3 Attempts at max reps
Rest 3 Minutes between attempts
There is a 10 strict push-up "buy-in" to do the dips. Athletes who cannot perform 10 unbroken push-ups from their toes will perform 3 attempts at max push-ups at an appropriate scale.
Weighted Dip
Attempt the weighted dips if you've accumulated 25+ total body weight dips during a previous exposure. For example, if you did 15-11-7 reps during each respective work set last week, your total would be 33 and you could go for the weighted dip
Post reps or loads to comments.
compare to 9.16.10
For Time:
Row 50/35 calories
30/20 Pull Ups
Row 50/35 calories
20/15 Pull Ups
Row 50/35 calories
10/5 Pull Ups
Today's scaling A/B scaling options are not gender related.
Post Rx and time to comments.
CFSBK <3's the Trap Bar. Thanks again, Alec and Deb!
Thank you, Elsa O (Mom) for all the help on the office yesterday!
Part of Matt U's "contract" states that he will have his entire FGB experience documented on video. If you've got any issues with appearing on camera, even in the background, please email David(at)CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com
Fight Gone Bad is 2 days away. What is your strategy?
I’ve officially got a man-crush on Kelly Starrett now. Dude is putting a great product out there for free. Check out today for more FGB prep, this time it’s some loving for the kneees.
Strategy:Rower: Don’t pussy-foot this. aim for 18-20 cals per intervalWall Ball: I may sub wtd jump squats for this, it will be a painful painful minuteDeadlifts: try not to put the bar down..DB Push Press: Don’t spend so much time lowering the DB, Aim for sets of 5-10 as I fatigueBox Jumps: Make up points here.. for the love of god make up points
have fun
Does anyone have any suggestions for a day trip potentially happening this Sunday? Any outdoorsy, weird suggestions are welcome.
i keep really wanting to go here, and failing:
Re: FGB 5 strategy. “SHIT! Fight Gone Bad is 2 days away!!!”/ducks head into sand and waits for worst
Strategy: Kill. Or possibly be killed.
Breakneck Ridge is awesome. A lot of vertical at the beginning, but nothing unmanageable for well-trained individuals like y’all.
Strategy for FGB: Not die.
Secondary strategy: Push as hard as I can in the third round, even if it does kill me.
On a different note, I’m doing a two-day kettlebell certification through Kettlebell Concepts (http://www.kettlebellconcepts.com/index.php) on October 7 and 8. Is anyone else interested in doing this? It’s taught by an absolute beast on the bells, Adam Cronin (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aff6BoDIYik), and it should be an awesome couple of days. Anyway, just thought I’d throw it out there!
Today’s WOD, at my apartment, before my 14-hour work day:
5 pull ups30 KB swings (1 pood)5 pull ups30 abmat situps5 pullups20 KB swings (1 pood)5 pull ups20 abmat situps5 pullups10 KB swings (1 pood)5 pull ups10 abmat situps5 pullups
Total: 8:24.
Nice to get in an early morning metcon before work!
I’d be down for Breakneck Ridge! Is it a drive only or can you get there via Metro North? Jess and I would have room for 2 if it’s a drive.
Other options: Surfing at Rockaway Beach, hiking the Cloisters, a bike ride down to Coney Island and the Cyclone (and beer and clams) or Gateway National Recreation Area (nearby where there happens to be what I hear is an awesome Pitch-and-Put).
***Where has all the blog activity been lately?
I’m totally down for the bike riding idea, mostly because it means that I can go and still get to work in the slope for 5pm. Just sayin’.
@Fox –
You can metro north it. It’s twenty something bucks round trip off peak. Train leaves from Harlem/125th Street.
yesterday at home a.m.: 3331 squats 75×3, 95×3, 105×3.
p.m. Squat clean + 5 front squats 105, 115, 125, 135, 145.
(outside and in the dark. Just me and the mosquitos)
I love a bike ride to Coney! Or frisbee in the park? Breakneck ridge sounds phenomenal too.FGB strategy? Figure it out after the first round? I have done little to no activity this week so I am calling that “rest prep.” Or maybe the calm before the storm.
I’ve done Breakneck Ridge a couple times — accessible by both car and Metro North (trains also leave from Grand Central). Take the Hudson Line to Cold Spring. From there, it’s about a mile on the highway to the base of Breakneck — I recommend a cab there, as there’s almost no shoulder to walk along. (There’s also a rinky-dink train stop that’s closer, but I forget the name and not many trains stop there.)
I’m also down for any biking excursions.
Another note on Breakneck: talk to me if you plan on going. I’ll save you $12 and lend you my trail map.
FGB Scaling question: are the four scaling divisions the same as last year? http://www.fgb4.org/2009/05/24/the-rules/
Today’s WOD:dips 15, 13, 10
PULL!!! In 15:49 rxFGB strategy: don’t gas in the first round, have a number per round idea and stick to it. I’m actually nervous about the wall ball, it seems like we haven’t done any wall ball since last year!
Also, what Fox said!! What happened to the posts people?
Weighted Dips. I kinda screwed this up because I wasn’t sure of what weight to start at, and wasted a lot of time doing easy attempts. My max ended up being 55 lbs (after failing twice at 62). I think I had more in me.
PULL! Wod: 14.00 flat. Subbed 15-10-5 strict chin-ups. The third row felt pretty hard. Thanks to Josh for all the help with dip setups and to DMak for support at the end.
Weighted dips: +10lbs for reps, 12,9,11. Going faster helps.
WOD: 35cal/30-20-10 pu. ~15:50 forgot to look at the clock immediately. This was hard, much harder than expected. My pull-ups were almost immediately broken up because my arms were so tired from the dips… then for some reason I had trouble really pushing through my legs in the row. ugh.
bodyweight dips 16 10 8pull 35 cal 15/10/5 banded pullups 14:30