*Rest Day Real World Challenge*
Great work by all you who participated in the first challenge!
This one is simple, find something to roll out your plantar fascia (aka the bottom of your feet). Could be a tennis ball, lax ball, PVC, broomstick or even a chew toy. Treat yourself to 2-3 minutes a foot. You're welcome!
The Return of the KingCon
That's right boys and ghouls, Brooklyn's very own Comic Convention is back for its second year at the Brooklyn Lyceum! CFSBK BFF and Con Organizer Regan Jaye Fishman is looking for a few good men and women to volunteer here's the info:
Hey Everybody! The second KingCon is coming up November 6th/7th at the Lyceum. We need volunteers for check in, raffles and to direct folks to panels. Legendary X-men writer Chris Claremont also needs a handler. Free food and drink, free admission for a guest lots of comic loot and its more than likely I will hug you enthusiastically throughout the weekend. Email reganjaye(AT)gmail.com and friend us on FB /kingconatthebrooklynlyceum. THANK YOU!
Help a sista out!!
Halloween is Sunday! What are you going to be? What was your best/favorite Halloween costume growing up? Anyone going to hit the WOD in costume this weekend?!
Just because it's a rest day doesn't mean it is a day off Mobilitywod.blogspot
KingCon 2: Comicbook Boogaloo Official Site
Check in time! Here is the insane workout we did at my “other” CF today (10/28):
15 minute AMRAP3 C&J (65/95)6 K2E9 GHD situps
I got 7+ rounds because the situps still freak me out (falling backwards thing) and I have to go slow.
and THEN
6 rounds of:15 ball slams (?)15 kbell swings15 box jumps15 lunges15 wall ball situps
…it took a long time, and I was like, what the hell? And I was finishing up, I was the only one still working out. The coach went home (seriously). And this girl says to me as I’m doing my box jumps: “You know they changed it to 4 rounds, right?” Um, no. Apparently, at some point the coach erased “6” and wrote “4” but didn’t make an announcement. Oh well, so I did extra credit.
I feel like that moment from Billy Madison when the chubby kid says to Adam Sandler, “I can’t wait until high school.” And Sandler is like, “SHUT YOUR MOUTH. NEVER LEAVE!!” (or something) Meaning, you might think it’s fun to go to other boxes, but seriously, never leave SBK. I have never appreciated the coaches–and the wonderful workout company!–so much.
Miss you bunches, hope to visit soon.
p.s. you should ALL sign up to help my friend and life partner, Regan. It will be the awesomest time. I only wish I could be there:(
Snip. Bailey. Regan.SISTER WIVES.<3<3I miss your Snippy face and I cant wait to spend nine hours on a bus to see you.
(seriously though folks I hope you roll through!)
Thanks David!!!
3:30am wake up GrrrWent to neighborhood park..
NFT (but ran suicides as possible)12 kipping pull ups4 Basketball Suicides9 strict pull ups3 Basketball Suicides6 Strict pull ups3 Basketball Suicides
Back/obliques whatever it is on the mend.
Best/favorite costume hands down was when I went to Vegas for halloween. 3 of us going as bullfighters, one guy wanted in, we allowed him to come as the bull. We would have won the contest, for sure, if the bull hadn’t passed out from too many jack and cokes. Hands down, the best. Don’t sleep on a mustache and cape!
Have a great day!
2 3 4 5 wod from yesterday except for some reason I did it 2 4 4 5. Possibly because of the disorienting strobe light effect each time I walked from the DL to the wall.
RX 7:18
Strength Cycle B, session 2Rest day
lbbs 95x3x3bench 65x3x5clean 65x3x3
Trying to get some traction on my shitty clean technique. I still resist finishing with the bar on my body, where it belongs, and the hook grip fully released… it’s all just fear.
As far as Hallowe’en goes, I don’t remember a single costume I wore as a kid. I was in a hurry to grow up and age out of such activities.
When I lived in Poland, the holiday was a religious one, and here’s what you would do: go to the cemetery at night with everybody else in town, bearing candles and flowers. You would light your candles and bedeck the graves of your family. The priests wandered around, saying blessings and hopefully keeping the evil spirits at bay.
It was unthinkable not to go. I had no relatives buried there, but my friends assured me I didn’t want to miss this spectacle. It was one of the most indelible things I saw in my two years there. The atmosphere created by an entire community acknowledging its dead is indescribable, particularly for an American, with our disdain of aging and amnesia for our ancestors.
