Perform one Clean and Jerk every minute on the minute for 15 minutes. On minutes 6 and 11 increase the weight 5-10 lbs if all previous attempts were successful.
Post loads to comments.
compare to 7.26.10
Assistance Work
Broad Jump: 5 attempts
3 Rounds NFT:
10 Dumbbell Sotts Presses, each arm
10 Hip Extensions, hold each extension for a 2 count
Coach Shane hits the top of his 2nd Pull
Congratulations to Jenn M on her 2:01:12 Half Marathon time this weekend!
Happy Birthday, Regan JF!
Upcoming Foundations:
August Evening Cycle
Dates: 8/16-9/8
Times: Mondays and Wednesdays from 8pm-9:15pm
Register Here!
Today is the start of a new week! List one thing you'd like to accomplish by next Monday.
Way to go Jenn!
Happy Birthday Regan!I did Fran on Friday with Margie and was a full minute slower than I was in mid-May, when I was just finishing a 30-day Paleo challenge with strong emphasis on good sleep. So by next Monday I hope to be able to say I’ve gone to bed on time every night this week (except Wednesday, when N and I are going to see Arcade Fire! Woot!)
by Monday, i want to install the blackout blinds i got for my bedroom.
awesome article on preparing yourself to squat from greg everett over at Catalyst:
Fun noon class with Mr. Fox. Nice to see the bouncy Scott L. in attendance.
Forgot to write down my broad jump attempts, but I basically hit 75″ on all but the last, when I got to 80″. This was fun. I also really liked the C&J workout–great way to get in a lot of volume *and* a fair bit of weight. My legs is tired!
108×5, 113×5, 118×5.
I need to do Sotts presses every day. Did 10lbs, then 15, then 20 for the 3 rounds. 20 was hard.
NPR talks about the shoulder:
By next Monday I will succeed in running a single distance in excess of 15km.
Ran 12.25km last night in prospect park total time: 1:12:03. First 5K wasn’t bad, but really paid for it in the final 2km.
Shoulder/neck are a little tight, don’t think I an go overhead today, will likely squat!
i would like to get some good sleep.
good noon class with the fox and co.
WUfoam roll4min row. 20s/m
BROAD JUMPSfirst time doing these. always missed em. till now.1. 77.5 2. 86.5 3. 83.5 4. 92.5 5. 92.5
C&J WOD(65, 95, 115, 135)155×5 165×5 175x5felt good. more please.tried alternate leg landing on the warm ups, didn’t feel too bad.
ASS WK3rnds nftdb sotts press. hadn’t done these before. 20lb. 5 each arm x3. i like em.10×3 hip extensions
I will be sure to slap my thighs and back around before I squat after classes tonight.
This week I would like to finish all the links on the website and update the event photos
Thank you so kindly for the birthday wishes! There’s a birthday soul food chicken outing tomorrow after Coach Jeremy’s class. All are welcome shoot me an email. If you’d like to come. I dearly love my sbk family. You guys have made for a very special few days.
I think I just erased my post by accident.
Tweaked today’s WOD and subbed Power Snatches for the C&Js.
Warmed up with multi-directional anterior reaches. Then Sots Presses. Really like these. Used 10#,15# twice, then 2 sets of 3each arm at 20#.
Power Snatches at 52#, then 47# for the rest doubling up from rounds 8 through 15. That’s a lot of snatch.
Have to make up the broad jump!
106″ (8’10”) Broad Jump
WOD:Rds 1-5) 115Rds 6-10) 120Rds 11-15) 125
Ran around the block twice–tried not to hate running.
Broad jumps — 5’7.5″, 5’9″, 5’8.5″
C&J–stuck with the split jerk, but they certainly weren’t always prettyrds 1-5 = 123#rds 6-10 = 128#rds 11-15 = 138#
3 rds 10 hip ext + 10 DB sots presses (20, 15, 20)
Three broad jumps: 80″, 84″, 83″
Clean and Jerk WOD (excellent way of doing this lift)
Rounds 1-4: 105Rounds 5-15: 115 (threw in a couple of extra reps as well)
Sott’s Presses at 20 lbs.
Bought a rower cheap off a co-worker. Got home too late for class.
At home: assembled rower and rowed 1000m. It works!
Wod 105/125/135 (need to buy more weight)
Presses with 30# kb
Ran around the block once, then subbed the second lap with row.
Broad Jump: 5’10”, 5’10.5″, 5’10”
C+J WOD:rds 1-4: 75rds 5-15: 80First time with C+J. 80 was medium-hard, ready to push it. Still feel awkward on the clean phase, but thanks to David for coaching.
Sotts presses @ 15 lbs x 3 rounds. 10 Hip extension x 3 rounds.
Foam rolling and free handstand work.
worked up to a 6’8.5″ broad jump
did all c&js at 123 and had some major issues with my back. sigh.
3×10 hip extensions3x10 sotts w 15#
Broad Jump6’3″ = best attempt. (The other 2 attempts were 6’1″ and ??) I definitely can improve on this.
C+J70x5, 75×5, 80×5
Aks workSotts presses @ 15lbs – 1×10 round on my toes then 3×10 legit roundsHip extensions 3×10
Broad jumps6′ 6’5″ 6’5.5″
Clean and Jerk on the minute1st five: 95×1/minute2nd five: 105×1/minute3rd five: 110×2/minute
Accessory workRound 1: 25lbsRounds 2&3: 20lbs
Tried to post once, but something happened to it… we’ll see if I now end up with double posts.
Ran around the block twice with Katie, company helps with the running-misery.
Broad Jump: 7’6″,7’9″,7’9″. 8 feet eluded me and is now a goal (thanks Brian.)
C&J: 123,133×6,138×4. This got quite hard, light headed and disassociated for the last two reps. Need to be faster under the bar.
Accessory: 15lb Sotts presses, hip extensions with added 10lbs.
Late post, but want to be able to track back.
Broad jump:5’11” was my best. I feel like I should be better than this.
C&J:95×5, 105×5, 115×5
Accessory: 15lb Sotts presses, hip extensions.