: 135x5x3 (75% of old 3RM of 185, which technically should have been 138.33333…, but I decided against going that route; and, for some reason I thought we were doing quintuples rather than triples)
Accessory DU-Rowing WOD (100DU-500Row-50DU-250Row): 10:21 with approx 8-9 burpees
Most of the burpees came in the first set; in the second set, I missed my old DU PR of 45 by one – Boo!
FSQ deload165x3x3
DU/Run WOD7:11All DUs unbroken. 100 is a PR by FAR! And 50 wasn’t far off from it.
Great to be partnered with Paul again, the Saturday 10am reign continues.
And Shane – I guess that makes me Bruce Willis and you Dennis Franz?
One more thing…
…great googley-moogley 😀
Fun classes today, got an early start at 8:30 teaching and had clients and classes through 1:15pm. Great to be at the gym and looking forward to a great evening in Sleepy Hollow to celebrate the most important holiday of the year!
Also great to see the first Active Recovery class kick off to an awesome start!
Bailey Benzur Brenner, Bailey Benzur Brenner, Bailey Benzur BrennerIm fresh Im fly, Im so damn highmore than 500 horses when I roll byIm calm Im cool, everything brand newI dont hand cuff you can get the whole damn crew
Nice small class and quality time at CFSBK today. It was like a Saturday morning cartoon come to life with the Teenage Mutant Ninjas running around.
Fun with medicine balls.
Front squatsWU: 33×5, 43×3, 53×3, 63x2Work: 68x3x3 – felt really good, especially when i focused on pushing my knees out as I went down.
WOD: 11:30I opted for attempts (50/25 – with 10/5 built-in burpees) and was psyched to find that I could often hit a DU if I spaced between 4 SU. Progress!
I can still feel the run in my lungs.
David – is that like some sort of Bloody Mary or Candyman chant? Are you calling up spirits?
Fun times today at the 11am. Gotta try to find out what the Humpty Dance is.
Liked the med ball tosses with Ms. Laurel.
De-loaded FSQ at 75x3x3. Felt so…pleasant. Feeling much better about technique and no neck pain this cycle. Feel real good about that.
WOD 11:06Modified to 50 DUs and 10 burpees, then 25 DUs and 5 burpees
Double unders are on the short list for November goals.
125x3x3 front squats de-loaded. Felt good.
WoD 70/30 on the DUs 13:04 hit a couple prs 13 and 15 in a row. Quite a few burpees, but fewer than I imagined. I strung together a lot of 5s and 6s.
Tried not to vomit or pee my pants in front of the teaser class.
wod: 11:46
Bailey Benzur Brenner Bailey Benzur Brenner YES on Monday 8pm classes!Bailey Benzur Brenner Bailey Benzur Brenner
i would be thrilled with group classes at 8 any night of the week; will definitely attend
……….once strength cycle is over in december.
learned my lesson
FSQ 150x3x3
Wod in 12:03
Although I can get 30 or more DUs, I still get a lot of 0s and 1s too.
If I do classes on Monday (ok, that’s an if), 8:00pm would be the only class I could make with my current schedule so I’m all for having the option.
OK, I’ll come to the 8pm class on Mondays if you start one.
Today I officially quit NYSC– YEAH!!!!
Front Squat 225#.
WOD 6:59. unbroken double-unders (both sets)
late, late post…
Front Squat x 1:-165pr, 170xFx2-can’t remember my warmup sets or opening sets. boo to me for not writing this down and posting sooner!
Acc WOD:8:30 with about 8-9 burpees.-all but one of my burpees were in the 100 round.
M/ 36/ 132 lbs/ 5′-6″I did your WOD last night because it sounded like funI did a lot of OHS then immediately followed with FS sets of 10 & 8 reps (45,85, 105, 125) then did 8 OHS with 135 & 8 FSFS: 4×155, 4×175, 4x185took about 5 minutes then did the DU run post WOD thing: all DUs unbroken.. I did both runs at max treadmill speed (10 mph) and since the second run was so short, I pushed the incline way up …. that is what I’m going to play with from now on… sprinting at inclines (well, 10 mph isn’t sprinting, but when it’s steep it’s a good pace that’s for sure) (about 5:20.. that’s the fastest I could go with the treadmill.. oh well.. I actually thought that the rest was too long, I think that it should have been half the time it takes you to do the DUs or half the time of your last activity is your rest… that would have been harder… still fun though. thanks for a fun WOD… I had to work my legs today more because I did the rings MU into a HSPU wod last time.. so my upper body was a little sore and fried.