Kira D's Double Front Squats
The incredible Matt U has raised $6,625 in two days of fund raising via the Kissing Suzy Kolber blog. Matt has a LOT on the line for this years Fight Gone Bad, to read about why we all might see Matt doing high pulls in leopard print short shorts, click here!
Here's where our top five fundraisers are so far:
1. Matt U $6,626 (1st place world wide)
2. David M $2,880 (6th place world wide)
3. J L $1,190
4. J.R.M $1,030
5. Robin Reed $495
CFSBK has an overall fund raising total of $15,333 putting us in 2nd place for affiliates world wide!! As amazing as that is, we still need your help. There is currently a 30 place tie for last place with $0.00 raised among our competitors. If these amazing folks can raise in the thousands, everyone else can raise at least $100. How to start? Every team can organize to donate $25 to someone else on their team. Captains, can you help bring up your team's total???
Our friends at lululemon athletica Brooklyn are co-hosting a 2 day block party! Check out the information for Friday's festivities here and Saturday's here!
Could whoever is in charge of the mobility challenge email me the details at joseph(dot)c(dot)williams, gmail-style?
As of today, I’m kicking gluten and artificial sweeteners. I apologize in advance for any…unpleasantness.
/twitches from diet coke withdrawal.
i think we should have a secret diet coke social one of these days.
Im on day 23 of my own paleo challenge. The last two nights have included my only fouls so far. I had a mixed drink and some ice cream at the wedding party and last night after classes i sat down and ate a very generous amount of the ice cream left in the gym fridge. Went home and ate a bunch of meat afterwards, felt really foggy all night and had intense vivid dreams then woke up with bad indigestion this morning. Don’t know if the dreams are at all correlated to the sugar but figured i’d mention it.
Overall the paleo challenge has been really enjoyable and positive. I feel better and have leaned out a bit. I have no intentions of stopping at day 30.
i don’t find the diet soda addiction difficult on the weekends; i only drink it in the office.
where i am.
right now.
diet soda is the hardest thing for me to give up because of the caffeine. i’ve convinced myself that i’m not a coffee drinker but turn to diet soda as soon as i feel slightly tired.
while on vacation i depended on it to get through the day and adjust to the different time zone. now i’m going through withdrawl and have major headaches.
i agree with david re: the social – but i was wondering, can i bring a diet pepsi instead of a coke??
I had a major diet soda addiction for a long time. Like at least 1 20 oz bottle and oftentimes 2 a day major. I kicked it by switching to seltzer water with fruit essence and then to homemade seltzer with lemon juice when I decided that using all those plastic bottles was too wasteful. Home seltzer/soda makers are really cool and not too expensive – mine was like $95 or so I think.
I’ve also found that Seltzer is a great substitute when craving something with a little kick.
Here’s a fun little post on the devil’s brew:
Avi, no.
Make that $8800 and counting. Does anyone know a decent videographer/video editor that I can hire for FGB at a relatively inexpensive price?
Don made the video from FGB 3 which we posted up, I can get you his info if you’d like.
4th post of the day…
the articles page has been updated. i even found one more article i wrote on sets across.
i want to ask a question about kipping.
on other blogs from people who train elsewhere, i notice that people will do *assisted* kipping pullups during certain workouts (i’ll assume workouts with lots and lots of pullups.)
kipping – with a band.
i understand that kipping exists as a strategy to do a large volume of pullup work. and that you’re not supposed to learn to kip until you can do a dead hang pullup. and that you might not be able to do more than a couple dead hangs, so in order to do the workout, you have to have a band.
but doesn’t it make more sense to scale the pullups (by assisting and cutting the volume) than to do kipping pullups with a band?
signed, a newbie
Nice little work out tonight; Matt U. is kicking ass in the gym as well as in the fund raising, awesome job!Deadlifts are slowly inching back up and feeling a lot better. Great class with Jeremy today.Warm up: 135×5, 185×3, 205x2225x3x3DU/SU:141/140My DU’s really degraded after the first round.Jenn, nice to meet you!Samir–I heard a nasty rumor about you and the mobility WOD?!
fun times today at cfsbk
Deadlift: 75×3, 95×3, 125×3, 145x3x3 (PR!)Thanks to Jeremy for pushing me to make the big jump. 245 is just around the corner…
DU/Sit-Up WOD:total DU: 59 (definitely a PR)total sit-ups: 156
stuck around for Fox’s active recovery class which was bomb diggity.
accessory handstand work. matt timed me at :10, and i had a longer un-timed hold after that. sigh.
Matt, my roommate and best friend is an editor. He said he’s interested, email me at and I will forward it along and put you two guys in touch.