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Suggested Back Off Week
4-5 Rounds NFT of:
10 Toes to Bars
10 Hip Extensions
5 Forward Rolls
So goes the old saying, "The couple that lifts logs overhead on the beach, stays together"
Fight Gone Bad Team 6:
1. Ben W
2. Becca S
3. Jess F
4. Samir C
5. Sean B
Fight Gone Bad Team 7:
1. AJ
2. Ashley F
3. Ryan P
4. David M
5. Collette K
Fight Gone Bad Team 8:
1. Chris F
2. Brian Z
3. Katie M
4. Nick K
5. Joe W
This clears our all our current registered athletes for teams (except David). Can we register at least 2 more full teams before FGB on September 25th?? If you're interested please register today! We also still need at least 3 more athletes for the Fight Gone Belated team.
When is belated?
No set date yet, we can coordinate once a team starts building. Probably a week or so after.
65% of 1RM during the CFT or of the last sets-across weight? Thanks!
That photo is ADORABLE.
Nick and I would like to do Fight Gone Belated, are we counted as part of that team? We can’t make the main event b/c of a wedding, boo.(Also, we will need to round up a Linus-wrangler for that day.)
Dear Management,
I have been registered for FGB for awhile but I don’t think I have been assigned to a team. Is this a subtle hint?
Strike that! Team 6. 🙂
Dear, Member #21169 “Becca S”
You’re right there in the second position for team 6! Actually, Jay requested to be on a team with a buddy of his from out of town who has yet to sign up. I went ahead and just switched you in.
-The Management.
Team 8 has already won…it’s no contest.
Chris is probably right. Should we go ahead and call the whole thing off then?
Dear Management,
Sneaky. I thought I had officially gone completely out of my mind after you made the switch.
– Member #21169
Member #21169,
Be advised, rule # 6845-C clearly states that Members are not to directly address The Management, but are to use proper channels of contact, namely through Gammas and/or Epsilons.
No further discipline will be assessed a this time.
I’m in for Belated.
Alec and I are in. Just signed up. Made it back from Colorado unscathed this time. Nothing can keep me from Fight Gone Bad!
This is the best thread ever! Thank you member #21169 and management!
Fox sightings on Lake Michigan Shores. Good thing there wasn’t any landed gentry around.
Samir – 65% of 1RM.
You are welcome, David Mak, though I certainly cannot speak on behalf of The Management.
Good to back. Feel like it’s been fo-eveh.
DROMSMedball Tosses: Stepping chest pass 2×10 6#Rotational throw 2×10 ea. side 4#
3RNFT5 Ring rows5 Split squats ea. leg 25# DB
AMRAP 12 MIN.20 KB Swings 12 Kg.7 Jumping ring dip w/negative4 30′ Fwd./Bkwd shuttle run6 rounds + 20 swings
Good stuff. Love the variety of movements. Could have gone heavier on the lunges.
I was gone a lot in August so I’m not really backing off so much.
LBBS (5): (45, 95, 135) 185x3x5Second set was pretty good. The rest, not to much. Good rack position and thinking a lot about elbows somehow really helps keep my heels down.
4 rds: 10 T2B, 10 hip ext (sometimes w/ 15#), 5 forward rolls.Glad I could pretty much do the T2B, getting a little better at the rolls. Trying to remember that I used to hate handstands almost this much.
worked too late for class
ran a park loop
1/2 Angie in 10:10
LBBS: (45×5,95×5,135×3) 155x5x3
Like Katie, not backing off right now. I’ve missed a lot of gym time recently.
4 rounds: 10 strict toes to bars, 5 forward rolls, 10 15lb hip extensions (last set at 20lbs)
This was fun.
Strength cycle back in action. That sound you hear is me exhaling in gratitude after ten long days of down time.
I didn’t have any goals last time, until Brian D. gave me one part of the way through. This go around, I have some ready to go.
I’m a lifelong 5 or 6-hour/night sleeper, but even without crossfit, this is not working anymore. Shooting for a solid 7. Blackout blinds and a sleep mask help.
2. Post-workout nutrition
Last cycle, I wandered around like a starving, bewildered cavewoman after every workout, famished but directionless. Debauchery ensued. I inserted my post-workout body into fancy establishments in pursuit of bone marrow appetizers. I’m not making that up.
In my work life I am a project manager, plus I’m obsessed with cooking. Time to mindfully feed Good Cavewoman, not encourage her evil twin.
4. Strict Pull-up
Right? Please.
5. Back Squat Shenanigans
Last cycle my 1-RM LBBS during our CFTotal was 147.5; Jeremy advises that this should be work weight goal for this cycle – 3 sets, 5 reps at that weight.
So it shall be.
God, I feel better already.
Robb Wolf on my favorite non-CF fitness website. Big Time!
Warmup:-med ball chest pass @ 8lbs.-wall ball over the front pullup bar @ 10lbs.
LBBS:(45×5, 95×5, 125×4)work: 135x5x3 (~65% of 1RM)
NFT triplet of:-2 forward rolls, 30 sec plank-10 t2b (mostly kipping)-10 ghd hip extensions with 10lbs, 15lbs.Got through 3 complete rounds and figured that was good. Fun to partner and lift with Charlotte again!
bsq: (45×5, 65×5, 85×5) 105x5x3haven’t been squatting much, so this is on par for where i’ve been; neither back off or a PR
NFT triplet:-10 knees to elbows (huge improvement from last time, maybe a month or so ago)-10 hip extensions-5 fwd rollsGreat to work with Laurel and Katie!! Thanks for your coaching and help, ladies!
accessory: pullups w/ dan (10 total w/ his assist. still suck). some handstand work… got maybe an 8 second hold. foam rolling.
Snatch Pull80x2
One Leg Squat5R,5L+40lb vest5R,5L+vest+9kg plates+chain2R,2L x 2
HSPU5x2+15(?)lb vest2x5
4 rounds of BBQ at Hill CountryBBQ wins by TKO
Just signed up for FGB. Looking forward to it…I think.
Warmup:-med ball chest pass @ 8lbs x20.-wall ball over the front pullup bar @ 10lbs x10.
LBBS:(45×5, 95×5, 125×3)work: 140x5x3 (~65% of 1RM)
NFT triplet of:-2 forward rolls, 30 sec plank-10 t2b (mostly kipping)-10 ghd hip extensions with 10lbs, 15lbs.Got through 3 complete rounds. Great working with Jess!