David and Finn
Active Recovery with Coach Fox is back! Moving forward, A/R will be meeting every Tuesday evening at 6pm. Could your body use a little A/R TLC after the holiday weekend?
What is JacintoStorm?
For the past two years we've been honoring Jacinto with an annual birthday WOD named, "JacintoStorm". Each year one rep is added to commemorate the number of years Jacinto has been kicking ass. This year marks the 71st anniversary of full frontal awesome by Jacinto and we'd love for you to come and celebrate it with us.
Sunday, July 11th from 9am-12pm. If you'd like to WOD, please arrive before 10:15am. We'll start sending off heats at 9:30am.
Not only will we be working out, we'll be grilling too! Bring your favorite side dish (paleo-friendly) or choice refreshment.
The Workout:
This year's "JacintoStorm" is as follows:
For time:
Run 570 meters
71 Squats
71 Push-Ups
Pull-ups or Ring Rows
71 Wall Ball Shots, 20/14
Kettlebell Swings 1.5p/1p
71 Deadlifts 95/65
Run 570 meters
As always, multiple scaling options will be provided so that everyone can participate.
If you're coming and not a regular at CrossFit South Brooklyn, please email David(AT)CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com so that we know to expect you.
@Charlotte- really interesting article you posted yesterday. Curious to see where all this leads.
Hey folks, hope everyone had a great 4th. How late is gym open on a night like tonight? Thanks!
Open Gym runs unti 8pm.
Alright, I registered for the stupid 5k. Is anyone driving? Or do I get to find out just how dodgy the new Q train to Queens thing is?
@Joe as far as I know, the Q only goes to queens on weekdays. Weekends it deadends at 57th st, like always. I have no car, but if 4 of us split a black car it wouldn’t be more than $5 each. Or we can take the R to the N…
More importantly, Bohemian Hall (queens beer garden) opens at 12. What can we do to occupy ourselves between the end of the race and then?
Pfft. I’ll still be running at 12.
hey guys – this is Brian (curly hair) Z. i also just signed up for said 5k. Seems like no one is driving. i’ve never been to queens. can i go with you, whoever you are. I live around where crossfit is on atlantic ave. peace and love.
I say getting a couple cars (Arecibo?) and splitting the cost is best. I’ll look at who all is currently signed up this evening and shoot out some emails to try and pair folks together for rides.
Also, all city dwellers need this. genius in it;s simplicity!
Warm up was 12 minutes of handstand practice.
Then snatch work.
Warmed up slowly. 45 for a few sets of the snatch practice we have been doing. 75 for a few sets of doubles. 95, 105, 115. Then 120, 125, 130, 135F, 135F then a number of practice reps at 115 followed by 135PR.
These were likely my best snatches yet.
I am almost positive I am running 5k and driving either our big van or our small van. But I may also have 0 to 4 kids with me. Plan is still taking shape. (no jokes about family planning)
Fox mobility class is awesome! I it was tough, but I feel really, really good!
Made up the Chief today, damn I love that WOD.
RX: 5+3C/5/4+3C/4+2C/4+1C
Last time I did it we just counted completed rounds, so I capped a few of them and left time on the clock. This way was much tougher. Thanks Laurel for ushering me through it.
Really needed the Fox mobility class tonight. I don’t know when was the last time that I spent some quality time on my body. Let the jokes begin… 😉
Then did tomorrow’s lift and wod since I’ll miss it due to a softball game.
FSQ:(45×5, 75×5, 105×3, 125×2)135×4, 135×2, 130×5-Really wanted to do 135 for sets across, but it just didn’t feel right. Dropped down to last week’s weight and got them. Realized later that I was only supposed to do 3 reps, so I probably could have managed that. Oh well.
Wod: (spoiler alert!)-400m run, 21 FSQ-400m run, 15 FSQ-400m run, 9 FSQTime – 10:18 at 75lbs. (~60% of my 5rep)-Running after squatting is awful. The FSQ’s felt light. First round was 12,5,4. 2nd round in sets of 5, and last round unbroken. I might have been able to do them all unbroken, if it wasn’t 100 degrees. Big thanks to Joe for doing this with me and telling me not to put down the bar on that last set!
Snatched with Laurel and XMH, very fun. Although the snatch continues to elude me. Capped out at 78, my weight from last week–did lots of reps at 63 and 73 as well. One day I would like to snatch a weight I couldn’t actually muscle up.
Warmup was 12′ of handstands, lots of fun. Got a few magical weightless moments! I feel like Linus learning to stand on his feet. We can each hold it about the same amount of time…
carlos do you have room in your van? I’m great with kids.
Brian Z.