(E3/8) Sets Across
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compare to 7.24.10
7 Rounds for time:
3 Dumbbell Snatches
3 Dumbbell Push Presses
3 Overhead Dumbbell Lunges
Perform each movement first with your left arm and then with your right. If you feel comfortable with kettlebell snatches feel free to use a KB instead of a dumbbell.
post time and Rx to comments.
Gabrus, Katie M, Bethany B, AJ, Josh M, Laurel M, Ryan P, Jess F, Sameer P, Dan R and Chris Fox have all signed up for this Saturday's weightlifting competition at CFSBK. Remember that there will be no regular group classes but there will be a BBQ and potluck afterwards. Please bring your finest paleo dish and weightlifting shoes!
14 people have already signed up for FIGHT GONE BAD 5. This is our annual charity event in which we compete to raise money for two great causes. For more information and to sign up, click here!
High Jumpers are able to pass over high bars while their center of mass passes below it. How is this possible? Watch this video and see the technique they use to accomplish this feat.
Check out http://movnat.com/ (Robb Wolf currently participating).
They have 2 workshops, one of which is for people who are “fit to very fit.” I thought his definition was a really good measure (Note: I just failed the breath hold test):
-You have some “barefooting” experience
-You can run 10 kilometers (a 10k) in under 50 minutes easily (an 8 minute mile pace)
-You can easily perform 10 explosive pull-ups in a row
-You have some powerlifting and Olympic weightlifting experience and can at least deadlift and squat your own bodyweight and clean and jerk half your body weight
-You can hold a well-aligned plank pose for at least a minute, you can do 20 successive walking lunges while maintaining your stability, and you can at least vertical jump up to your knee-level and long jump half your height from a static posture then stabilize your body easily.
-You can comfortably swim freestyle and backstroke
-You have some martial art or defense experience (i.e. boxing, wrestling)
-You can hold your breath at least one minute and 30 seconds
-You have no serious health issues that prevent you from performing optimally including injuries that you must work around
Hey, there I am, pretending to do a muscle-up!
Did this yesterday at open gym. Still working on my rack position for LBBSQ.(45×5, 95×5, 145×3) 165x5x3.
Then beta-tested the unilateral burner: 5 rounds at 1 pood, 5:12. I really liked this, especially having to do things on one side and then the other–saw where I am weak!
For those interested in Robb Wolf’s shout-out to David on the Paleolithic Solution podcast, it is indeed Episode 33, at around 1:17 into the episode (1 hr, 17 mins). Evidently David hikes 8 miles around Brooklyn most days.
Just signed up for FGB (this will be my 3rd one) and am very excited about it. This is the first year that the Lance Armstrong Foundation is a beneficiary. Does anyone else have a problem with that?
Bjorn, you rabble rouser, you.
8 Miles with a backpack, Charlotte.
A tad overestimated, but the point remains. walk a lot!
Does anyone know time the gym is closing tonight? I probably won’t be able to make it out there until around 8, but I was planning on a short workout anyway (just squats and hypers).
Tomorrow! Post-WOD:
Funky sunglasses and bikinis optional.
We’ll be running classes until about 9:15pm
Thanks David!
bjorn: will our donations go to help young underprivileged children buy ‘roids?
Great 5 PM class today with Fox and Margie.
Started off with a tabata rowing session.
Then, some handstand practice. Apparently, I managed to get vertical. A first.
Then squats. Thanks tons to Fox for some very good tips on what numbers to go for, on depth, and on getting BIG at the top!
WU: 45×5, 95×5, 145×3
Then work at 165x5x3 (I think this is the first time in a long time I’ve got some good depth on this lift).
Accessory WOD in 6:51 with 30 lb DBs.
good noon class today with d.o. and working out with ryan.
WUtabata row increase speed each round.
hand stand practice. tried handstand push ups . used 3 ab mats.
LBBSQ(45×5 135×5 185×4)215x5x3felt good. was tight during the warm up. haven’t squatted in so long before this exposure. happy to be able again.
WOD35lb 7:06could have gone heavier but wasn’t sure how my lunges would be. everything was good.
CDhamstring stretchlacrosse ball work
we’re in week six of Strength and shit is gettin kinda hectic.
in a good way.
all the way down, Jack.
first post… in my foundations course and did my first “Helen” today…or as i like to say, a baby helen:
400m run (jog) – hardest part21 kettle balls (at 12kg) – these guys are fun!12 ring rows – getting better
time – 13:23 – room for improvement
LBBS – 45×5; 95×5; 135×3; 155x3x5Still going light and nursing the back.
WOD – 6:14@40lbs – I liked this one.
Tabata row. Got to 90m in my 20 sec.
LBBSQ: 45×5, 95×5, 125×5, 145x3x5. Bar was level, hip ok. la la la. Just have to keep that right elbow high and my feet planted.
Burner – 10:17 @35lbs. Stopped to cry in the middle. Apparently if you are stressed and do something that is a little too hard, tears spontaneously flow out of your eyes despite being in public. ick.
Tabata row–almost got to 100m. Tried to go :05 faster each round.Hand stands–went well except when I fell on my face.LBBS(5): (45, 95, 135) 185x3x5Burner @ 35# in 6:14. I picked the right weight–glad I didn’t go any higher. I need more of this unilateral work, left is way harder.
Welcome Julia!
Tabata row – barely crossed 80m! ha…
LBBSQ: 115x5x3
Burner @ 20lbs: 6:31. Really felt the weakness on my left side, thumbs up for WODs like these.
WU:tabata row – increasing each round, reached 100m on last round
LBBSQ:(45×5 95×5 135×3 145×2) 155: 5 4 5was having trouble with my rack position until Margie corrected it for me at the end of the 2nd set. The 3rd set felt much better.
WOD:8:30 at 30#my left arm hates me
Accessory:pullups 4 4 4 3 3
Late post…
Tabata Row (It went okay…started a little too fast, though)
LBBS(45×5, 65×5, 85×3, 105×2)115x5x3
WOD @ 20lbs: 6:14I’m the 3rd person to post a 6:14 for this…weird.
Even later post…
Warmup:-10 inchworm to pushups-leg stretches-Tabata Row: got to 93m in my last round…want to get to 100 next time.
LBBSQ:(45×5, 95×5, 125×3)work: 145x5x3-stuck with the same weight as exposure 2. felt more solid this time. Thanks for the coaching cues Margie! Need to work more on sitting back.-Great lifting with Bethany!
WOD @ 25lbs–6:11-Probably could have gone heavier but I wasn’t sure what I could keep overhead during the lunges. Also, my elbows and shoulders have been bothering me so I didn’t want to push it.
foundations report: first helen for helen3x250?m run21 kettle balls (at 12kg)12 ring rowstime – 13:31?