Brian S and the newest member of our community, Charles Irving
Congratulations to Ben Beifkraft on making the cover of Edible Brooklyn
Congratulations to Josh M on his first Muscle-Up yesterday and the completion of his Union Carpentry Apprenticeship.
The Subway Series, CrossFit Style!
Crossfit South Brooklyn, along with Crossfit Virtuosity, Crossfit Long Island City, and Crossfit Queens will be hosting a series of events this summer aimed at bringing out your competitive side. This is a great opportunity to visit our area's Crossfit gyms and meet some new people. The gym with the best overall score wins the Subway Series Trophy, and bragging rights for a whole year.
Although only athletes competing RX'd will qualify for gym scoring, all athletes are encouraged to participate and cheer on your fellow SBKers. There will be scaling options available.
Here are the event dates:
6/26 – @ CrossFit Long Island City
– @ CrossFit Queens
7/24 – @ CrossFit Virtuosity
7/31 – @
CrossFit South Brooklyn
So, travel to our outer borough buddies and bring it, South Brooklyn style !!!
What is your all time favorite video game?
I would like to thank you all for the well wishes and support these past two days. Charlie comes home today and will make an appearance at SBK as soon as mom approves.This community is a very important part of my life and I am honored to be part of it.Thank you all!
Jim says
Galaga. Is there any contest on this?
Deb says
Hell yeah! Galaga! My brother and I still can’t pass a machine without playing. I’m right there with ya Jim!
.DMG says
love galaga, but the star wars vector game, the cock pit version was… INSANE!! and my favorite. S
lovely 6am class this morning. decided to catch up on the missed front squat and the row/deadlift/burpee meatball from thursday. great idea!
WUfoam rollsamson stretchmountain climberdeep squat elbows on kneesdeep squat knees outleg swings
FSQ(45×5, 95×4 125×3)165x3x3
ROW/DL/BP madness16:12 rx’d.jumping over the bar was ridic! a very good one.
CDfoam rolllacross ball action.
Sarah says
I wasn’t much into video games earlier in life. These days I’m really into Mario Galaxy.
Noah says
Congrats Brian- don’t know how you made it through workouts with one eye on the phone and on on the bar…but I guess its good practice for being a dad.
CF Subway Series sounds awesome! Great idea for such a geographically small metro area with a number of affiliates.
I may be a bit younger than some, the video game industry had evolved considerably since Galaga…I humbly submit Toejam and Earl as best game ever.
David Osorio says
Street Fighter 2 and Mario Kart raised me for quite a few years.
David Mak says
Brian, congrats! He looks adorable and the proud papa adoration is very clear on your face.
Galaga, of course! Right on Jim and Deb.
Snip says
Mario Kart (I was always Yoshi) and a Coleco game where you dressed up a character, then placed him/her in different scenes.
So much awesome news on today’s page! I’m happy to see the nickname Ben Bierkraft caught on!
Apologies for my own shameless self promotion, but I have been nominated for a prestigious literary prize (not really) and the winner will be determined by popular vote. Check it out here:
Bethany says
What a beautiful baby, congrats Brian and Lorraine!
Hard to pick an all-time favorite… maybe a tie between Tetris and Super Mario Brothers 3!
Jeremy says
Hmm, in no particular order:
Grand Theft Auto 3 – It doesnt seem like as big a deal now, since 100 clones of it are released every year, but it defined a new era in games
Final Fantasy VII – best JRPG ever
Street Fighter II Championship Edition – Definitive version of the best beat-em-up ever
Super Mario 3 – Epic, still can’t believe they fit all that on to an 8 bit cartridge
Shadows of The Colossus – Beautiful, as much a piece of art as a video game.
Mike W says
Galaga. Centipede close. 6a.m. never disappoints. Congrats Brian. Babies are awesome.
Malcolm says
Favorite game hands down is Full Throttle. Includes the timeless line “That is not one of the many uses of meat.”
Anyone else catch the US/Slovenia game? Ref stole it from US.
