Willie warms up his final exposure of Overhead Squats
Want to see all the pics from Fight Gone Bad 5? Check out the photo album here!
Remember there are NO Group or Teaser Classes tomorrow while we host Chip Conrad for Brutal Recess
Please join Paulie's South Brooklyn Weightlifting Club for a few fun-filled hours of odd object lifting. Impress your friends and intimidate your enemies with your fantastic feats of strength. Try your hand at stone lifting or steel yourself for the perilous yoke walk. Do you think you can handle the 9' slosh pipe? Come down and find out! For more information and to register, click here!
CFSBK Interviews Chip Conrad
Part 2
4. Mobility has recently (finally) become increasingly popular in the Crossfit community thanks to things like Kelly Starrett's Mobility WOD blog. You've been including mobility complexes and movements into your training for years now and it's a big part of of the Brutal Recess seminar. You've taken a rather integrated approach to the subject making it almost a workout unto itself. Talk a little bit about why mobility is so key and its role in the Brutal Recess concept.
Training has gone from movement for the sake of movement (what children and only a handful of evolved adults do), which is, as mentioned, a tension release valve for the body, to a redundant, intense event that creates permanent and potentially dangerous stress in the body. That's right… our workouts are stressful, and not in the good way all the fitness literature is spewing at us.
What everyone is calling mobility now is simply moving the body through all of the possible full and healthy ranges of motion. Most training doesn't do that, instead focusing on a handful of incomplete movements for high loads, repetitions or both. But just tacking on some obligatory bonus moves at the beginning or end of a workout doesn't quite complete the picture either. Why not use the body as it should be used WITHIN the workout? Slowly some factions of the CrossFit world are beginning to understand that there is much more to overall fitness than just workload/power.
5. Lastly, I'm going to give you a variation on the desert island question. Imagine you're stranded in a traditional globo gym. Forever. You can only take one implement (i.e. Kettlebell, barbell, sandbag, etc), one training book and have one song to workout to. Forever. Pick 'em.
Implement: Barbell if it is adjustable, sandbag if it is not.
Training book: a workout log. Blank pages to ruminate on and contribute to. Most of us know the basics… we have to trust ourselves to get creative from there.
Song: aw, come one… just one? The best I can do for now is to narrow it down to a top three list…
For Heaven's Sake by 16 Horsepower
Victim Support by Distance
Payback by Slayer
Check out Chip's Brutal Recess Seminat at CFSBK Tomororw.
Register Here
Samir Chopra says
If tomorrow doesn’t end up being a day that requires the building of an ark, would anyone be interested in going out to the Red Hook track for some kind of bodyweight/running workout?
Nick K says
Samir–I’d be down.
Also, don’t know if you saw this photo that Malcolm took, but it is my favorite of the set:
“Nick in awe of Samir’s push-press skillz.”
Nick K says
Oops! Photo that Asta took. Sorry!!
Samir Chopra says
@Nick: Ha -nice expression! And, yeah, many thanks to all the photogs. Lots of hard work in there.
Glad to hear you’re down. Would 10 AM work for you?
Bethany says
Love this photo of Robin, I think it pretty much sums up how we were all feeling before our heat!http://www.flickr.com/photos/cfsbk/5028911520/in/set-72157625044559478/
Nick K says
10am works for me Samir. Here is a huge list of bodyweight workouts…many of them include things like pull-ups that we wouldn’t be able to do at the track, but many don’t. The last two pages are running-only workouts, but some of the other ones also incorporate running.
Fox says
Red Hook Trackers,
Try this?
20 minutesAMRAP Push UpsEach time you fail on the push ups you do 5 squats and 5 squat jumps then run 400 meters before coming back to push ups.
Then have tacos. Fun.
Nick K says
That is evil. Love it.
Samir Chopra says
@Chris: Excellent – I smell legs and shoulders frying.
@Nick: OK, all set then, we’re on for 10 AM at the Red Hook track. email samirchopra1 AT Yahoo DOT com in case you (or anyone else) needs to get in touch.
Robin says
@Bethany – I had that look on my face the whole day. Even after we were done!
