3 x Max Reps with 3 minutes rest
Pick a scale that allows for at least 5 reps on the first set
Strict Reps, no kip
There is a 10 Push-Up buy-in for HSPUs
21-15-9 Reps For Time of:
Push Press 115/80
Box Jumps 20"
Pull Ups
Scale up: Push Press 125-135/85-90, Box Jumps 24", Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
Post CrossFit Total
CFSBK has one team registered for CrossFit Virtuosity's Trick or Treat Throwdown. Interested in participating? Post to comments!!
Congratulations to all the Strength Athletes on yesterday's CROSSFIT TOTAL yesterday. There was a tremendous amount of energy and camaraderie in the gym last night as everyone pushed and pulled to move as much weight as possible. Please post your TOTAL numbers to comments.
Now that it's all over, what did you get out of Jeremy's Strength Intensive?
Total: 900 pounds. 340 squat, 185 press, 375 deadlift. All prs. 900 was my goal and I am really happy to have hit it, albeit not in the way that I had planned! 10 pound pr on press was a real surprise.
What’s remarkable to me is how much one can improve in form over time. Jeremy has a passion for these heavy lifts, and the program is great. I can’t recommend it enough.
Cloyde, I’m comin to get you on that deadlift!
Awesome job last night everyone. Didn’t get to stay til the end but I saw some big numbers on the board this morning!
HSPU – 8,5,4 Never got more than 6 consecutive before, so pretty happy with this
WOD – 115/24″/C2B – 7:39
Words I never thought I’d type case 4,357:
If anyone finds a metal collar stay, it’s mine.
Total: 450. 180 squat (15lb PR) 70 press (15lb PR) 200 DL (same)
My squat would have been a 25lb PR at 190 but my hips were an inch off parallel so it didn’t count and I’m still kicking myself for it!!
I failed on my second press attempt at 70 and Margie told me for my next attempt to press the bar as soon as i got it off the rack instead of hanging out with it for a while. It was good advice and it worked! Of all the three lifts in the total i was most impressed with my press. (pun intended and btw, I’m so freaking excited about my “WEIGHT, there’s more!” t-shirt!!!)
I knew going into this that my deadlift wouldn’t be so stellar. (Half the reason I signed up for the cycle was because of an epic breakdown in form on my deadlifts!) My first attempt was 200 and it went up pretty easy so we decided to go to 215 (which would have made 15lb PRs across the board for me). I got it off the floor a few inches, no breakdown in form (from what others told me) but I just couldn’t finish it. It probably wasn’t the greatest idea to try that weight again on my 3rd attempt because by the last deadlift in the total you are completely out of gas, but I did–still got it off the floor but not quite as high, and that was it. In hindsight I could have easily done 205 or possibly 210 and gotten a new PR, but I’m still pretty proud of myself for at least getting 215 off the ground. That’s a number I never really even thought of, and now something I know I can get in the foreseeable future.
I really enjoyed the cycle–Jeremy is a wonderful coach and it was really great to get to know the others and support each other through the 8 weeks. I would do it again if I could, but I can’t… : (I plan on continuing with some semblance of the program on my own so I can get that 215 DL and a 200 squat by the end of the year…those are my new year end goals! That, and to start training for the Crash-b’s!!!
Still on a bit of a high from the energy in the gym last night. Strong work by our AM crew with HSPUs and the PBP WOD. Looking forward to hitting this at the 5pm class, I think I’ll work freestanding Handstands instead of HSPUs and then maybe do push-ups for the WOD.. not sure yet. Tried one HSPU today and they are most certainly out of the question… for now.
One of my October goals was to hit 3 Group Classes per week. It’s been a REALLY enjoyable process for me to get into the thick of the group format. I’ve enjoyed WODing with Ya’ll and getting coached by our great staff.
couldn’t make a.m. Class
at home:160# squat clean + 2 FSQ X 3
50 x 95# squat cleans in 9:32
Take the strength class. You’ll get much stronger. What more could you possibly want?
