2 Reps on the minute for 8 minutes
Use the same weight you used for the singles on the minute from 10.16.10
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5 Rounds For Time of:
5 Deadlifts 275/185
10 Burpees
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compare to 9.2.09
Congratulations to Kate B and Bennett O on the birth of the newest member of their family, Sadie O'Reilly! (8lbs, 1oz)
Congratulations to Jason Z for winning the Chili cook-off this weekend!
Only had time for the squat half of the workout this morning.185×2 for 8 min.way harder than 1×12 min.
Congrats Kate and Bennett – what a beauty!
Congrats on baby Sadie!!
Kate: Congratulations! Sadie looks very mellow.
Congrats, Kate and Benet! Sadie is gorgeous.
From yesterdayFSQ190x2x8 on the minuteA little heavier than last week’s 185 because last week felt real easy, this week was not as easy
DL/Burpee5:24 or 6:31?
I did this yesterday by myself and 1 round in a couple came in to inquire about the gym. I was a bit frazzled and lost track. First round took :36 but I know I slowed down after that. When I looked at the clock after what I thought was my last round and saw 5:24 I thought that couldn’t be right so I did another round. In the end I think I did 6 rounds of the couplet in 6:31. DLs were all unbroken and not too bad, burpees hurt.
I really like this WOD from the ’09 (?) CF Games. Jeremy has words other than “like” for it.
Congratulations to the whole family! Welcome, Sadie!
Congrats Kate!!! Welcome, Sadie. Can’t wait to meet her.
Really it hardly seems possible that we are moms… (Kate and I went to HS together.)
Congratulations to Kate and Benet! Welcome to the family Sadie! Very glad to hear that mom and baby are safe and sound. Also SUPER excited to see what an animal Kate is going to be in the gym now that she’s not wearing the weighted vest.
Had a great time filling in for Jeremy last night! Small classes but was really impressed by everyone’s work
Way to push it on Sunday’s metcon Steph and Asta! Next time Asta at least 10lbs heavier on the C & J!
@Ashley: Send me an email at samirchopra1 AT yahoo DOT com – I have the info you need.
@EveryoneElse: If anyone has Ash’s email can you please send it on to me? Vielen Danke.
Like when I first met Charlotte, Kate has been pregnant as long as I’ve known her. I can’t picture Kate without baby in tow.
Congratulations to the happy Family. Shout out to Gus too during all this Sadie excitement!
Sadie! Amazing!
Congratulations and welcome to Sadie! What a beauty!
Box Jump – Got up to 40″
Front Squat @195 – This got tough in the last 2 rounds
DL/Burpee WOD Rx’d – 3:48
Box jump – not sure where I got to, three or four 45lb plates on the 24″ box? Can anybody remind me?
Front Squat at 175 lbs – as always a rockin’ good time partnering with Baz.
DL/Burpee WOD: 215lb high trap-bar DLs was my sub. Finished in 5:48.
i required a *lot* of coaching to get through that tonight – thanks David, Fox *and* Shane.
i got the triumverate of technical correction, gentle sarcasm and reverse psychology – a WINNING combo.
front squat: pretty much my first post-Foundations exposure, happy with 85lbs. my wrists were barking, otherwise could’ve gone way heavier.
WOD: 6:18 with 135lb deadlifts and modified burpees.
Box jump 30 1/4″
Front squats 145×2 for 8 mins… got kinda heavy at the end.
DL/Burpee @ 195lbs. 7:43
Nice work Kate. What was the time on that Labor WoD?
box jump 41″
front squat @ 85lbs. first time since… july?
DL/burpee @ 115lbs. after first round, all push-ups done on knees. 5:55
Warmup:-droms, marching calf stretch, mountain climber stretch, 2min squat (hard!)
Max height box jump:36″ (I think).-so much fun to play with these, although it definitely becomes a mental game for me as it gets taller.
Front squat:(45×3, 75×3, 95×2, 115×2)work: 130×2 on the minute for 8 mins-felt good. Really enjoy how these time focused lifts mix things up a bit. Good times partnering with Steph P. tonight…who looked solid on all her lifts!
Wod:5:43 rx’d at 185lbs.-loved this! Only my first two rounds of dl’s unbroken. Hope to one day get all 5 rounds unbroken. Burpees are burpees.-Just tracked back to when we did this last (I was ~2 months out of foundations)…7:38 @ 125lbs. I guess you could say that’s some solid improvement. I heart CFSBK!
Front squat at 145, I think (it would be really nice to get some new log books…David)
DL/burpee WOD 8:46 at 235. Not exactly burning up the track but everyone of those dead lifts I reset my back and concentrated on proper form…and post workout feeling is great. Oh, I used the low trap bar for the DL.
Oh, and big congrats to Kate and Bennett!!! Sadie is precious!
Box Jump34? I am scared of these, which means I should do moreFSQ205x2 on the minuteDeadlift Burpee WODrx’d 8:05first metcon in a long time, I had to sit down afterwards for like 10 min with a pounding headache
Front Squat (4/8):Box Jump28″-49.5″
Warm up:Barx3 135×3 185×3 245×2
Work:1-3 at 235lbs4-8 at 245lbs
WOD:Rx’dTime 4:35
Was feeling kinda bad about my 7:43 time until I looked back to last year–12:40!
Box Jump: 36″, never reached failure so can’t wait to try this again, higher!
FSQ: Warmed up to 115 (last week’s weight) but felt my form wasn’t up to snuff for 16 reps so dropped down to 105.
Deadlift/Burpee Wod: Started DLs at 145 then dropped to 135 after 2 rounds b/c I was feeling it too much on one side of my back, last 5 burpees from knees. 7:35
correction on my box jump height. I didn’t get as high as Bethany, so I think the last height I cleared was 34″.