3 Rounds for time:
Row 500m
12 Deadlifts, Bodyweight
21 Box Jumps,
Post loads to comments.
compare to 10.31.09
Ring Rows
3-2-3 Tempo
Jack Sets up his Squat
Remember that On Ramp class is tonight at 8pm and open to all members.
Take a stroll down memory lane with SBK!
Fight Gone Bad 3 Photo set ($7,303 Raised)
Fight Gone Bad 4 Photo set ($26,826 Raised)
Will you be a part of Fight Gone Bad 5?
Pat Barber does "Christine" CrossFit
God's Workout NY Times
Why being terrible is kind of wonderful The Talent Code
@David: Would it be possible to come in at some time before the competition on Saturday to do some rowing and/or squatting or will the space be tied up?
Hooray for sucking at stuff! What a great little article.
Nice. I did this one by myself last year, hoping to knock a good chunk off my time.
Another early morning. Christine in 15:07 @ 105lbs (3/4BW). I just looked back in my notes and did this in 13:51 @ 75lbs in October. A 30lb jump isn’t too shabby!
6am. First Christine out of Foundations. 16:07 @75. Sarah! You’re inspiring me to get better. Hope to see the same improvements in a few months.
5 PM class. First Christine evah.
13:47 with bodyweight (165 lbs) trap-bar and 24″ box. Nice little ass-kicker.
Ugh! (but in a good way I guess) 13:40 as RXed (185#, 20″ box). Maybe went out too fast on the first row (i think they were 1:48, 1:58 and 2:02) and the deads got heavy fast.
finished with ring rows and some yellow band pull-ups.
Warm-UpJump Rope Practice and DROMS
Ring Rows2x5 then used LAX ball on my shoulder, felt great
“Christine” as Rx’d(150lb Deadlift)
Fun to chase Noah and Ryan.
Good 5pm Class
does that mean we have to raise 100k?
Warmup:-jump rope and droms
My first Christine–11:33 rx’d at 142lbs, 20″ box.-I really liked this wod. Row splits were around 2:00, 2:05, 2:10 each round. Deadlifts for the 1st 2 rounds were split in 6-6, last round 4-4-4. Surprisingly box jumps are were I gained time. I was able to cycle them pretty consistently and that felt oh so good!-Post wod tequila shot with Snip to say goodbye. I’m really gonna miss you Snip but I wish you the best of luck!
Finished with 5×5 ring rows at 3-2-3 pace.
Rx’d (185lbs) in 12:50
For the record, that’s 3 minutes faster, 10 pounds heavier, 4 inches taller, and 1 more tequila shot that when I did this 11/1/09. Not too shabby.
Miss you already Snip!
rest day – just one hour of foxtrot, no fingers were harmed.
I’m the Charles Barkley of kipping.
11:08 @ 155lbs (with the trap bar) and 24″ box. First Christine. Hopefully next time my back will be healed and can go rx. Fun WOD though.
Snip – great to have a going away shot with you, we’ll miss you.
12:22 as Rxd155lbs, 24″
Was faster by over a minute.This was hard. I stopped or sandbagged some of it and needed Shane to yell at me to keep me going.
Rowing killed me. The deadlifts were fine, the box jumps sucked.
Staring at a 24″ box and trying to jump up to it is hard even when youre 100% fresh. After a row and deadlifts, your brain sometimes just wont pull the trigger on jumping that high.
First Christine and third class after foundations. Finished 16:00 with 83 lb deadlifts/ about 60% bodyweight. Definitely inspired to get stronger and faster!
Did Christine a day late: 9:22. Treated rowing as a chance to catch my breath from the DLs and BJs, which were vicious.