As many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
5 Deadlifts at 1.5xBW
The cap for deadlift weight is 275 for men and 185 for women.
Post time and Rx to comments.
compare to 5.6.09
Skill Work
Jerk Rack 101 and transitions from Clean to Jerk
Snip got her "BFS" (Bigger Faster Stronger) at CrossFit South Brooklyn
CFSBK would like to bid a heartfelt farewell to our friend and teammate, Steph "Snip" W who will be moving to PA to and enrolling in a MFA program. Steph has been CrossFitting for about a year with us and recently wrote "CrossFit: A Field Guide" Part 1 and Part 2. Good luck, Snip! We'll look forward to keeping up with your adventures and seeing you when you come BACK.
Congratulations to Team SBK on their 2nd place finish at yesterday's Strongman/woman event at CrossFit Virtuosity. Here is how the event broke down by gym and how our top 3 competitors did. (We'll post full standings once they're released)
1st: CrossFit Virtuosity
2nd: CrossFit South Brooklyn
3rd: CrossFit Long Island City
4th: CrossFit Queens
Josh M 1st Place overall
Paulie S 3rd Place overall
Ryan P 14th Place overall
Katie M 1st Place overall
Jess F 3rd Place overall
Juliana A 11th Place overall
The next and last Subway Series event will be held on Saturday the 31st at CrossFit South Brooklyn. The event will be three attempts at a max Snatch and Clean and Jerk. There will be no normal classes that day and everyone is encouraged to sign up or come on down and enjoy the event and some BBQ.
What is your current favorite song?
A 1st and 3rd finish in men and womens division and 2nd place overall? I smell shenanigans!
Good Luck Snip! A good friend of ours who was an English/Poetry Professor at Pitt is doing the opposite of you–and is coming to Brooklyn College.
185 pounds. 7 rounds + 5 deadlifts.
225 Rx’d 8 Rounds
Great job Carlos. Very impressive pace.
Thanks to Margie for the pointers.
Scaled this to 170 lb trap-bar and 5 strict chin-ups.
Finished 2 chin-ups short of 10 rounds.
Congrats to all our strong people!Did yesterday’s burner today–30 back squats 115lbs1000m Run–still no rower @ Camp Ladybug7:33
DL @ 205#, 5 pull-ups (some unassisted, some w/ yellow) = 6 rds + 5 DLs
good clean work today. the transition became easier. looking forward to tomorrows exposure.
DL/PU wod7rnds @ 275pull ups were crap.dl sets unbroken.
i got in 8 rounds,i scaled the weight at 270lbs, unassisted(but need to work on my kip)
Ryan you did a great job … i was trying to chase your 11 Rounds 2 DL! the whole time …
Oh and I learned two more name!
Does anyone have any tips on remembering names? i think if i take in a lil at a time that helps some.
so if i forget you name, i’m sorry
Congrats Katie, Jess, Paulie, and the whole CFSBK team!! And a fond farewell to Ms Stronglady Snip–great photo! Sorry to miss everyone today.
Awesome day yesterday at Virtuosity! Great job to Katie, Josh and the rest of the SBK folk! We represented well and earned our 2nd place finish…although we had to be pretty darn close to first! 😉
For today:Warmup:-Light droms-3 rounds of the triplet: jumping split squats, arms behind back gilly-stretch thing, tricep stretch.-Technique work on the clean to jerk transition. good stuff. knew I should have been paying more attention to this, and today’s practice made it all seem a little smoother.
Skipped the WOD to make up yesterday’s squats.LBBSQ:(45×5, 95×5, 125×5, 135×3)work: 145x5x3-felt good. worked hard on keeping my knees out.
Then did some strict Presses:(45×5, 55×5, 65×3)work: 72x5x3-4th and 5th rep of each set were harder, but I’m working on keeping a tighter core at the beginning and throughout the lift. This has really made it feel easier.
Cooldown:-lots of foam rolling and lacrosse ball torture!
Wod: 8 rounds + 5 DLs & 5 PUs @240# (RX+25#)
At home: ran park loop, C&J 1 1 1 1 1 @135# (split jerk, new for me), 50 push ups (broken), 100 sit ups (unbroken)
Good luck Snip. Visit often.
I can’t pick a favorite song… But if you insist I’ll go with “Bodies” by Smashing Pumpkins (I know it’s old).
Late afternoon WOD: @185, 7 rounds flat.
Post wod accessory: 50lb db farmers walk, twice around the black mats. Had to stop twice.
Scaled this to fit in the needs of my strength cycle. So I did 5 rounds for time to keep it short. Did the weight RX’d at 240. Did it in 6:08. If my hands would not try to tear I would be faster. Also need to get better at cycling deadlifts at this weight quicker.
today 225lbs7 rounds + 1dl
Actually I used 245#. I always screw this stuff up.
Song:Freelance Whales: Generator 2nd Floor
Today i did two 130m sled drags with one Sam for loading.
6 rounds + (5DL, 3PU) @135, blueband.
I am tired.
Dan and I also got to visit with Charlie Scott today! (& Brian and Lo.. ;)). Fun times!
Couldn’t comment earlier because I was playing tour guide for my sister today. (She had a really great time in Laurel’s teaser class yesterday!) This is too sweet and it’s stuff like this that will make me miss you all so much! The BFS joke made me laugh, and Malcolm made me look so tough in that photo! I’m going to try and escape packing hell and make one more class before I go, and make you all do some tequila shots after, or during.
Thanks to everyone who came out to MD, it was really fun and I am glad you got a chance to meet Lamar and some of my Achilles buddies! (They’ll be down one volunteer now…hint hint.)
I apologize to Josh if my sister embarrassed you by telling everyone at the bar about your Strongman victory; she was genuinely impressed. Congrats to everyone who competed yesterday, you guys and gals rocked!
Posted earlier but it didn’t take for some reason…To all our strong people, great job!!! I agree with Shawn, however, that there’s a fix on in the system. First and third in both men and women and we get second over all??
Snip, so sad to hear you’re leaving us but very happy for you and your MFA program. We will hear from you, yes?
Songs that have recently caught my attention–Gogol Bordello – Harem in TuscanyMuse – Micro Cuts
Today, did the coach fox warmup:
jumping split squatswide stance gilly stretchtricep behind neck stretch
Then we worked on the clean rack to jerk rack transition. This was a new movement so I will definitely need more reps to drill it into my nervous system.
The wod was an amrap over 12 minutes of
5 dead lifts at 175# (rx’ed is 1.5x bodyweight, which for me would be about 225#)10 pullups
My pullups started to deteriorate in about the 3rd round. My grip gave out finally such that I fell off the bar with about 30 seconds to go. At that point I had 4 rounds, 5 dls and 8 pullups and a bit of a bruised back.
Coach fox helped me out with the ice pack, Thanks!
But I’ll be fine.
I ripped up my hands again though, just about as bad as Murph day. Dan R provided some tips on how to protect the hands. I don’t quite get how they managed not to destroy hands on that Helen-gone-wild event at the games.