Good nooner with Shane and running the the light rain. Liese and I did the partner workout in 15:50 with 1P KB and 105 on the bar. Holding that bar up was harder than I thought. Then again, these workouts are always harder than I think they’re gonna be.
David says
A delicious paleo breakfast in Williamsburg. 3 poached eggs, bacon and tomatoes cooked in olive oil.. All side options on the menu, none of the actual dishes were paleo. The guy said, ‘that’s weird’ when I said I’m avoiding gluten..
Jim says
When is someone going to open a bar that serves norcal margos, gluten free beer, and some paleo food? Serve all types of drinks but have that stuff. or some sort of cfsbk outpost mini cafe with grassfed steaks, veggies, etc. There’s got to be a market for that.
Fox says
Jim (and me, and maybe some others as well)-
Gluten free beer and ciders are available at most places now, and not just NYC. Jess and I were recently in the mid-west and just about every bar and market had at least a cider and Red Bridge (GF made by Anheiser-Busch) and sonetines others as well. Eating Gluten free/Paleo is really not all that hard if you choose well. Even at chains like Applebutts and TGInFluenzas. Meat, salad or veg. I mean, come on, steak and potatoes? How hard is that. I think the problem is not the lack of food choices that have a positive impact on us, it’s the abundance of choices that will affect us negatively. You can go to a fancy pizza joint and get a salad with meat, or sausage and peppers or something, but DAMN that pizza smells good. I say we all know how delicious the stuff tastes, and temptation is hard to withstand.
In just over 2 weeks I’ll be “Going Paleo” to lose some of the weight that I’ve been trying to gain these last few months. (Man is it FUN to eat to GAIN weight, first time in my life I’ve done that!). We’ll see if I can stand up to my own challenge. Please apply peer pressure as deemed necessary.
Michele says
my understanding however is that the truly gluten intolerant don’t have the luxury of taking their chances at any of these restaurants that may be able to cobble together a meat-and-veg meal.
i’m not one of them, but i certainly feel for them – they *far* outnumber those of us who are on the fringe, choosing not to eat that stuff. and they suffer a LOT from even casual cross-contamination. to me, it looks like the market that Jim describes is the 1% of the population (or whatever the number is) that is celiac, not us clandestine crossfitters.
Isaac says
I’ll be visiting CFBK a little more than usual this week. (Lucky me.) I did yesterday’s partner WOD at 15:37. My max FS is 205 and 225 felt HEAVY.
Yoon says
1st chance to workout in a week. Ugh.
Usual warmup + some extra bodyweight squats.
Descending Powersn/Sn to 70kgSnatch: 80×1,90xF (behind), 95×1
Snatch Hey-Pull: 100×4,115×2
TruSquat: +20×4,+40x4x4
Incline DB Rows: 30lbsx6x4
Michele says
…and it goes without saying that the wanna-be chef in me would give my right arm to have the capital to open such an establishment.
Strength Cycle A, Week Six
Tonight was a biggie. My 1-RM squat from last cycle’s Total was… my work weight tonight. My bodyweight (pre-Paleo, anyway.) Yikes.
45×5, 75×5, 95×5, 115×3, some more stuff I don’t remember, 147.5x3x5.
They weren’t pretty, and honestly I was scared as shit. But I got them.
After that, my lights kind of dimmed.
Bench: finally failed, first time in 14 weeks of linear progression (80lbs.) My 1-RM from last cycle was 92.5. Goal for this total is 100.
Cleans: 77.5, also failed, I can’t even talk about cleans without cussing.
METCON: yes, I dreaded this, as much as I used to beg for more metcon. Only the construction of “competition” made me able to keep going. Three sets of 30 KB swings and partner-timed keg cleans. My keg cleans (50lb keg) = 24.
Anything I lift in strength cycle after tonight is totally gravy. Any of you who are on the fence about what this program can do for you – do yourself a favor and sign up.
Carlos says
Yesterday’s partner wod with Kate in 16:02 at 7 am.
Retweeked my nearly healed calf by running bare foot.
Should have rowed.