To the ladies and gentlemen (yes, that means every single one of you) of the Strength Cycle:
You ALL did an amazing job in the total! It was so awesome to witness your feats of strength and serious dedication last night!
The CrossFit total has been a hugely important concept in my head for the last few years. I first did one almost three years ago and it was what solidified in my head that I was weak and needed to get stronger. Last night was my 7th Total and by far my best.
Here is the course they have taken.Squat Press Dead Total10/22/07 120 85 185 3907/10/08 250 115 265 63011/5/08 255 120 280 6551/5/10 285 120 330 7352/15/10 300 135* 335 770*7/20/10 285 125 315 72510/13/10 310 125 350 785
*I was using a slightly cheating form for the press where I walked the weight off the rack in a front squat position and then popped with my legs the weight into a press rack and used a little of that stretch reflex to get the weight up. In a static start strict press my PR is 125. So I don’t really count the February session as a true test.
In the past three years I have gained 20 pounds of weight and drastically leaned out as well. I would guess I have gained in excess of 30 pounds of muscle. But far more importantly I can say that at 29 I am twice as strong as I was at 26.
This past cycle was my first non-linear cycle and it was a far better success than I had dreamed of. Double digit PR’s on both my squat and my deadlift are amazing and masked within my unchanged press is the fact that I did 120 by 4 last week.
I am going to take a couple of months off dedicated strength work but then attack it again in December. After which I am hopping that an 800 will have my name on it.
Working with a class and a great coach really helped me. After two largely unsuccessful solo strength cycles this time I succeeded brilliantly.
Last two months have been an eye-opener in terms of learning about fitness; strength and form.
I used to do marathons (completed 10 marathons with a PR of 3 hrs 8 minutes) and Triathlons (Ironman PR: 14+ hrs) until 2008 and my weight was down to about 156 lbs. Then I started cutting back on the running and started focusing on free arm exercises like pullups; pushups; dips etc. While my endurance kept increasing whereby I could do the “Murph” in 56-57 minutes; I did’nt feel like my strength was increasing (max-out on pullups at 16-17; pushups at 30-35 & dips at 14-15). My weight stabilized at ~166-167 lbs and stayed there for about 1.5 yrs.
Now my hi-school reunion (20th year) was coming up in India (I’m flying out today) & I had not seen most of my buddies for close to 18-19 yrs (this is a small all boys boarding school in northern India). So besides being fit, I thought it was important to LOOK STRONG also & that’s when I decided to sign up for this strength training cycle.
I will let the nos. do the rest of the talking…
Below is the info I provide to Jeremy @ the beginning of the cycle:Back Squat: 150 x 5Overhead Press: 110 x 3Deadlift: 225 x 3
Body Weight: 166 lbs
Now, here are my results at the end of this strength training cycle:
Back Squat: 265Overhead Press: 135Deadlift: 330Total: 730 lbs
Body Weight: 183 lbs
Next stop i.e. TARGET
Total: 800 lbsBody Weight: 190 lbs
Last night was a huge success.
SQUAT:375 PR405 PR435 PR
PRESS:185195 fail190 PR
DEADLIFT:475500 PR510 fail
TOTAL: 1125
The squats were feeling great up til 435 where it finally got heavy. I started tipping a bit forward but fought my way up – from what i understand, it looked pretty ugly. I know now that i have to focus on my core strength to support that kind of weight. I had a wrist injury which affected my press and i was chasing that 500 for the dead lift, the 510 was just for fun but i knew at that point i was wrecked.
I think it’s clear how i feel about this program. Not only has it made me physically stronger – but mentally as well. Breaking through barriers at the gym has helped me break through a lot of personal barriers as well and all of this is because of Jeremys passion for this program and his lifters. A true coach.
Can’t wait to see what i accomplish next!
