Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of: 3 Hang Power Cleans 135/95 5 Pull Ups 10 Push Ups 15 Squats
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Charmel R, Live at CFSBK!
115# 13rnds + the cleans & pull ups
in an effort to get back 2#s I’ve lost since cutting bread, pasta, grains, & sugar:
BSQ 135# x 10 x 3
HSPU 3, 3, 5, 5, 4F
weighted sit up 15#KB x 20, 12K x 20, 16K x 16
FGB totals as of 2:36 PM sunday:
CFSBK 39KDogtown 34K
Carlos – doing more work will not necessarily help you gain back those 2 lbs. You need to eat more. Make sure you are getting plenty of carbs through starchy veggies and some fruit, plus lots of fat and protein.
Doing a 20 min AMRAP plus squatting plus hspu plus weighted situps means you are both increasing your caloric expenditure (and therefore caloric needs) as well as potentially overtaxing your body, which will ultimately cause all sorts of wacky problems.
Lifting heavy weights promotes muscle gain IF you eat a LOT and don’t do lots of extra conditioning work.
115# 13rnds + the cleans & pull ups
in an effort to get back 2#s I’ve lost since cutting bread, pasta, grains, & sugar:
BSQ 135# x 10 x 3
HSPU 3, 3, 5, 5, 4F
weighted sit up 15#KB x 20, 12K x 20, 16K x 16
FGB totals as of 2:36 PM sunday:
CFSBK 39KDogtown 34K
Carlos – doing more work will not necessarily help you gain back those 2 lbs. You need to eat more. Make sure you are getting plenty of carbs through starchy veggies and some fruit, plus lots of fat and protein.
Doing a 20 min AMRAP plus squatting plus hspu plus weighted situps means you are both increasing your caloric expenditure (and therefore caloric needs) as well as potentially overtaxing your body, which will ultimately cause all sorts of wacky problems.
Lifting heavy weights promotes muscle gain IF you eat a LOT and don’t do lots of extra conditioning work.
Next year, if Matt can beat his fundraising total, he should go the Full Monty for FGB.
Gauntlet thrown.
Hanging with Cindy as Rx’d: 12 rounds, 3 cleans, 5 pull-ups, 7 push-ups. Lots of fun, despite a small hangover from the Robb Wolf book release party.
Afterward we went to lunch at Mile End delicatessen. Fantastic smoked meats in the Montreal style.
Hanging with Cindy:14 rounds Rx’D
This was a great workout! Glad Ryan was in class, kinda makes me push harder then I would on my own.
Oh, i found a cool video about crossfit
don’t yell at me if this is old and you have already seen it.
95#11 rounds + 2/5/10/7
Thanks Margie. I will try to get even more down my gullet. I think I may be eating too much mixed greens at the expense of starchy veggies.
Samir, naked SDHP sounds dangerous and is embarrassing enough to watch clothed. Please withdraw gauntlet.
Thanks for the fun visit yesterday!Great to see everyone.
Hangin Cindy: 12 rds + 1 mhpc (83#)
So that I can track back:-9 rounds plus cleans, pullups and 7 pushups.-rx’d at 95lbs.-fun times.