The cemeteries weren’t modern, all paved walkways and manicured lawns and regular rows of tombstones, like ours. They were rough, dark, and much more natural. By this time of year it was already cold and black as pitch in the evenings, the air thick with the coal smoke that heated most homes. It floated over the cemetery and made you squint as it burned your eyes.
On many of the headstones, there would be a photo of the deceased, encased in a kind of protective convex glass sphere. Often, the subject would be unsmiling, in the old style, just staring blankly at the camera.
The effect of the candles and the smoke and the barren trees was one thing, but the illumination of the dead people’s faces by the festivities was positively ghoulish. Children ran around looking for the most frightening graves, and I remember being led to the “scariest” one so everyone could see how the American would react. It was a young girl, in braids, with huge eyes and a pitiful face paralyzed by what could only be her foreknowledge of her impending death.
I turned away quickly.
I wanted to leave, feeling awkward as an interloper in this deeply familial ritual, but was too afraid to leave the cemetery. Every single soul in town was there, the place lit up with thousands of candles as protection, and I imagined the deserted town outside the cemetery as the most dangerous place in the city at that moment – if there were any ghosts or demons about, they’d surely be wandering the empty streets, looking for stragglers. I think I requested an escort home 🙂
Hamstrings are super sore, need to work on my mobility, flexibility. Fav Halloween costume was going as a disco band from 70’s in NOLA last year.
whoever did the caption got it wrong, that’s baz, just one among many capable nominees for november’s athlete of the month.
I don’t remember a favorite costume but what I do remember is the awesome anticipation and great joy I had as a kid during Halloween, lost somewhere in my teens (probably when I was arrested for various pranks one year), never to return.@Michelle – Jump back! You lived in Poland?! Mowis po polsku? I would love to hear more stories.
Hah, Baz.
Dmak: Tak i tak. Peace Corps. Yes, we can chat.
My WOD today:
Farmer’s carry, 1200m + 8 flights stair climb with:
about $400 worth of salmon, beef, veal and producein advance of catering gig tomorrow
and4 rounds for time, pans of blondies
Michele- AWESOME
Costumes- Last year I was an Alligator, which I really enjoyed. This year Sam and I are going to be Wayne and Garth.
Party Time!
Today’s rest day real world challenge was an easy one for me because I keep one of these underneath my desk at work:http://www.amazon.com/Foot-Massage-Great-Backs-Hands/dp/B002QEY6NK/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1288379415&sr=8-1
Highly recommended! It’s smaller than an LAX ball and good for really getting into those plantar fascia. Fun to pick up and drop with your toes too.
Jess and I and our Friend Rob went as the Kryptonian Villians Zod (me), Ursula (Jess), and Non (Robbie) one year. It was awesome! We have a bunck of Comic book geek friends who work in the industry and are always making these cool cuperhero costumes. That year we had a Superman, Supergirl, and a Lex Luther in tow. Jess put together our consumes in less than a week with a little forethought and we rocked it, we even won $100 worth of BBQ and beer when we won a costume contest. Without a doubt the highlight of my costume career, although Rocky (III) was pretty awesome as well.
Great post Michele! I felt as if I were there with you in that cemetery (holding your hand), very eerie (scared face).
Back squat:Warmup: 45×5 95×5 135×5 185×5 225x2Work: 235×5 235×4+f 195×5
Feel like I could have finished the set with more appropriate tunes. (I kid, I kid.)
235 is a PR for five. I look forward to hitting sets across on Sunday.
Afterwards, did Annie in 10:32 (PR). Hit 42 unbroken double unders in the first round, also a PR.
MY IPHONE IS FREAKING OUT, sorry if any of this is incomprehensible.
Back from spending a day at Yale, attending a conference. Feel nerded out.
Michel: Great post. Loved it all.
DMak: I spent a day in Warsaw once.
Joe: You’re a beast. Congrats on the PRs!
Baz: hohoho
I saw the Fox’s costumes the year they were Zod and company, and I must say, It was pretty freaking amazin. Jess was an eerily perfect Sarah Douglas.
…but its URSA, Fox :p<<<
Strength Cycle #2 Day #3
Pre Class: didn’t get in early enough to do anything. i suck.
BSQ: 45*5, 135*5, 185*5, 215*2, 255*3*5
felt good moving the weight, was just tired between sets. need more sleep and more food.
PR: 45*5, 75*5, 105*5
went through these quicker than i should.
PC: 105*5, 135*5, 165*3*3
had some pulls that felt really good and some that felt lousy. basically the usual. weight was fine just technique. didn’t help that i was using a bent bar.