Did some game theory analysis and US still advances if they beat Algeria unless England beats Algeria and then ties Slovenia. In which case it would be down to point spreads for determination of advancing.
Fox says
Really excited about the CrossFit Subway Series !!!
Fav game (in the arcade, kids) was Punch Out.2nd place – Asteroid.I always sucked at all of them though.
I miss you guys. Hope to be back soon.
Fox says
Congrats Brian and Lorraine !!!
Dan Rx'd says
I don’t have favorites, and “video games” is a little vague, so I’m making a distinction between arcade, home gaming, and computer gaming.
Arcade:I have fond memories of playing Centipede in the ice cream shop — where the better I did, the more it would melt. Didn’t take long to start ordering milkshakes instead.
Mrs. Pac Man – seems like every laundry shop has one, and I often stop and play when there’s time (or even if there isn’t).
The Vector Star Wars Game — the trench run was HUGE in my laundry mat when I was a kid.
Dragon’s Lair — amazing graphics, don’t know if many people know if this game, but it kicked ass and ate most of my quarters.
Console Games:ColecoVision: Donkey Kong Jr. Commedore 64: Dig Dug
NES: Adventures of Zelda and Metroid.
SEGA Master System: Shinobi, Phantasy Star
Amiga: marble madness Apple IIe: Load Runner, Oregon Trail
DOS: Zork, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Kings Quest Series, Secret of Monkey Island Series, Maniac Mansion, Day of the Tentacle, Wolfenstein, Star Wars: Tie Fighter, War Craft I and II
Windows: War Craft III, Star Craft, Unreal Tournament, Half Life, Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines.
Apple Macintosh: Marathon
OS X: Portal
XBox 360: Mass Effect 1 and 2 (totally addicted to this game, and can’t wait for 3).
Sony PS 3: Batman: Arkam Asylum, and the soon to be released Portal 2.
Ok – reach into the way back machine for these:
DefenderTail GunnerAsteroidsDig Dug
Charlie is home!
DEB says
Aw, Brian, let’s go way back to Pong and Atari Pitfall. Same year as Raiders of the Lost Ark. Never got the timing right jumping over the alligators.Welcome home Charlie!
Jenna says
I still have my atari 2600 with pitfall in case you want more practice, Deb!
welcome home Charlie!
Dan Rx'd says
@Brian: congratulations to you and Lorraine, can’t wait to meet the little one!
DEB says
No way Jenna! Maybe I can finally break through to the next level!
ShawnS says
Brian, congrats. Welcome to the CFSBK Dad’s club–just in time for Father’s Day!
My favorite home video game of all time are Tecmo Bowl and SUper Tecmo Bowl
My favorite Arcade game is Street Fighter 2
David Osorio says
I’m remembering now..
I also spent a lot of time playing Maniac Mansion, Oregon Trail, Super Marios Bros 3, Super Mario 64 and Battle Toads.
Nate S. says
Parlor: TempestPinball: Theatre of MagicComputer: NethackConsole: COD2 Modern Warfare
.DMG says
loved tempest. sinistar, joust, defender, centipede, narc, missile command…
Brian D. says
Can’t go wrong with Metal Gear Solid or the Super Smash Bro’s series. My college roomie and I played a lot of Left 4 Dead as well.
Joshua M. says
muscle-ups are awesome! Ive been dying to try them out, and now that i have i don’t want to get off the rings.
Oh man thanks guys for the congrats, oh and I actually got a “Golden Hammer”!
I didn’t know their were so many gamers at crossfit … i have to give props to Jeremy? i think, Shadow of the Colossus/Beautiful. but did you ever play ICO?
1st person shooter:GoldenEye 007HaloCall of Duty 4 MW
RPG:Final Fantasy VIIThe legend of dragoonXenogears
and so many more I don’t have time to name …
just want to say, “crossfit rocks”
Sam says
I should break out my high school cheerleading uniform for this, right?
Sam says
and REALLY… no one has mentioned Mortal Kombat once??????
Sameer Parekh says
Dragon’s Lair == lame
marble madness == rule
Charlie == awesome
subway series : domination