5 Rounds for max reps of:
There is no time component to this WOD.
you ever tried "Lynne" with strict pull-ups? How about ring push-ups
or dips instead of push-ups?
Post reps per round and style to comments.
compare to 1.03.10
Remember how cold it was the last time we did this?!
Tomorrow starts the beginning of new strength cycle!
Monday-Power Snatch
Wednesday-Front Squat
Thursday-Strict Press
Saturday-Front Squat
What training goals do you have for the upcoming month?
my rounds
training goals: to stop slacking.
Today was the first time I’ve used my left arm at the gym since sometime in March. It felt wonderful to row, do push-ups and KB swings. Not quite ready for pull ups yet.
Thanks to Coach Fox and David McGrath for turning me on to ART. Amazing stuff. One treatment and I’m able to use my arm. If you’ve pulled, torn or strained something ask one of us. (That means you, Levavi Brothers)
Great times today. The warm-up was fun, especially the rope climb and prowler pushing. Looking forward to doing more like these!
Frankie and I were partners, she rocked both the pushups and the pullups. Thanks so much for prodding me along with the pushups, Steph!
r1: 50 pushup, 11 pullupr2: 25 pushup, 7 pullupsr3: 18 pushups, 8 pullupsr4: 11 pushups, 6 pullupsr5: 13 pushups, 5 pullups
Total: 117 Pushups, 37 strict pull ups
Went for total failure each round, would often collapse to the floor mid pushup.
Last time was 126 pushups and 38 strict pull ups, but with less volume in the first round.
Followed this up with some handstand practice 3 rounds of 10 reps with 3 abmats. Working that limited range of motion was brutal.
Caught up with Dave, Nick, Charlotte, Sameer, and Ryan — all of who I’ve not seem much of. Hope to change that in the future
I enjoyed the warm up. Taking a higher volume warm up slowly made the work out feel better.
WOD:Pushups / Pullups40/1020/813/714/714/7Total = 101/39
Arms were jello after that first set of pushups.
Terrific warm-up today. It seemed like a lot at first but it was fun and I felt good going into the WOD. Pushing the prowler on our floor is nice – it is so much smoother than that damned parking lot in Albany. Lots of fun pushing Asta on the prowler – prowler chariot rides!
104 push-ups, 37 pull-ups.
Thanks Noah for pushing me on this – I did many more push-ups than I thought I could because you were coaching me through them. Felt pretty nauseated after the final round… no doubt a combination of having taken a fair amount of time off and having started drinking yesterday at 2:30 for the USA/England game.
60pushups31pullups–green band.
Fun warmups.
Only 6 more days left in my book, David,
indeed, the warm-up was fun.
pushups 37, 32, 25, 26, 28pullups 10, 8, 7, 7, 6
great 9am. thanks margie.
WU. a great one. lots of fun stuff.400m run25 hand 2 hand kb swing1 rope climbprowler push hi/lo 80lb15 jesus sit ups
WODgood working out with vincent.push ups – 30 25 20 21 23pull ups – 10 7 7 4 5
total – push ups 119 pull ups 33
Ok training goals:
Rotate into regular classes, beginning tomorrow. Work with Alex on psoas/hip issues. Will probably need extra GHD work and focus on anterior chain, which has been collapsing on me. Elbows up at the bottom of those front squats! The other main goal for me will be to build up my wind. I am pretty bad at metcons. Feels better to write it down. See you all tomorrow.
Month Goals-consistency-step up nutrition a bit-Work on getting my lower back and hams less tight.-Snatch 185 single-sprint work
Goal: be taken on more prowler chariot rides.
So sad to miss my Sunday crew. Sounds like you guys had a good one. I remember this WOD really burning me up in the 20 degree Lyceum.
Chris J – atta boy. Glad Dr Michael is getting you right.
Jim – can’t wait to see you in general population
Month goals.
Training – Snatch 135 effortlessly, get comfortable in my front squat rack, and do 30 muscle-ups for time
Diet – stop nickle and diming my otherwise 90% strict diet with wine and tequila. It seems lately like all I heard Robb Wolf say is “eat tacos and drink NorCal margaritas”…
Personal – (again) develop and maintain a meditation practice
Goal: regain use of left arm
Fun workout today, definitely fried my arms pretty solidly. Need to iron out my pushup form, my motion is all weird.
Fun play with the prowler and rope climbs. Now time to get back to “work.”
Over the next 30 days:
Do at least one bench mark workout a week.
Reduce 5K running time by 1 minute.
Continue to strengthen my shoulder girdle.
Complete 95% of the items on this list:http://crossfitoneworld.typepad.com/crossfit_one_world/the-one-world-rxd-checklist-challenge.html
Very fun day w/ Margie. Loved the warmup, although I wimped out on the rope climbs on account of wearing shorts.30/3, 21/3, 20/2, 19/2, 18/2. Total= 108 pushups, 12 pullups. Last time I did this with white band. I’m glad I stuck to strict, and was able to get 2 pullups in all of the later rounds. But I think a 9:1 ratio of pushups to pullups is kind of sad, so…One month goal: get 3×5 strict pullups. Also, work on chest/shoulder & hip flexibility. Dial down the diet. And get enough sleep! Got a magical 10 hours last night so I’m reset and ready to go.
@Fox: I just started meditating! Love it. want to stick with that, too.
Goals: (same as the first day of Foundations) Stave off Death.