Total: 915Back Squat- 35030 lb prPress-1655 lb prDeadlift- 40025 lb prVery happy with my #’s last night, great energy in the gym, really impressed with Avi and Dave Byrd, 2 of the greatest beasts in the gym, and fun guys to work with.The new people did some impressive #’s, especially the ladies. Big thanks to Michelle for putting together the after party at Bogota.Just a word about Jeremy. He’s the coaches’ coach, a real bad-ass and the best I’ve had the privilege of working with. I began this quest 3 cycles ago. At that time my best dead lift was barely 300, my squat 215, and my press 115. So now my lifts have gone up by over 100 lbs each in dead and squat and 50 in the press. My advice to anyone contemplating the Strength Cycle: Do it, listen to the coach, work hard. You may surprise yourselfOnward to 1,000
Oh, and for the record:
250 + 145 + 315 = 710
The squat has been my provocateur, enemy, lover and master for the past four months. Getting a bodyweight 3×5 this cycle was a massive milestone I barely accomplished without openly weeping. And I never cry.
A few days later, I had to be bullied into completing a 152.5x3x5 squat I had already surrendered to. But I did it.
So it was a disappointment to fail at 165 twice last night, especially with so much public support. I know I can move that weight.
Usually I fucking hate when people say shit like “Oh, just enjoy the *process.*” I’m like, whatever. Process.
I get it now.
Goals are necessary, but they aren’t the end or the everything. Like the T-shirt says: WEIGHT – there’s more.
Thank god for more.
On day 1 of my first strength cycle in June, I was about a month out of Foundations. My first squat of the cycle was with an empty 45-lb bar. Last night was my second consecutive Total.
My goal was to crack 400.
8.11.10 sq 147.5* pr 65* dl 165* 377.510.13.10 sq 160 * pr 62.5 dl 180* 402.5
* 8.11: squat 25-lb PR; press 12.5-lb PR; dead 35-lb PR10.13: squat 7.5-lbPR; dead 15-lb PR
This shit has straight up changed my life. Working with all the strength cyclers has been both an honor and a joy.
Jeremy: inspiring people is your calling. Thank you.
More, please.
I’m super proud of all the SBK Strength folks, who moved serious weight last night. I’m also proud of Coach J, who has been nothing short of superb in helping people change not only their bodies but also their minds (and dare I say, spirits) in ways that are equally if not more important than the physical.
Bravo to you all!——————————-
WOD Rx’d9:59YIKES!
First 21 push press unbroken in about :45, then …So begins the ardurous process of regaining conditioning.
It has come to my attention that my wife may have mistakenly told members of the crossfit brooklyn coaching community that I am sore, or in some kind of pain. Just to set the record straight, I don’t get sore, I don’t get pain, I get even! I’m not sure where she received this erroneous info, but the ensuing gag order should prevent this sort of disinformation in the future.
@Malcolm – thanks for posting your historicals, that’s really useful.
I must add my accolades to the blog. I find few things more thrilling than watching hard work pay off, and weightlifting is one of the most direct examples. If you (literally) work hard, you will hit the big payoff. The satisfaction is in knowing that you are the only one who can do the work to get to that payoff. Not a whole hell of a lot in life can we claim to be entirely our own.
Be proud of the work you all put in. And of the respect you freely gave each other over the last 8 weeks. And of the strong will you exemplify to the rest of the SBK community.
May you go forth and lift more!!
SUCH impressive results, you strong people!
Fun times in the 5pm class with Coach Shane and class-goer David. Great to work with Claire, impressive stuff!
HSPUs: 8, 6, 7 – modified with the leg-curl thingy over the concrete blocks.
Triplet WOD: 10:56 as Rx’d. duuuuuude. I need to get back to some volume pullups. Thanks for counting me through, everyone!
CF total 920. SQUAT. 315. below parallel!!! a first. squats been a goat of mine for a long time. not anymore. I finally know what the bounce is and I know I can lift a lot more. having Jeremy look at each of my reps through the entire strength cycle was invaluable. you got a problem with your squat. Jeremy will fix it. PRESS. 180. felt easy. didn’t set right for other lifts. next time 200+DEADLIFT. 425. double over hand. felt really good. thanks Margie for the push. first time doing deadlifts from the ground. it’s always been from 25 or 35lb plates due to my tight hamstrings. again thanks to jeremy’s watchful eye to get the right position.
plain and simple. if you want to get stronger, better, faster, do the strength cycle.
