4 Rounds NFT of:
20 Kettlebell Swings
10 High Box Jumps
10 Push-ups or Ring Push-Ups
5 Strict Pull-Ups or L-Pull-ups
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The basic Kettlbell Swing.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Our resident aerialist, Freddy J
Happy Birthday, Rick M!
CFSBK is at $6,316 raised for charity and in 5th place overall for affiliates. If you haven't raised any money yet, make it your goal to talk to, call or at least email the 3 people closest to you and see if you can get $10-20 in donations from them.
If you haven't signed up.. do so here!
New day, new Mobility WOD!
Hi Guys,
Have an open position I need filled. Here’s the ad. If you know anyone please have them apply. Thanks.
1 pood KBs, 24″ jumps, normal push ups, white band for pull ups. Two rounds in about 10 minutes then spent the next half hour in suburban Pukieville.
This has happened to me before with box jumps — something about getting my heart rate up and *then* messing with my vestibular system is a recipe for serious orthostatic hypotension. I think. Does that sound plausible to anyone who knows more about this kind of thing than I do?
WU: 1/3 Jerry.
WOD: 1 pood KB, 20″ box plus three 45-lb plates stacked, 10 ring-pushups, 2 rounds of 5 L-chin-ups and 2 rounds of strict pull-ups. Neat little ass-kicker.
Good times.
Went my own road tonight: 10 minutes of Cindy, 9 rounds + 5 pull-ups + 9 push-ups. Still taking the squats a little slow to protect my hip. Squats and pull-ups unbroken, push-ups sadly in small sets fairly quickly. Need to work these.
WOD:1 pood KB20″ box plus one 45-lb plate stackedpull-ups with blue bandfirst two rounds of push-ups were strict, third on the posture blocks, fourth on a low bar… maybe 8″ up?
Accessory handstand work… 13 second hold (no-walk)!! PR!
Thanks David for timing!
ran a.m. park loop. been running with “footfall under the heart” mantra to lessen heel strike and keep chest open and gaze up. feels good.
did first 3 wods in Kelly S blog. (10min squat in 4 sets, ouch)