Teams of 2 complete the following for time:
Run 800 meters
160 KB swings 24/16 kg
Front Squat Rack Holds 225/155
Run 800 meters
Kettlebell starts when both partners are back from run
Swings can be broken up as desired
While one partner is on the KB the other holds the Front Squat rack
KB must stay on ground until partner has BB in rack position
10 Burpee penalty per team any time the BB is dropped
Burpees are to be completed after the swings and before the run
Time stops when both partners return from the run
Post partner, Rx and time to comments.
Caitlin C on the Wall Ball station
Check out Matt U's follow up write-up about Fight Gone Bad
A belated Congratulations to Julie E on her engagement!
CFSBK Interviews Chip Conrad
Part 1
Chip Conrad, owner of Bodytribe Fitness in Sacramento, CA, might be the hardest working man in the strength biz. In addition to being a gym/owner and trainer he's a musician, an author, a blogger and a competitive Olympic weightlifter and powerlifter.
A student of the late Mel Siff, Chip is well-versed in everything from the old-timey strongman lifts to clubbells and yoga infused mobility moves. He also claims to know 75% of all Tom Waits songs and about 75% of the lyrics Sir-Mix-A-Lot's "Baby Got Back."
Somehow he does it all while maintaining a busy lecture schedule traveling across the country giving his Brutal Recess seminar. Here, in an effort to help you all get to know Chip a little bit better before this weekend, is a short yet sweet interview with the man himself. Enjoy!
Chip, your bio opens very similar to a lot of our members/trainers with 'i didn't grow up an athlete" you were (and still are) a musician. Now you are a competitive olympic lifter, powerlifter and sought after strength coach. Fill in the blanks for us on how you got into the you to the world of physical culture?
21 years old… got into cross country skiing due to the need for a job. Ski resorts hire a lot of folks. I was one of them.
23 years old… skinny guy (about 127 pounds), wanting to get bigger. Skiing gave me some lungs, but I wanted some brawn.
About 24 years old… got certified as a trainer and was working at a gym. Soon became fitness director.
28-ish… started questioning everything I thought I knew. Wondering why an industry named 'fitness' wasn't really interested in anything of the sort. Seemed built off aesthetic dreams and insecurity… ya know… sex and sex appeal. Decided that ability, strength and… well… fitness, actually meant something, but it wasn't found in gyms at that time (still isn't in most of them). Stumbled upon the underground world of strength athletics. Pretty cool place, have been here ever since.
2. Crossfit has a very specific definition of fitness. In your work you also talk about the importance of defining the term "fitness" and also offer a rather different definition. Tell us a little about yours and how you arrived at it?
Simple. My definition (fitness = the increase in the quality of life, or personal empowerment, through movement) answers the question of "why is this important?" It's the metaphysical (beyond physical) definition. What most people list, including CrossFit, is the tenets of fitness, not actually what fitness means to anyone personally. To embrace a passion means to define it, personally define it. Then we begin our own philosophy, and that's how we take the first step of our journey.
Would a truly passionate musician explain music as a series of notes, harmony and rhythm? Would a brilliant scientist explain math as addition and subtraction? No, these are the tenets of those disciplines, but they sure don't DEFINE what they are.
3. In Brutal Recess you stress the importance of various forms of play, something we as adults and athletes sometimes forget there is a critical need for. Can you share a little about the Brutal Recess concept and what play brings to our time inside and outside of the gym?
A common chronology of our relationship to movement for us westerners:
Preteens: we enjoy recess and playtime, making up games, being silly and only dabbling a bit in the rules and structure of organized sport. Movement, for the most part, is a tension release valve.
Teens: For many, movement is limited to organized sport. 'Play' is now to win. Fun is becoming less of an option, stress through competition is replacing the release of tension we enjoyed at an earlier age.
Young Adulthood. Most folks have dropped movement at this point, unless they continue the path of rule-based competition. Recess is gone, fun in movement has been replaced with obligation, if there is any at all.
Older Adulthood: Lack of movement has led to disease and decay of the wonderful machine that is our body. This is not only a waste, but completely avoidable. Keep the fun within movement, keep the concept of recess, and we have longevity in our bodies and minds!
Stay tuned for Pt 2 of the Chip Conrad interview!
"Brutal Recess" comes to CFSBK this Saturday, Oct 2nd
Sign up Here!
Great strength class last night. hitting sticking points across the board, but getting through. back squat 255x5x3, press 155x5x3 (barely on last set) and chins with 10 pounds, 10, 9 7/8, (aka 9), and 6 or so.
PWO meal pulled pork and sweet potato, and then a chaser of leftover meatballs. Just took down 6 egg omelette.
Love the strength action!
@Nick K: Great numbers on OHS yesterday – suitably envious of your bodyweight lift!
Rest day for me.Malcolm, great photos man! Really fantastic shots!
I so wish I could make the Chip Conrad thing this weekend. It sounds like it’s going to be awesome! Can’t wait to here all about it.
Sold on brutal recess!
Who will be Athlete of the Month?!!!Tune in tomorrow fo sho!
Sorry, I posted from the gym and David was signed in. Only I use language like that.
To clarify things further.. We will not be posting Athlete of the Month tomorrow. Tomorrow is the 2nd half of Chips interview.
We will reveal the mystery man or woman later!!!
That was great! Fun to have a partner, and we both hit just the right scaling. Hard in a good way.Scaled up to 225# FS rack hold (20# over my FS max) and 20 kg KB (American swing). Laurel did the rack at 175#. Kept each set to 10 swings which was just about right.Runs were pretty slow, but felt better than they do sometimes. Know I can go faster.20:15.I did a bunch of random chin-ups through out the night to work on my more pull-ups goal. Got a set of 3! then 2-2-2-1-2-1
185 on the rack hold, which was heavier than it needed to be.1 pood
Rocked it with Jen @ 16:18.Fun and sweaty. When is the dehumidifier getting fixed?
Nice partner workout with Luca. We racked at 205#; Luca did a 24 kg bell, and I stayed light at 16 kg (sorry, can’t go heavy on these). We finished in 16:34
Afterwards, a light dinner with the friend that got me started on Crossfit. Trust me, I thanked him. Great way to end the night.
Good partner in Loris (sp?)
We did 175# holding and 20Kg KB. Finished in 16:16. Truth is he could have done 3 800m in the same time, but stayed with me for two.
Best part was that we squeaked in adhead of Peter and Jen. I think they were overly competitive, but that’s me. Luckily, we heard them coming… clearly not Jen’s fault.
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