Warmup:-tabata row @ ~75% effort-foam rollin’: lats, upper back-hollow out rolls(?): 8 rounds of :10 on/:10 rest.
Handstand pushups:-9 with 2 abmats and partner assist on last 2.-4 with one abmat and partner assist-5 with one abmat and partner assist.Wow is it so much harder with only one abmat! Fun working with J. Bails and Sarah. Thanks also to Shane for the much needed assist.
PBP wod:-9:49 as rx’d.Those push presses were SO hard, especially since we had to clean the bar up. Had to bail way to many times! As has been typical for me lately, pullups were mostly in sets of two. Box jumps are where I was able to make up some time. Good times!
I want to thank Jeremy and the strength class for welcoming me into the CF total last night and for all the support and encouragement you all so generously gave me. It was great to get to lift with a group and it definitely inspired me to go heavier!
I’ve been trying to learn how to properly squat and dead lift since April and luckily I finally found CFSB and Jeremy. When I started I was afraid to do a dead lift (back issues) and while I could do 125×8 back squat, it felt really heavy. 2 months later I am already approaching my first goals of 1.5x bodyweight (~250) x 5reps squat and 1x bodyweight x 5reps bench.
These were my first attempts at a 1 rep max so I started conservatively. I ended up making all my lifts but was blown away when I did bigger jumps and still made them– what an awesome feeling! My goal was 650 total and can’t believe I got 725 and easy broke 300 on my dead. I would have been happy with my 2nd attempts so am pumped with these numbers and that I’m capable of moving these loads:245/265/275115/125/135265/300/315
This program works and our progress once again proves that the linear progression strength training is a sure way to steadily increase strength– and quickly at that, in 3 hours a week! Crazy!
Thanks again to Jeremy whose passion, dedication, knowledge and coaching skills make this such an effective program.
warm-up:tabata row at like 65% intensityShanetastic Foam Roll lovehollow rock awesomeness
Can’t HSPU so i decided to go for three attempts at a max freestanding handstand hold. I got about :23 into my first attempt when my clavicle told me I was done. It started to feel painful once I started to fatigue and couldn’t hold a tight active shoulder as well. decided to call it at that, did some push-ups and then dumbbell presses to warm-up for the WOD
21-15-9 repsStrict Dumbbell Press @ 20’s20″ Box JumpsPull-ups
6:24 I think.I found this pretty easy, but only because I couldn’t push hard on the presses or pull-ups. (don’t have calluses to do high rep pull-ups yet). Still a nice recovery type day at the gym, especially after yesterday’s leg beat-down.
Im off to Maine until Monday night. Have a great weekend everyone, you’re in good hands!
The Strength Cycle’s Crossfit Total is proving to be stiff competition for Fight Gone Bad in terms of my favorite day(s) of the year.
I can’t really express how proud I am of all the athletes who lifted last night. The energy last night was electric from the first lift through the last. It’s incredible to see the folks reap the reward of months of hard work and dedication.
Jeremy you have built an amazing program and are a phenomenal coach. I can’t wait to see where you and this program continue to go.
Congratulations to everyone involved last night’s Total. Already looking forward to the next one.
HSP 3, 3, 3 which was awesome since I didn’t think I could get 1.WOD in 9:48 with 85 lb presses, 24″ box jump and kipping pull ups.Good times.Congrats to all the strength folks, very impressive.
HSPU partnered with DMak and Kahrin (Did I spell that right?) – 4,3,4
WOD in 9:09 with 85lb push presses, 24″ box jump, and 12-9-6 strict chin-ups.
DMak: Weren’t your presses 95lbs?
hspu- 5,4,3
pbp 7:37 with 85lbs and a 24 inch box
Handstand Push-up (1/4):Off the wall3-3-3
Luca and Scott(?) holding me in place4 reps (felt better^)
WODScaled up (damn you ryan!)135lbs Push Press24″ Boxjumpchest 2 bar pullups
My Time 11:19Ryans Time 8:09
Hope this WOD comes around again, want another shot at it.. GRR