(E2/4) Sets Across
Post loads to comments.
compare to 7.19.10
5 Rounds NFT:
5 GHD Sit-Ups
5 Inchworm Walk-outs
5 Vertical Jumps to target
Jay G goes for a weighted 800m Run
Happy 1st Birthday to Linus P!
compare to 7.26.10
So far only Ryan P, Jess F, Sameer P, Dan R and Chris F have signed up for the final Subway Series event being held at CF South Brooklyn this Saturday. The event is three attempts at a 1RM Snatch and Clean and Jerk. All are encouraged to participate!!! Sign up today! There will be no Group classes on the 31st.
Feeling beat up from this weekend's WODs? We've got a great Active Recovery class planned for tomorrow at 6pm. Come on down.
Hundred/Million by The Whigs. I forgot to write that yesterday. (as in like an hour ago)
Hey guys,I just got an idea and wanted to know what you think
So my goal is to learn everyone’s name right. But I only come 3x a week and only one class that day … problem? I think so
Now “what if” on the web site, under the information, we have like a “Members” link. where all the members at CFSBK have a mug shot=-D and there name … now everyone knows everyone.
There’s no time listed for the subway series event this weekend? What time is it at? Will there also be classes as usual?
Josh,I’m horrible with names too, so I really like the mugshot idea (if not on the website, then somewhere else). If this goes through, I’ll wear my best orange jumpsuit!
Happy Birthday, Linus (and to Charlotte and Nick)!!!
will there be some kind of party after the Saturday event? i’d like to bring some food if there is… please let us know.
Don’t know if this was posted already, but here’s a link to the results from the Strongman showdown this past weekend: https://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=0Ao8HDZN57htldFByU1BnNDdTS0ZtRUwyYzRVSXhFeHc&hl=en&gid=2.
Josh, great idea…but I wonder how difficult that would be to set-up and maintain. As another option, folks can register with typepad, and then upload a photo. Then everytime time they post, you get to see their lovely mug. (By doing this you also avoid entering the security word every time you post.) Maybe this will also be a way to get more people posting on the blog!
Sarah, I believe the event on Saturday will begin at 9am. And David mentioned above, No group classes on Saturday.
All, as hosts this weekend to the Subway Series (and with no classes going on) we should have loads of members signed up for the event! What are you waiting for?
sore from the weekends wods, and nearly didnt go today. glad i did. a good noon class with fox.
WUfoam roll800m easy run.
3 rnds nft10 ghd sit ups5 inch worms5 vertical jumps
got the blood flowing and stiffness out.
(95 135)155×2 165x2x4 175x2felt good. stomping the front foot down hard is key. was thinking about the back foot too much. that was messing me up. fox told me to stop doing that and it helped a lot. committing to getting under the bar is the head wrecker. heavier next week.
WUlacrosse ball on the calf. started getting tight after the run.
Attention all 1/2 marathoners: Teh gauntlet has been thrown down:
First exposure to C&Js. Very happy to be doing this and only hope we do more and more of this stuff down the line.
Did some drills at 75 with David. Then warmed up with a few reps at 85, then moved on to:
95x2x3, 100×2, 105×5
Practice, practice, practice.
I need to get over my fear/dislike of this movement. I psych myself out–trick today was to just walk right up to the bar and do it. Don’t spend too long setting set up and taking big breaths and talking about how it wasn’t going to happen. Split jerk drills and cues from David are helping a lot.C&J(2): 53, 73, 93, 103, 113, 123, 123, 133 (failed once on the clean, once on the jerk, then got them both twice)
Fun lifting with Ms Fox this evening–been too long. WU (53, 73, 83) then 93×2, 103×2, 108×2, 113×2. Then I stopped. Maybe took it too slow on the warmup but I was starting to psych myself out, too.
Nick and I are really bummed we can’t make the last Subway Series event on Saturday. We’re going to a memorial service for my dad’s goddaughter, an amazing woman–and CrossFitter from Park City, UT–who died earlier this year after living 9 months with a heart transplant.(Everyone, please become an organ donor!)
Steph was an inspiring partner tonight! Hope she’ll be representing us on Sunday. :)C&J – (60×2, 60×2) 70×2, 70×2, 80×2, 90×2, 100×1
95 100 105 110 115
Thanks for the great coaching Fox.
Warmup:-800m barefoot run-3 round NFT of 5 GHD situps, 5 inchworms, 5 vertical jumps.-Thank you Coach Fox for your help with the GHD. It felt like it was my very first time doing them.
C&J:(65, 73, 83) then 93, 103, 98, 83, 83-My clean fell apart at 103 and again at 98. Didn’t want to end with ugly reps so I dropped it back down to get back to the technique.-Really great to lift with Charlotte! Definitely the strongest momma I know!
Cooldown:-More foam rollin’ and lacross ball torture. Working on making my aching left shoulder better…
bethany – i had a great time lifting with you and CONGRATS on your PR!!
and i wish i could represent this weekend ๐ will be away for work..
c&j(60×2, 60×2)80,90,100,110,120 all x2