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compare to 5.1.10
For Time:
10 Wall Ball Shots 10'
Run 130m
8 Wall Ball Shots 10'
Run 130m
6 Wall Ball Shots 10'
Run 130m
4 Wall Ball Shots 10'
Run 130m
2 Wall Ball Shots 10'
Run 130m
Men's competition weight for Wall Ball is 20lbs while women's is 14lbs. Scale so that you can hit the 10' target.
Post Rx and time to comments.
compare to 5.22.10
We've cleaned out the boiler room, please check the signs in the gym and claim your belongings. We want to get rid of any unclaimed shoes/clothes so that things don't get overcrowded.
Sincerely, "the management"
OHS 95×3, 95×3, 115×1, 125x1pr, 125×1
It’s been long time since my last overhead squat, so I didn’t know what to expect, but ended up with a pr by 10 lbs.
Acc Wod: 4:16 rx’d
WTF, where did my comment go? Anyway, I’ll try again.
WU: 45×5, 65×5, 75×5, 85×5, 95×5
Work: 105×3 (PR), 110×3 (PR), 115 x1 (PR)
Lots of PRs as I was returning to OHS after a very long time. Great lifting with Katie.
Accessory WOD: 4:18 as RxD (36 seconds quicker than last time).
OHSq: (45×5, 65×5, 85×5, 105×3)115×2, 125×2, 135×3, 145FProbably could have made that 145 if I tried again but ran out of time. Hardest part is getting it overhead. Nice to work with Samir.
Acc WOD, subbing 15 1 pd KBs for the runs = 4:25 w/ a 14′ wallball
CFSBK was *all* up in the park slope food co-op this morning! my foundations mate The Phoenix has truly found his calling as a badass checkout line expeditor. he also performed a sweep of my shopping cart, checking for paleo violations.
rest day here; i am fried after strength last night. for the first time ever, and i do mean ever, i was too fatigued to be interested in dancing last night after the workout. i went out, but sat in the corner and tried not to nod off.
that is something of an ambivalent milestone. i will go drink some fish oil and feel some feelings now.
Warmup:-400m jog-samson stretch, air squats, pvc dislocates, pvc overhead squats
OH Squats:(33×5, 45×5, 55×5, 65×5)70×3, 75×3, 80×3-Stuck with 3’s because I haven’t been comfortable with this lift. Felt better today and know that I can definitely increase the weight. Have never tested my 1RM but am looking forward to at the end of this cycle.
14lb wallball/ 130m run wod:~5:10 (our timer stopped at 5:00)-This was suprisingly harder than it looked on paper. My lungs felt like they were on fire for a good 20 mins afterwards. I blame this stupid cold that I’ve been trying to fight for the past week.
Malcolm and Laurel wedding help!!
Hey all – if you are creatively inclined, can move stuff around and/or comfortably climb ladders, then I would LOVE your help on Sat evening sept 4 and/or Sunday afternoon Sept 5.
Please email me at margie (at) crossfitsouthbrooklyn dot com
Back off week Squat and BenchSquat: 5 x 130, 150, 180Bench: 5 x 90, 110, 130
WOD Rx’d: 4:093 seconds slower than in May, still finished behind McDiesel.
Interesting article by Michael Pollan in the June New York Review of Books:
First of all – I miss everyone!
Second – If there is anybody who would be interested in testing the applicability of Crossfit by moving some really heavy rocks for time into my backyard tomorrow, I am happy to pay in wine!
I mean really heavy!Oh – and they are cumbersome too!Should be a good time.give me a call if you are interested – 917.880.7754Brian
Fun morning class:
155×1, 165x1PR, 175x1F, 175x1PR, 185x1SF (Super fail, didn’t even get the press locked out)
WOD RX’d 3:23(?) It was fun nipping at Charmel’s heels the whole time, kept trying to turn on the (nonexistent) speed but he always had more in the tank.
Love OHS.
Hey all, I did my first CF workout here this morning. Basically they took the Filthy Fifty and split it into 5 rounds of 10. I walked in as they were walking us through the 10 movements which were (faintly) written on the board. No warmup, no introductions, nothing. They separated the 30 or so people into heats, 1 minute apart, blew the whistle and yelled go.
It was absolute and dangerous chaos. Kettlebells and ropes were swinging everywhere, everyone moving from one thing to the next…I started late and was coming off of vacation, so I only did 4 rounds, not that anybody noticed. I finished somewhere between 36 and 38 minutes. After that, everyone put away their stuff and…left. No real stretching; I don’t think I saw a foam roller in the whole place.
The coaches do seem nice and well-meaning, so maybe I came in on a bad day. Unfortunately, I didn’t meet anyone else. I was probably wearing my Sour Snippy face (one Asta knows well), which had nothing to do with the people and everything to do with my own frustration.
I am trying to stay positive, but it’s hard being away from everyone I love. I’m sure I will find my niche sooner or later, but until then, I’ll just keep comparing everyone and everything to SBK.
On the upside, I carried (half-dragged) an 85-lb air conditioner up to my second-floor apartment by myself. Functional fitness! On the downside, I don’t think it fits in my room, and I am not sure how I’m going to get it back down. Ineffective tears!
hey snip. you’ll find your niche in due time, i agree. until then it does well and truly suck. hang in there.
ohs: 45×5,65×5,95×3115/125/135/145/155pr
wow, pr. Unexpected given recent slackage and lack of OHS in a long time. I will note however that last time I PR’d on OHS my back squat was much weaker (even though I am still not back to my 250 5RM) so I am sure that it a huge factor. felt good.
wod: 5:05, rx’d.