Five rounds for total reps of:
135 pound Thruster, 15 seconds
Rest 45 Seconds
50 pound Weighted pull-up, 15 seconds
Rest 45 Seconds
Burpees, 15 seconds
Rest 45 seconds
Post total reps for all five rounds to comments.
compare to 4.13.08
Handstand Practice!
Fight Gone Bad Team 4 is:
1. Dan R
2. David McG
3. Matt U
4. Bethany B
5. Robin R
Fight Gone Bad Team 5 is:
1. Charmel R
2. Chris A
3. Mindy S
4. Sameer P
5. Erica N
To see registered athletes, teams and info on FGB, click here.
5 Things you can do to Double you Fight Gone Bad fund raising total
First time doing weighted pull-ups/chin-ups not using a belt or vest.
Thanks for the coaching Margie and Fox
30(85# thrusters- could have done 95# but was still feeling sore in the right shoulder from pressing yesterday – this stayed at 6,6,6,6,6, – couldn’t get faster, didn’t get slower!).
19 strict chin-ups using 20 lb DB. (This went 5,5,4,3,2 – fell off quickly and hard)
31 burpees (6 in each round, except for the 4th when I got 7 thanks to Chris and David McG egging me on!)
Nice little ass-kicker. Good class with Margie and Fox as usual!
did a sprint triathlon today.
no just kidding. rest day. hitting the dance floor tonight. psyched for strength cycle kickoff tomorrow.
WU3min row 18s/mteeny ball and foam rollings
Handstand Practice – always like the handstand practice. have to over come my fear and try unassisted next time.
QGBthrusters @95lb 32 reps.pull ups @40lb 21 strict reps.burpees 33 reps.
i fookin hate thrusters. i should have tried 135.
saw the workout late last night. was going to skip it. woke up this morning still undecided. damn thrusters.then said to liese not going because of one of my goats is not going to make them any better. so we went and were very happy we did. so there.
handstand practice–fun working with robin. progress–1 sec hold unassisted! (maybe a short second, but still.)
quarter gone badthrusters at 95# = 5/5/5/6/6 = 27chin-ups w/ white band = 5/5/4/4/4 = 22burpees the first round (4) then sit-ups for the rest = 10/10/10/10 = 40
i like this time domain in that you really don’t have an excuse not to sprint.
95/25 – 83 reps
Katie is one more handstand practice away from two freestanding seconds, I just know it.
I, on the other hand, am close but have to get over the fear of flipping over too far. My second leg doesn’t want to go up without knowing there’s a wall there.
As for the WOD, super sweaty.
Thrusters @ 53# – 5,5,5,5,5 – 25Ring Rows – 6,5,5,5,5 – 26Squat Thrusts – 7,7,8,8,8 – 38
Was nice to bike home in the rain. Also fun to see the mom/dad kid handoffs at 10am.
Also, I discovered it’s much easier to maintain an 18s/m row when the rules are simply “follow Nick.”. Good call, Fox!
31 thrusters at 75#29 pull-ups with a white band33 squat thrusts in lieu of burpees
Total of 93. Doing a for-real pull-up doesn’t seem inconceivable any more; however, the one time I accidentally tried a burpee instead of a squat-thrust, my torn pec screamed in pain. Still, it felt great. I like WODs with 3:1 rest ratios. HINT HINT, Fight Gone Bad.
This made me CRABBY. My elbows were really achy from the thrusters and I was just hot and sweaty and beat up from the Total and from lack of sleep Friday night. But it was a good workout.Thrusters were 5/5/5/4/4 @ 85#. Need to get better at cycling these, and at keeping the bar on my chest. Strict chinups were 4/3/3/2/2. Burpees were 5/5/5/6/6. Total: 64.