It's the end of October, do you know where your goals are?
Time's almost up, how are you coming with achieving your goals for the month? Any tips you've found over the last few weeks that are helping you turn your goals into accomplishments? What's on your list for next month?
Happy Birthday David Byrd!!
*Rest Day Real-World Challenge*:
All my strap-hangers and mass-transit takers and desk jockeys the challenge is simply to spend at least two minutes of your commute or your work day to "mobilize your business".
All of my drivers, same challenge. Stuck in traffic? Found the perfect parking space? Find a minute or two to hit a stretch or get into the nasty bits with a lax ball. Stumped? K-Starr has a couple of choice tips for you here.
Should you choose to accept this challenge report back on what you did and where. Be creative. Be bold. Be fierce.
Rope Climbing….just like back in the USSR!
So-so on goals. Was on pace but then a wonky knee put the breaks on capoeira, so I’ve only been to 3 of an intended 8 classes. 9/12 crossfit classes, though, and 14/20 MWODs.
I like the accountability, though, it’s forced me to keep it up with the MWODs even though I’m depressed about the knee. Already thinking about some good November goals.
I didn’t start my goal until mid-October so I’m only on week 2 of my Shane-RX’d “grease the groove” push-up program. My only observation thus far is that I wasn’t getting quite enough volume in just doing the push-ups at home so I’m sucking it up and doing them in the women’s bathroom (ewww) and the break room at work when no-one is looking.
Hey Coaches, since been in strength cycle, not so sure of schedule. Is it open gym? Can I do last night’s wod tonight?
Goal assessment:Steadily dropping weight (~10lbs so far) and staying paleoish. I had drinks the last few days though which was too many.
Been having a blast taking classes, and have been doing the lifts/WODs on my own when I can’t make the class. I’ve missed only 2 WODs so far (did the lifts).
Jim – Yes. It’ll be good to have you back.
Happy Birthday Dave!!!
Happy Byrd Day!
Bethany, what’s your pushup program look like? Inquiring minds!
@ Michele and anyone else
Here’s a brief synopsis of Greasing the Groove
“1. Grease the GrooveRussian strength coach Pavel Tsatsouline popularized this highly effective method for developing strength and muscular endurance. Greasing the groove involves performing small sets of a particular exercise at specific intervals throughout the day. Since our goal is muscle building and fat burning, we don’t have to get too technical about the details. A sub-maximal set of push-ups performed once every hour or so will help us progress toward our goal. Choose a number that is between thirty-five and sixty-five percent of your single set max for push-ups. For example, if your current max on push-ups is forty reps, perform a set of twenty push-ups every hour throughout the day. If you do so for fourteen hours – congratulations, you successfully accumulated two hundred and eighty push-ups. That’s not five hundred, but it is probably significantly more than you are currently performing after your daily blog workout. You may find that you can perform a set of twenty push-ups every thirty minutes. If so, the same fourteen hour period will yield five hundred and sixty push-ups.”
So if you can do 10 push-ups in a clip do somewhere between 4-6 push-ups every so often (Everytime you go to the kitchen and bathroom. Every 30 minutes watching TV or whatnot at home). The next week add one push-up to your sets. I did this with pull-ups after losing my pull-ups post-Fran do to SEVERE DOMS. I went from doing 1 pull-up the first week back to sets of 8 to 10 in three months
got up super early to do yesterday’s work at home.
Hsnatch 5×95 5×105. Couldn’t seem to get under bar.
wod at 135# 5 rounds. Lost alot of time explaining to my neighbor that it was just me and not a robber trying to break in.
I’ve been enjoying taking Group classes, wanted to take my 5pm Monday last night but when almost 20 people showed up I decided to coach instead. Otherwise I’ve been hitting my 3x minimum with the Group.
Gluten Free October has been another story all together… I’ve been eating out way too much. :/
Bethany, listen to your body on those GTG push-ups, if you feel that you’re not recovering and the accumulated push-ups feel start to make you feel fried.. cut back on the volume in how many exposures you perform a day. On the hour sounds like a LOT of work for that shoulder.
Shane, thank you for that write up. I think that might not be a good path for me considering how few good pushups I can actually do.
Plus the whole professional job office environment thing – Bethany, props to you for working it anyway!
Yesterday’s on the minute snatches55kg – 60 kg
WOD8 Rounds flat, Rx’d
I mobilized my business while my client rowed and foam rolled this morning. I saw on the Erg watching/instructing while I did some stealth mobility on my hip. Sat with one leg crossed over the other and pushed into my knee in different directions.
I did the same stretch later while responding to emails at Root Hill.
I am all about stealth mobilization and greasing the groove lately. The augmented leg-crossing thing David was describing is, like, how I sit now. When I can get away with it, I run through some of the “how to survive a plane seat” stuff, too.
As for my goal of shooting the duck, well, the duck is safe for a while. I did not have a good plan for getting there, and it turns out that working on a deep, narrow two-legged squat doesn’t do that much for the stability/hip-opening issues I’m going after with this goal.
I did just find this tutorial breaking pistols down into parts and will try that out:
i really, really need to start proof reading.
While in a meeting with co-workers I stood, crossed one leg over the other knee and dropped into a squat, stretching hip and psoas. Repeated on other side. Strange looks and a comment of what does that do? A conversation on mobility ensued.
Post #5
Warm-upTook the 6pm Active Recovery with Sly Fox. Got a lot of Hip love and a much needed mental recess from working all day. I couldn’t keep track of the reps on anything so I just followed along with Bethany.
Hang Snatch(55x3x2, 75x2x2)95x2x5
Kept it really light today and worked on my transition speed. I was going to go heavier but decided to ween myself back into this lift after so long off from it. Felt pretty solid. Thanks for the pointers, Yoon.
Did Sunday’s TP Chipper WOD (All Barefoot)Here’s how it broke down within the 2 minute windows:400m Run50 KB Swings32 Box Jumps, 24″ (barefoot made this a lot slower)22 Thrusters, 25lb DB’s (yuck)20 Pull-Ups15 Burpees400m Run
Felt like throwing up a little afterwards.. Thanks for the encouragement, Steph!!
It’s been a long day
Great active recovery class tonight, that hour zoomed by!
Struggling with consistency lately…I’ve only had a chance to lift once in the past two weeks or so.
PowaSnatch/Hang Snatch:Up to 80kg for 3 sets.The first Power Snatch was fine, 2nd and 3rd were technically misses (high, but in front), but I tried faking a ‘quick reset’ in hopes that nobody would notice.
Pausing squat:100x1x5
David: I’ll have video uploaded to my superdupersecretVimeopage when I get home from work (if I ever get home from work).
strength cycle B, session one
lbbs 110x5x5press 35x3x5chinups blue band 8,8,5 (finally) supersetted with 2 reps each of modified groove-greasing pushups.
foam rollinmeatballspeace