0-2 minutes – Run 400m
2-4 minutes – 50 KB Swings 24kg/16kg
4-6 minutes- 40 Box Jumps 24"/20"
6-8 minutes – 30 Thrusters 95lbs/65lbs
8-10 minutes – 20 Pull Ups
10-12 minutes – Run 400m
Today's WOD is Time Priority Chipper. You have 2 minutes to complete each leg of this workout. If you don't finish the prescribed number of reps there is a Burpee penalty which works as follows:
1 for every second over 2:00 on the 1st 400m run
1 for every rep not completed in 2:00 on each task thereafter
Burpee penalties must be completed prior to 2nd 400m
Score is total work time with goal of a finish time under 12:00. Post results to comments.
Ragnar Relay Repost!
Want to run from Woodstock to NYC? You don't have to go it alone,
Crossfit South Brooklyn is putting together one or more relay teams
for the New York Ragnar Relay! Teams of 12 will race 178 miles from
Woodstock to NYC. Each team member will complete 3 legs over the
course, legs range from 2.7 to 8.3 miles and are of varying
difficulty. Total distance per runner ranges from 11.6 to 19.7 miles.
This will be an unforgettable experience! But there is a lot to talk
about in order to gather our team(s) together. If you are interested
in attending an informational session to learn more contact
sarah(AT)frenchfrieswithpepper.com with your contact info and days/times
that would be most convenient for you.
In the meantime, visit Ragnarrelay.com to learn more!
Rarity of malignancies in antiquity might be related to the prevalence of carcinogens in modern societies ESMO
Briefing: Cancer is not a disease of the modern world New Scientist
Obesity increases the risk of Cancer New Scientist
Lung scorcher this morning. Was carrying mental toxins into the WOD and they flushed into my throat mid-WOD. Experimenting with positive self-talk.
Ragnar: who is sarah@frenchfries? is that our sarah? I don’t want to just email a random sarah. i hope it’s our sarah.
Sarah H is frenchfrieswithpepper. And yes, you know me BAZ, but even if you don’t know me, contact me to learn more about the relay! I’m stoked to do it. It’ll be my first.
P.S. I’m very sad that nobody knows what French Fries with Pepper is. It’s a song by Morphine, the absolute best band that ever has been or ever will be.
16kg/20″/65 lbs
12:43no penalties
Warmup:-squat hold-foam roll, lax ball, samson stretch-wod movement warmups
Wod:-12:49 with 9 penalties-scaled up to 20kg kb–all unbroken, fairly easy-boxjumps done in ~1 min. thought this would really help me get through the thrusters but I could only get 21. Not sure if I’ll ever think a 65lb thruster feels light!-Pullups in sets of 2 and all completed just under time. The last run felt super hard and I was completely out of breath.
Fun wod though!
Cooldown:-7mile run in about 1:14I guess I’m tapering now… Had a stitch in my left side for the first 2 miles (reminants of the wod?) but then I felt great. A little warm out there today though, but simply gorgeous!
Great classes today, I enjoyed how this ran.
From FridayWOD – 11:57 Rx’d7 penalties, all on ThrustersFUN!
Sarah – I totally know Morphine, and dig them. Incidentally, I also enjoy french fries with pepper.
Nice WOD – I always like chippers.
Prescription: 16kg KB, 24″ box, 75 lb thrusters, strict chin-ups.
Time: 13:03. I finished the boxjumps and KN swings early but still sucked on thrusters as I racked up 9 penalties there. I also finished 1 agonizing chin-up short of the full 20.
Total penalties: 10
First class back from the strength cycle, and of course it’s a map and a flashlight kind of WOD.
13:57, if I heard right, with 12 penalties. (7 thrusters and 5 pull-ups)
I’m sure my conditioning will come back soon, but it wasn’t there today.
Oh, and I left my sunglasses on the desk. Oops.
13:40 rx’d except for 75 lbs thrusters, 15 burpees (7 for thrusters, 8 for pullups). Probably should have scaled box jumps to 20′, pretty gassed after those.
The Ragnar Relay thing inspired me to go running yesterday, 5 miles, haven’t done that in 2 years.
14:0616kg20″175–big mistake, shoulda done 165–15 penalties hereGreen band–4 penalties19 burpeesgot a good sprint on the last 65 yds chasing Rob.
Er, um, I meant 75 and 65 on the thrusters. They just felt like 175.
rest day, easy 5K @ prospect park.
1.5pood/24inchbox/85lbthrusters9 penalties on the thrusters11:52
a ten year old with better deadlift form than dave castro; here she goes against her mom on a 21-15-9 deadlift/OHS workout, crushes her, and proceeds to coach/count mom through a tough final round.
11:22 Rx’d with no penalties
Thrusters were definitely the toughest part, barely finished those in time.
Tried to keep my heart rate down as much as I could while still finishing the work for each movement. I think that helped because once I redline my heart rate, it takes awhile to recover.
Yesterday:FSQx3 165, 170, 175
Snatch balance 105
DU tabata 127
Today:Soreness in lower back and right hip. Decided I needed a back off day.
Wod at 16k, 20″, 75# 11:55 no penalty
Actually felt much better after class and then even better after a massage
chipper, RX’d
12:5010 penalties, all from the thrusters
first run was ok, kb swings were easy, box jumps were tiring but finished with time, then thrusters… i hate thrusters. i decided early on into them that burpees would be a better option. was happy that i made it to 20. pull ups went well, first set was 7, then sets of anywhere from 2-5 till they were done. Finished my burpees at 10:10 and the last run was rough. felt good though. i really liked how this wod was structured.