Lemuel sets up for a Farmer's Carry
CFSBK's coaches have been working with Ben W to train members of his wrestling team during the off season. Last Wednesday they took a field trip to Quist Industries for some Strong Man 101. To check out the photo set, click here.
Robb Wolf talks about his upcoming book. Check out Robb's Paleolithic Solution Seminar at CFSBK on 9/4/10. Click here for more information and to sign up!
What did you have for breakfast today?
I had a good caveman breakfast. Leftover fricasee de pollo, and some strawberries. A big place of chicken in a tomato sauce basically. And coffee. As Robb Wolf called it when he came, protein and caffeine, the “dopamine cocktail.”
I didn’t feel like hurrying into work so I made a tasty little frittata with onions, basil, leftover okra and tomatos, and bacon. MMmm bacon.
we had free breakfast at work today. no comment… paleo faileo
Thank you Carolina BBQ elf! A wonderful surprise early wedding gift. Thank you.
Gah. Looks like my comment disappeared into the interwebs.
So, I used to know this, but have managed to confuse myself. When we’re writing out sets and reps, is it
(sets) x (reps)
but then
(weight) x (reps) x (sets)
or do I have it back-asswards?
I had the 2 scrambled eggs Linus refused to eat, plus the 1/4 avocado he refused to eat, plus 2 strips of bacon. Plus a LOT of coffee.
@ Joe: Yes.
Joe, I remember it by saying “Q-R-S” in my head.. the letter Q reminds me of the weight or %. Maybe because the word “quotient” exists.. which is related to numbers. If theres no Q, then you flip it.Does that make sense to anybody but me?
Breakfast:2 Eggs, Small piece of steak, avocado, orange juice and coffee with cream.
Im on day 9 of a Paleo challenge. Im okay with some cream in my coffee and the occasional juice or dried fruit. Feeling good!
Can anyone recommend a good moving service??? Something reasonably priced.
A while back I went with a crew that operates across from Lowe’s…If you turn right, instead of left, before going over bridge, there is a lot that looks like the kind of place you’d be taken to get whacked. It’s a storage place. The guys seem a little shady, but they moved the stuff and I recall it being reasonable, but I do get the sense that there is something nefarious going on back there.
i had a teaspoon of maple syrup for breakfast because i wanted sugar but have otherwise eliminated it from my household. i am so sick of waking up with a pathological sugar jones.
Yikes. Since you asked,
2 eggs fried over medium2 links beef breakfast sausage1 cup coffee with cream4 oz orange juice3 buttermilk pancakes with 2 tbsp butter and 1/4 cup syrup
I’m on a challenge of a different sort…I’m on day 9 of a Pancake challenge, and feeling…full.
Newman Movers(718) 627-80293504 Quentin RdBrooklyn, NY 11234
Small but very reliable business.
2 boiled eggs.
Omelette with ham and cheddar, and an apple. Two cups of iced coffee.Did the yesterday’s workout today with Shane and the Friday Noon Crew.4 rounds NFT of:20 x 1.5 pood KB swings (american swing)10 x 36 inch box jumps10 ring pushups5 strict pullups
That was a beast, for sure. Was psyched to get the box jumps so high, was a good challenge for me.
In other news, I’m having a little birthday shindig for my 30th Birthday tonight at MISSION DELORES on 4th ave at Carroll Street. anyone is more than welcome to drop by for a beer or two! I’ll be the somewhat intoxicated person trying to demonstrate to everyone (and not just my friends) the PROPER technique for doing a full squat.
Duck egg fried in some bacon grease over a baked sweet potato. An obscene amount of macadamia butter and coconut butter. A little bison.
Ben’s off the grid for a few days – maybe he’ll be able to post later. In the meantime I’d like to say thanks to all the coaches as SBK for training the kids who made it in this summer. And an especially big thanks to Shane for running the whole thing and putting it together.
Also, the set-up Paulie and Becca have at Quist is amazing and I can’t wait for the next field trip out there to play with all their toys!
did yesterday’s wod with 20k kb, 24″box + 25#plate, ring push ups, weghted pull ups 10#
ate eggs scrambled soft with ham tomato onion spinach mushroom. its my regular at work.
i dont know much about paleo but I have gone about 4 weeks with no bread, pasta, grains, or sugar. Lots of vegies, nuts and meats. I have plenty of yogurt and beer though which I am sure are violations.
I feel good but I should probably buy a book and learn about real paleo eating.
At The Institute:
WarmupBack and hip mobility, stretching2 rounds of 10 back squats, 10 swooshes, 10 plate swings
Snatch:40kgx3x3 (3 position receive)60x175x182.5×187.5xF (Drifted behind)92.5x195x1
Snatch High Pull:95x2x2110x2120x2
Jerk (rack):70x280x1x2
Tru Squat:+20×4+40×3+30×4
What did I have for breakfast? Glad you asked! Today I had a leftover grilled chicken sandwich and 3 cups of devil’s urine (the instant coffee from the machine at work). Honestly, it was a rather disappointing meal and a lackluster start to the day. The sandwich was soggy and the chicken had no personality whatsoever.
Rating: Fail
strength cycle A, third meeting
beforehand at home: kstar’s mobility WOD – quad stretch (YEOW)
squat: 65×5, 85X5, 95×3, 105×1, 110x5x3press: 37.5x3x5power clean: shitload of practice reps at 50, then 65x3x5
mercifully we were spared the friday WOD.
strapping on the salsa heels now, please pray for me.